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Posts posted by Probably_Asleep

  1. On 2023-08-29 at 10:05 PM, NecroPed said:

    I'm not sure if this is account based, I'm really not sure (just putting some info out from my point of experience) but I think it might just be browser based (like stored cookies or the functions of the webpage still functioning without an active connection to an account or something), I get notifications on my PC on pages I've left open after viewing the notification on my phone, which should surely clear the notification since I am still currently logged in on mobile, it has cleared the notification on my mobile, I have not been logged out of mobile, so as far as my account is concerned, the notification is gone and has worked perfectly fine. But, upon returning to my PC hours later, I have the notification, and haven't been logged out on PC, but upon refreshing the browser my notifications become updated to what they were currently showing as on my phone. I'm no expert, but I feel like it could just be from cookies or something, like the websites code functions without the connection to the account because the information/code to notify you is still technically there in the webpage.

    That would (at least to me) indicate that the website on the browser side isn't "checking in" with the server. I mean, it obviously does to an extent because an active session will notify you when interactions happen. But based on what you're saying it looks like it checks for additions to events without checking for subtractions from events.


    On 2023-08-30 at 10:39 AM, quxier said:

    I think it's more like they set cookie when you log in with end date but don't care to check it unless you do certain action like posting.

    I think that's a good assessment. I can see that.


    On 2023-08-30 at 11:07 AM, Tiltskillet said:

    That's exactly it.   I'm on PC, so all the console subforums are view-only for me.

    Thanks! Kind of weird, but at least that's an answer. I guess it sort of makes sense, but I'd personally think it would be more informative to have threads open to everyone. The bug report sections on new releases like Duviri are platform-agnostic for that very reason. ...Actually now that I'm writing it out, I realize that the new releases are after Cross-Play, whereas the more classic bug report system was included in the forums before Cross-Play.

  2. 1 hour ago, quxier said:

    I don't think it's "notification getting updated while logged out". It's just this forum is VERY BAD and just for some reason log out you at random times. I've been logged out while writing post. It's BAD standard for free software... which Invision isn't (a free software). I've been posting/answering about "login issues" or other stuff for ages but those are ignored (how could you call it?).

    I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing website weirdness. I could see it being something like the website "forgets" to log me out and then shows me my notification info when I first get back on, and then as soon as I interact with that UI it's like: "Hey! Aren't you supposed to be logged out?"

    I was worried that it might be something like the site stores a session cookie on my client, and the server can use that session token for some API calls even after it's supposedly expired. But only when certain endpoints get called does the token's expiration date actually get evaluated and deleted on the server. (Because if that's the case, then someone could start to experiment with what endpoints are and are not locked by authentication and potentially find a way to query server data without requiring valid or traceable credentials)

  3. 1 hour ago, NecroPed said:

    Yep, I don't think its an issue with being banned because I have experienced this with other posts and its always console posts when it happens for me. So there's definitely something going on, I'm just not sure if its a simple issue. 

    Very interesting. Thanks for the info!

  4. 1 hour ago, NecroPed said:

    I always assumed it was because of the platform the account is linked to, since bugs are often system specific. But seeing that post theres an xbox account commenting there so I'm not sure now. 

    I can still comment there too and checked some playstation posts and I could comment so my assumption doesn't seem to be correct 


    You can post on it!? Okay now I'm really weirded out. I don't think my account is banned (I started this thread after all).

  5. Okay so two things:

    1. There's a thread that I told VibingCat I would respond to, but I can't post there. I'm mainly curious more than anything else, does anyone know why some threads are un-respondable? Here's the thread:Am I the only one that can't post here? Or is it locked down entirely? I'm wondering if it's because it's a PC Bug Report and my account is through the Nintendo Switch platform.

    2. This has been bothering me for a while now, but has anyone else noticed that your notifications get updated even when you've been logged out? Let's say you post something on a Friday and then close the browser, you get auto-logged-out by Saturday, someone quotes you on Sunday, and then you look at the forums again on Monday.
      1. You'd think, under that scenario, that you wouldn't see the "someone quoted you" notification icon on Monday, right? You're logged out after all.
      2. But I can see it. I can see that I've got new notifications and only after I try to follow the link am I asked to log back in.

