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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. This is not about the Tactical Alerts, sorry for the possibly misleading title. Instead, I just wanted to make a brief suggestion about the normal alerts.


    Make Hijack, Interception and Hive Sabotage missions possible alert missions. Those missions are a lot of fun and I personally would want to play those as alerts as well.

  2. Mirage and Zephyr are my favorites.


    Yes.  Here is the Frame rankings for PvE:


    1. Trinity
    2. Loki
    3. Vauban
    4. Mirage
    5. Nova
    6. Nyx
    7. Rhino
    8. Mag
    9. Valkyr
    10. Nekros
    11. Volt
    12. Ash
    13. Excalibur
    14. Banshee
    15. Frost
    16. Saryn
    17. Ember
    18. Zephyr
    19. Hydroid
    20. Oberon


    Zephyr is an immortal tank, at least in Dark Sector PvP.



    The best warframe is the warframe that you have the most fun with.


    And he is asking on which Warframe are we having most fun with. You just seconded the OP, congratulations for posting a useless post!

  3. I'm sure this isn't the last time we'll see migration. This first pass felt like a testing period.


    Move to a more appropriate section.


    This. I guess DE will have to develop a way of migration with less exploits.

  4. So you want to post anything constructive or are you just going to take something out of context to have a laugh? 


    Talking about Primed Chamber on a topic about Primed Chamber is off-topic? Okay.



    Yea we seriously need a buff on sniper rifles, they are one of the most underpreciated weapons in this game, even I don't use it much since it has not a lot of value


    You won't ''buff'' the snipers by adding an another mod available for everybody. They still need some buffing on base stats, maybe extra headshot damage or something.


    I personally disagree with adding Primed Chamber back. Primed Chamber would make Charged Chamber pretty useless. Just use Charged Chamber.

  5. This would force people with poor connections to play ''dead'' missions solo, since they would be unable to sit in the lobby until somebody joins them.


    You can always change your own ping setting in the options to minimize the chance of joining a bad host. Also, make sure your region is correct in the options.

  6. Of course everything is easy if you use Brakk. What did you expect?


    We still have the first alert active, I'm sure that the next ones will be more challenging.

  7. I think it would be great to have a new system with higher level foes than those we already have (I'd say 40-50), just to add an always available choice to advanced players willing to do a random but challenging mission without wasting a void key. I feel like Pluto, Eris and Ceres don't fit those requirements anymore.

    In addition it would be cool if you had to unlock this system by achieving some kind of objective, or by mastery rank (just to make ranking worth something).

    What do you think about this?


    Yup. DE keeps releasing more and more powerful weapons but they forget to released more powerful enemies.

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