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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Nobody is reading the thread so I'll say it again.


    I am doing the alert and I'm willing to finish it.


    The issue is that the alert is incredibly repetitive and I will just lose my will to keep playing the game after I finish it. It's called "Burning out" I have better stuff to do than kill 200 hyenas and then kill more enemies just for the sake of farming after an incredibly boring and repetitive mission.


    I'm basically suggesting reduced grind and farming so that players will do other things rather than doing grindy limited time missions and then leaving the game until another limited time event happens or a major update happens.


    Welcome to Warframe, where literally EVERYTHING is repetitive.

  2. U14: ''The 'stacking' bug was fixed, capsules don't spawn instantly on activating a capsule if the level is full.''


    I can't see how that was a bug. Now we actually lose life support if the capsules are not activated almost instantly ;_;

    The life support drop rates from enemies and the enemy spawns are also terrible in Void.

  3. One core does not justify as a reward.


    That is your opinion. I do T4 missions purely for Rare cores. There are pack of 5 rare 5 cores. That, in my opinion, is much better than the other BS you can get from Void.

  4. One way of interpreting "Tactical" is having the knowledge to tackle certain challenges, by means such as...abusing the conclave system. But yeah it's pretty much broken, ie. Rhino.

    But then again, it's hard balancing everything when there are over 100 ish weapons and rising, a problem that plagues all F2P games.


    That is why DE should seriously consider balancing the already existing weapons before adding another new 100 weapons. The more they postpone the balancing, the more complaining there will be in the future, as well as the more work there is to be done to balance everything.

  5. Fun missions to complete, the Hyenas are challenging, dealing a lot of damage quickly if you are not careful. However, there are too problems in my opinion.


    I have yet to understand what the word TACTICAL is supposed to mean to DE. Now that we can completely unequip all but one weapon, those missions can be entered with maxed Warframe and one maxed weapons, making the missions almost similar to any other extermination mission. No real tactics needed.


    The second problem is the lack of balance, which ruins the point of the event. My Braton Prime with 5 Formas has conclave rating of 383. My Phage with two Formas has conclave rating of 255. My Phage deals double the DPS and is more ammo efficient. See the problem? That is only one of the COUNTLESS examples.

  6. 6 forma'd and potato'd. How can it suck? What do you have on yours, 8 forma? LOL.


    Edit: You can bring along LAtron P or any other primary. Or bring along a fully forma'd secondary like AkStilleto/AkBolto, rip everything. It's still not a gimp, it's not hard, it's just boring.


    5 Forma and Potato = 312 conclave



    I'm personally using Mirage (234 conclave) and Phage (255 conclave).

  7. DUDE RELAX I hated that you had to be 700C or less but it made it kinda difficult  especially when i started a mission with only the dragon nikana and one more thing that i hated was that it gave me 2 or 5 points to finish it they should fix that


    You get points equal to the Hyena kills.



    How do you gimp yourself?


    Mirage + Amprex + Dual Zoren [unmodded for copter] and nothing else = below 500 CC


    Kill everything in mission.


    You win.


    I hate the grind, but its not even a gimp. Smart players can be tactical and still be OP.


    Your Amprex must suck. My Amprex alone is over 300 CC.

  8. I did. And I hate that!


    Why do I have to gimp myself? Why did I even grind so much to get all this stuff?


    Not only that, but the mission was still way to easy. MY KARAK ONE SHOTTED EVERYTHING!

    And I don't want to play a numbers game before going into these missions.


    Played the mission twice and got 16 on my rating.. no thank you! I'm not even gonna bother with this.


    Quit crying.

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