    #2 may seem like it doesn't matter. I mean, who cares if you get some account data leaking through after you've been logged out? But it's concerning for two reasons:

    1. While very unlikely, there are still some situations where someone might see this as a violation of privacy. (The following is strictly hypothetical and to my knowledge has not happened) Let's say you have a couple who both play Warframe and share a family computer. Now let's say that one of the members of that couple has betrayed the trust of the partner by showing too much interest in another player on Warframe. The couple fights, they reconcile, and the betrayer promises to stop communicating with the other player. Then the betrayed hops on the family computer and sees that the betrayer (who was sure they had logged out) got a notification that the other player has quoted them or sent them a private message. A new fight begins. Wouldn't the betrayer feel like the website let them down in that case? Shouldn't a log out be the end of availability for all personal information, regardless of how insignificant that information may seem?
    2. There has to be some level of authorization allowed between the browser and the website server for this information to get served back to the client. If I were a White-Hat hired to perform a Pen-Test on this website, I'd cite the leakage of account-locked information being made available to an unidentified user as a potential vulnerability that Black-Hats would be interested in probing further.
  6. Okay, it's time to bring this to 900. I've finally made it to Mastery Rank 24, and I'm really running low on easy(ish) things to get MR points from. I've got a few more companions, most of the Kuva/Tenet weapons, and maybe a couple Dojo weapons, but that's it. After that it's all Prime parts and low-percentage blueprint/component drops. I just got the Acceltra and the Ambassador yesterday, but I've literally spent the last 6 hours trying to get the Alternox blueprint and struck out every time. Even if I'm determined and get 1 dropped weapon blueprint (+components) per day, that still means I'm going to be looking at around 120 days before I get enough weapons to make it co MR 27. And after that I really don't know where else to get the points. I'll just keep trudging along, but it's looking like MR 30 is going to easily take me into 2024 or even 2025. (Assuming mankind hasn't wiped itself out by then) And with that upbeat note, Lotus Lines 891-900:

    • "Why does everyone leave giant chunks of raw materials lying around their ships!? These kids just don't know how to clean up their own messes! It drives me insane!"
    • "Quinn was saying that he doesn't want you to be too reliant on your Warframe but... I think you kind of ought to be, honestly. The Exergis was designed to be fired by Corpus standing nearly 2 meters tall! What do you think is going to happen if an Operator fires it? And don't even get me started on Arch-Guns!"
    • "I'm curious how the Angels know when the Reliquary Drive is being targeted, but not yet damaged. It seems like future possibilities can stimulate their senses."
    • "The Angels of Zariman are susceptible to attacks that disable Robotic enemies. Really makes you start to question everything, doesn't it?"
    • "Do you think I can never get a boyfriend because I don't take this visor off? I thought guys didn't really care about eyes."
    • "You didn't use a single Life Support module that I sent you. I'd be hurt, but I'm too awestruck by how cool you were."
    • "Warframe charge you Affinity to revive because they're embarrassed about their failures. See, Affinity is a metric for Tenno experience, so by taking Affinity away it's like the Warframe is telling you: 'I will revive, but only if we both agree to forget what just happened.'"
    • "I charge credits when you consign a companion to me because I need to get it ready for adoption. Shots, collars, stuff like that. I'd pay for it myself, but this way it's like you're sending it off with love."
    • "An Orokin wouldn't normally ask himself if he was the original; they were too arrogant to even think that way. The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to believe that Albrecht actually did stay on the other side of the wall. Everything we've seen from that one has been more more characteristic of an Orokin."
    • "A Tenno with greater than 100% accuracy is probably not all that accurate. Remember, numbers may not lie, but people can still lie with numbers."
  7. I'm so close to 900! I'm only 12 installments away from 1000. Definitely going to accomplish this before MR30. With that, let's move on with Lotus Lines 881-890:

