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Posts posted by PeanutMonster

  1. Could people please stop whining before the change even happened, just wait til wednesday. Rifle and Pistol Ammo isn't that rare and one pickup would give you max ammo, so yeah just wait and see, if it realy will break those weapons gameplay wise DE will fix that.


    Torid's damage is nowhere near to the damage of Penta or Ogris. I have 5 Formas installed on my Torid and still my Ogris without a single Forma does better. Nerfing the ammo capacity of Torid to 20 makes no sense to me.

  2. Why does Grakata get so much love? My Amprex and Embolist could use a bigger magazine as well :>


    The playstyle of launcher is to stay back and shoot from a safe position because, you know, if they blew up in your face you die.

    You didnt not move from that spot until you cleared the area. Now with low ammo it means that you NEED to more forward to look for ammo even if an area is not clear putting yourself in danger not only from the enemy but yourself if you decide to engage at close range.


    Launchers seem to have become disposable weapons that only come into play at certain times when you finally get their ammo back.


    And that is why you have a secondary weapon.

  3. So far only the Fragor has decent crit and works decent with Berserker, but I don't think this should be the only element. More things could be done other than slapping crits, which is one of the most overused meta so far. I won't be against that, but I don't want this to be the only alternative. The problem goes much further than that.


    DE could also slap those useless status chances on every weapon, if you aren't happy with crit chance increase.

  4. Or do you have an alt name FILIPINO FISH and I called it a ridiculous name that angers me because of caps?


    That was just an example. I think you fail to see the point of this thread, and I would like to advice you to just leave. This is a feedback section, which means we should be able to give feedback about various things in this game without getting insulted by somebody like you.

  5. Why punish FILIPINO FISH (making his name noticeably FLLLPLNO FLSH) for your inability to use the ui how it was intended?


    I think you completely misunderstood my suggestion. I did NOT suggest to make everything be written in capital letters. I only suggested to make the capital letter I look a little bit different.


    And by they way, this section is made for giving feedback on various things in this game. It is not made for insulting other people.

  6. It wouldn't be just the host's rating. I played a game with some friends who just started out (I wasn't host), and my modding on Lato+Oberon made Vor level 30. Conclave rating for the whole group would explain that. Man, as horrible as I felt for making that fight happen and confusing/scaring them all, it was pretty hilarious.


    I think Vor caps at 30. It could be the highest conclave rating in the squad or something, but it should be the average conclave rating in the squad.

  7. I also fail to see where you could misconstrue the two in anything other than a name.


    Imagine if somebody's name was ''FILIPINO FISH''. There are (at least) 24 different ways of writing that using different combinations of capital I's and lower l's. Good luck whispering to that guy.

  8. Bosses scale with players now. If you and your team bring in better gear/mods, then the bosses will be higher leveled. That causes an issue when a bunch of players bring in weaker equipment but the cumulative Conclave (which I am assuming it scales off of) is enough to boost its level past what the players can handle. Jackal has been fine for me lately (nothing over-the-top, and I'm loving the scaling), but it's also a boss I've killed probably a thousand times.


    Pretty much, bosses can be harder in groups. Prepare for the fight, learn how to target/counter the boss, and work together.


    Also, if Jackal just stands there and launches wave after wave of missiles, then there might be a problem. I have only seen him launch a few barrages since U14, so it might just be a bug.


    Bosses scale with the host's conclave rating and amount of the players in the squad, as far as I know. This is very bad for new players, because they might face a level 40+ boss if the host is a experienced player with maxed gear.

  9. I l


    Please, somebody tell me what's the difference between capital 'I' and lower 'l' in the chat. It's very annoying when using the chat commands /w and /invite when I seriously cannot tell those two letter apart.


    Capital 'I' should look like this:




    And lower 'l' should look like how it currently looks.

  10. My favorites are Bronco Prime and Sicarus Prime. Of course Brakk is better than Bronco Prime at close distances, but the Bronco series don't suffer from damage falloff.


    I like the Marelok and Akstileto. Don't have the Brakk yet, but I'm sure I'll put a tater on it.


    I always fail to understand why people like Akstiletto so much. AkZani, Afuris and Twin Vipers all deal higher DPS than Akstiletto.

  11. If you're going to White Knight for DE, save your breath.


    So you are ready to only hear one said of the argument? You sir, are a coward.


    Anyway, I usually throw around 40-70€ on f2p games, because the developers need support and that's usually the price range of new games nowadays.

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