    • "I'm an innie. I could have chosen to be an outie, but Margulis was an innie and I just got used to it. I tried out the other side for a while but I was just too aware of it."
    • "The Orbiter and Railjacks had the same design team. That's why they can connect in space. I hear there was talk of making them modular the same way that the Landing Craft is with the Orbiter, but that idea was scrapped because of the FTL nature of the Railjack."
    • "You've got to hand it to Orokin engineering. Those elevators work even despite the infestation corroding it for generations. Of course, it's not like the Orokin built it themselves."
    • "Personally I love when you run Invasions. I mean, we'd have probably got around to doing the same thing anyway, but this way we get free support and our enemies have to pay us for it! That's why I always let you know when I've got more Invasion contracts lines up for you."
    • "I know I've mentioned that Sentient can consume raw materials; that's how an individual Sentient can eventually become a spacefaring vessel. But the larger you get, the more of your intellect has to go toward managing your structure. I don't want to stop being me."
    • "I let people know when you're on your way. It's not like Eudico is always sitting on that chair."
    • "Nobody seems to like my fashion sense nowadays, but I still love this style! There's something so alluring about the dichotomy of a skin-tight layer adjacent to free-flowing elements. I'm just going to wait this one out until fashion rolls back around."
    • "Putting Lua into the void was not easy. If it were, I'd have done it for all the planets and planetoids in the Sol system after the Old War."
    • "How do you think I'd look if I had Kavat ears? Not committing or anything! Just thinking about it..."
    • "Uh oh..." ... "Oh! Okay false alarm. We almost had to evacuate the Dojo. It's fine! Don't ask."
  8. For the first time in the history of Warframe, it's possible to get to MR30 with a starter frame only. (Including the Prime variant as well as Excalibur Umbra which is added automatically) Only 3 Warframes contributing MR points: Mag, Mag Prime, and Umbra. (You could also do it with Volt or Excalibur, but I'll let someone else have those titles) The rest can come from weapons, missions, companions, etc. I've been waiting for this since I began playing over 500 days ago! I've got a lot of weapons I need to max and toss, but it's still very exciting. Now the question is what happens first: me reaching 1000 Lotus Lines? Or me reaching MR30 as an All-Mag player. Well, today I'll move the needle closer on both, starting with Lotus Lines 871-880:

    • "I have my doubts that Baro Ki'Teer is actually venturing into and out of the void. Considering the effect the void has on an adult mind, it seems highly unlikely. That said, I still can't uncover how he's getting the goods that he sells."
    • "That's nice of you to open the other prison cells even after you secured the Rescue Target, but don't feel the need to put yourself through extra risk! My intelligence is quite reliable. I'm confident I'd know if there were multiple allies at that facility."
    • "Have you noticed on Sabotage missions that the Heat Cell can be inserted in the same socket on Grineer vesells, but needs a different socket on Corpus? That's because Corpus have increase safety protocols. It doesn't mean they care about safety, it's just that accidents are expensive."
    • "The Infestation would become dormant if we just left them alone long enough. It really annoys me that our enemies just keep sending more troops in to feed their numbers. Just how territory-hungry can they be!?"
    • "The immune system within Kavats are borderline miraculous. The infestation has had all the time in the world to assimilate them on Orokin Derelicts without success. Some scientists even believe that Vulpaphyla formed as an imitation of Kavats, as though the infestation itself is impressed by them."
    • "There wasn't a Narmer movement that I was aware of back in Tau, but I've been out of contact with my people since the Old War. I imagine it formed within the power gap left after Hunhow's defeat. Erra must have done his best to hold things together all by himself, but clearly there was hidden factionalism."
    • "The Exploiter Orb makes me sick. There should be nothing like a MOTHER'S love for her CHILDREN. Not the other way around. A mother's job--and her joy--is to become unnecessary; to produce children that can stand as adults."
    • "That" ... "I'm sorry it's just" ... "Okay, as long as I'm looking away I can keep it together. Your weapon is just so funny looking. What's that one called? The 'Shedu,' is it? What exactly does 'she do' with it? Pfft! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Something about that weapon just lowers my resistance to humor."
    • "Do you want to hear a Mimic joke? Okay: 'What's the easiest biologic to imitate? An inanimate one.' We have a dark sense of humor..."
    • "My quota for Extermination Missions is set to collapse a facility or encampment. Every facility can maintain a certain level of casualties and still be operational, but there hits a point where the labor shortage is impossible ignore. That's why I occasionally adjust the quota as I see more of the infrastructure."
  9. Not too long since my last post. I remember I started the Lotus Lines just because I wanted some way of keeping this idea alive. I still do want Lotus inside the Dojo (and new missions/rewards associated to it), but this has grown into something much more than just a fan concept. In generating these remarks I've come to understand that Warframe is either one of two things. Firstly, it's either a mess of unrelated content slapped into the game with little to no consideration for narrative integrity and serious world building. Secondly, it could instead be seen as a smorgasbord of interesting concepts just waiting to be sewn together into a beautifully complex quilt of storytelling. I have preferred the latter, but that's always been my preference. My friends like to look for plot holes, and I like to brainstorm ways to fill them. With that self-affirmation, it's time for Lotus Lines 861-870:

    • "Landing zones like Tenno Relays will open up new docks and common areas depending on the traffic. For some reason though, Tenno seem to have a superstition against landing at or above the seventieth zone."
    • "Oh you have a 'Murex Pearl!' Or that's what we Tauvians call it, anyway. I guess you Originians call it 'Anomaly Shards.' They form naturally in Murex during growth and healing, but we think they're beautiful."
    • "Cephalon Cy has been giving me the cold shoulder ever since he learned I'm a Sentient. I can't blame him, but I figure I'll charm him with some paradoxes and riddles. Cephalons can't resist a good puzzle."
    • "Perhaps you've wondered why Grineer choose to clone both male and female soldiers despite their infertility. It's a morale boost for one thing, but there are also practical advantages within each sex. The Corpus tend to lean more on standardization, but ironically the Grineer 'clones' excel at getting the most from diversity."
    • "Female Grineer don't like wearing skull-guards, and they always hear about how it leaves them more vulnerable. But personally, I'd also rather be shot than wear a big ugly mound on my shoulders."
    • "All Warframes have the capacity to evolve their abilities and stats, but not all choose to do so. Some want to train you to overcome weakness, while others want to protect you from even the slightest scratch. They all love their Operators, but each one will express it differently."
    • "I'm surprised you don't run into Kahl much during your missions. Kaelli and I don't really coordinate our missions, so you'd think there would be accidental intersections. I'm just glad your Warframes are able to prevent friendly fire."
    • "The honest truth: I let Little Duck run your Disruption Missions because of that incessant pulsing sound from the Demolishers. I keep thinking I still hear it for days afterward. Drives me up the wall!"
    • "Roller Sentries are better than standard Grineer Rollers in almost every way, but hardly any Grineer use them! People just like using what they're used to using."
    • "As a Female Sentient, I have the potential to become a spacefaring vessel. Because of this, the concept of Ramsleds make me very uncomfortable. Just hearing the alarm while reviewing your battle logs makes me tense up and forget to breathe."
  10. I've been thinking for a while what I'd like to do after I reach 1000 Lotus Lines. One thought I have is putting all of these lines (as well as all of her legitimate quotes) into an AI algorithm and then start posting my favorites from interacting with her through that script. I seems like it would be a fun project and I could toss it into a GitHub Pages site or something for others to enjoy it. (I'd have to make a whole account for something like that though...) My other thought is to pick a new thing to start brainstorming, like the various ways Lotus could level-up through this system and consequently assist you better during missions. (That would be much more valuable to the actual mechanics of this idea, but that would probably only include a few extra posts) None of this really matters yet, however! First I need to get to 1000 Lotus Lines! And for that, here are 851-860:

    • "You can tell a lot about a Tenno by their mobility choices. Sprinters love control, while Bullet-Jumpers love skill. And then there's you, who just saunters casually through missions."
    • "If you're having trouble recruiting people into your Clan, there are two routes you can take. The first is just to stop caring and work on your own goals; people are attracted to the ones that have no need of them. The second strategy is to throw concerns over appearances out the airlock and just beg people."
    • "You've mastered all the Glaive weapons we know about! Glaives has been around since before the Orokin! But despite that seniority, they're still mysterious weapons that defy many scientific predictions."
    • "Do Warframes think for themselves? Umbra aside, that topic has been debated for a while. The 'pro-vessel' side says that they're built and controlled, so of course not. The 'pro-partner' side says that stories like those of Protea and Yareli wouldn't make sense if a Tenno Operator was controlling them. What do you think?"
    • "Don't feel too bad about your alt-universe deaths. There are also alt-universes out there where you have wealth, talent, and friends. You should feel just as sorry for yourself as you should feel proud of yourself."
    • "Before you go thinking that Ordis only likes you because he's programmed to like you, let me assure you that Cephalons can only be programmed with knowledge and obedience. The opinions they have about that knowledge, and the feelings they have about their orders, those are entirely their own."
    • "Interesting color combination! It's... um... Oh! I bet Ordis really loves it!"
    • "You've never seen me jogging around the Dojo, have you? I like to go for a run first thing after I wake up. I love the exercise, but I have to ignore the eerie feeling of these vacant echoing walls."
    • "The one Sentient thing I can't just 'Mimic away' is my sense of taste. I can simulate organic taste buds and enjoy various 'people foods.' But I still see things like Ferrite and think: 'Mmm! That looks like a chunk with high purity!' You can take the girl out of Tau, but you can't take the Tau out of the girl."
    • "I've stopped saying things like: 'I am going to swear off guys from now on!' People remember those sorts of resolutions and just love throwing it back in your face later."
  11. Not quite a week, but I have definitely put this off too much. I've been on the forum quite a lot this last week, but I was focused on other threads. That said, let's go! Lotus Lines: 841-850:

    • "Newer Tenno often think there's no 'aim-gliding' equivalent within the melee, but that's not exactly true. Pulling backwards on your Warframe while attacking with melee will slow your descent and let you perform aerial combos."
    • "I have been waiting for you use a fan weapon! Doesn't it make completing missions a breeze? Nailed it!"
    • "Infested release toxic spores on Survival Missions, right? But do you ever see the one releasing it? What if there's an intelligent Infested that not only stays hidden, but also knows why you're there?"
    • "You've seen Little Duck's face!? Were you stunned? I was expecting something more like Nef Anyo without the facial hair."
    • "I'm reading a romance novel. Want to hear a line from it? 'Right there, Comrade! Staunch my wounds!' I mean, wow! This author knows, you know?" ... "What's with you? You look like you've heard those words before."
    • "Ballas has been on my mind lately. Not like that! I just wonder why he was so different from the typical Orokin. He truly loved Margulis, to whom he should have seen as vastly inferior. I always suspected that Continuity corrupted their minds, but maybe they really were just that arrogant and evil."
    • "Did I catch you eyeing my swivel chair? It's top of the line! I may skimp on some things, but never swivel chairs! The shock absorber has enough power to be a single-round Spirex pointed right between your cheeks. Always, always, always by quality swivel chairs."
    • "Binary processors cannot achieve true causality-defying sentience because they only evaluate for the general absence or presence of a matter state. To truly be a 'soul,' you need a processor that is influenceable to subatomic properties or energy. Organic brains and Sentient cores are two known examples."
    • "How can you tell a female Sentient apart from a male Sentient? No, I know how I can tell! I meant how are you doing it? I'm curious."
    • "I tried inserting a Warframe Mod into myself. Not a great plan; I barely made it to the restroom. I think it was the 'Intensify' Mod? Maybe it's because my abilities are not 'Warframe abilities,' but the thing that got intensified is something that should never be intensified suddenly."
  12. Once in a while, this becomes available:

    • Lotus Announces a "Double Affinity Weekend" (x2)
    • You acquire or buy an Affinity Booster (x2)
    • You hang out in a relay long enough for someone to grant an Affinity Blessing via the True Master's Font (x1.25)

    So the Affinity Booster and Blessing are obviously more available, but the Double Affinity Weekend isn't something you have any control over. It's a "stars align" happenstance that all stacks into 500% affinity gain. (If you also bring a Smeeta and it happens to do an Affinity Charm on your way to an outpost then you've got 1000%, but it's best not to waste time waiting for your Kavat)

    When it does happen though, I found that taking an outpost on Fortuna was enough to max out my Necramech level. (Going in and out of Orb Vallis is faster than a Railjack Mission, at least for me) It wasn't hard to max out the two mechs 5 times each within the 3 hour Affinity Blessing.


    My personal recommendation then is to just wait until Lotus announces another Double Affinity Weekend, visit a Relay (be sure to thank the MR30 person) and then go crazy for 3 hours getting your Necramechs and Nemesis weapons upgraded.

    And in the meantime, farm Forma so you're ready for the Affinity binge.


    I'm hoping with Tennocon 10 around the corner that we might have a Double Affinity Weekend in August.

  13. If you're as far Jupiter, then there's a Disruption Mission that is a good place to get some mobility mods:
    Aero Vantage (Your Aim-Glide is 3 seconds by default, this makes it 5.7 seconds)
    Motus Signal (x2 to your Double-Jump height)

    And then this one is a little further, on a Sabotage mission within Uranus:
    Patagium (Makes you float rather than descend while aim gliding)

    All the way at the end of the Star Chart you can do Arbitration missions, which includes this awesome aura mod:
    Aerodynamic (Much more powerful than Aero Vantage, adds a flat 6 seconds to your Aim-Glide)
    EDIT - Wait, this is an Aura Mod! I've never tried this, but if everyone on the squad used this along with Aero Vantage and Coaction Drift, then everyone on the squad would have 37.44 second Aim-Glide durations and 78.2897% Damage-Reduction while floating.
    EDIT2 - If you combined a full squad of Aerodynamic+Coaction with Borreal's Anguish and Borreal's Hatred, wouldn't that make everyone in the squad invulnerable? Has anyone tried this? It would look silly but basically you'd have a Crouching Tiger squad.


    In my opinion these are all niche mods and I rarely build anything day-to-day with them, but I absolutely love having them for special circumstances (like MR Tests). If you're a Wisp main though then I would assume you'd like these mods even more.

  14. 1 hour ago, Kmykzy said:

    Basically ng+ combined with story mode for the entire game. Pretty nice role-playing.

    You get it! Kmykzy gets it.

    1 hour ago, Kmykzy said:

    I didn't start that long ago either, just after fortuna was introduced

    Oh wow you've been able to experience a lot!

    • Fortuna
    • Disruption (it was either this or Dog Days, Update 25 didn't have a lot... I guess Gauss actually... he's pretty popular)
    • Kuva Liches
    • Railjack
    • (Update 28 didn't seem all that eventful, the Granum Void was added; I love Protea's Dispensary, but that wouldn't become available to other frames until...)
    • The Helminth
    • Epitaph (Sisters of Parvos also came in Update ~30, but the Epitaph was the first secondary weapon I actually liked)
    • (Then at Update 31, I came in...) The New War

    You weren't kidding when you say it was a great ride! I took all of these things for granted; I worked toward each of them at some point, but I knew of their existence right away. I bet it must have been a thrill seeing them announced and introduced!

    The first release I got to see introduced was Zariman. I wasn't crazy about it initially, but then Veilbreaker made me appreciate it much more. Zariman was a pure Warframe update. More of what makes Warframe Warframe got added in that one. Veilbreaker on the other hand made me nervous that the game was moving in a less Warframe-y direction, and Duviri has increased those worries.

    I'll agree that things have felt different recently. I wonder if you're feeling less inclined to forgive bugs because deep down you feel like the developers of today don't understand what made you fall in love with the game in the first place. I hope you'll at least keep an eye on the update announcements though. Maybe they'll announce a new planet on the Star Chart with its own Junction, quests, and new mission types. Or perhaps they'll finally let us fight Fass and Vome on Deimos! They could even open up a different System, like letting us finally bring the fight to the Tau system. I hope they do something worthy of your return.

    • Like 2
  15. I just checked. and I'm at 1551 hours. The experience has been very entertaining for me, but that's mainly because I've been playing with a handicap since day one. I've been using my starter frame (later upgraded to prime) and have made sure not to play a single mission or register a single kill with any other frame.*


    * - My Mag has 10.6%, Mag-Prime is 86.9%, Excal Umbra is 0.0%, and every other frame is grayed-out on my profile; Somehow that only adds up to 97.5% and I'm unsure where the other 2.5% is coming from. My Warframe-based MR points is 18,000, so I know I haven't done anything with the other frames. While I have built other frames, the only time I spent with them was walking them from the Arsenal to the Helminth. Maybe the Operator counts in this stat? I'd love to know hear if anyone has a theory on where the 2.5% is coming from.

    This has given me a "hero's journey" playthrough that has required a lot of problem solving, skill building, and experimentation, but I've completed all missions.*


    * - I do still have some content I'm working on. I'm 9 dots away from a full Vazarin, which is my last un-maxed school. I'm also 3 scenes away from obtaining all offerings from both New Loka and Perrin Sequence before I can change to another pair of Syndicates. Other than that I'm just farming weapons at my leisure hoping to get all the way up to MR30 one day. With Update 33, there are now enough weapons for me to get there, and I'll be the first person in history (probably) to reach MR30 with only Mag, Mag Prime, and the quest-forced Excal Umbra contributing MR points). The first "True Mag Master." --Actually there may be some exclusive weapons I can't get, so it may take a few more updates.

    EDIT: I forgot I'm also trying to farm all the frames to put them in Helminth. I believe that because Mag can have those powers within the rules of the game that it still counts as True Mag Mastery. I think I have like 6 or 7 more to get for that.

    (None of my backstory is actually all that important to my question, so I hid it in spoilers. I only included it to say why I still enjoy playing)

    Because my journey has only been going on for around 1.5 years, I've missed some big releases. So my question is out of genuine curiosity:
    How does Update 33 (Duviri) stack up to Update 27 (Railjacks)?

    I started mid-December 2021 (right after the release of New War). Can you narrow down what content or events you feel started to chisel down your patience for Warframe? Thanks!

    • Like 1
  16. Someone at my workplace thought it would be a good idea to schedule a meeting 2 hours earlier than when I usually wake up. Not thrilled about that, but the meeting is over and now I have some time for coming up with some Lotus Lines! (That exclamation mark has a slight tinge of sarcasm flavoring it) Okay, let's get to 831-840:

    • "You have a Railjack!? Where did you even find this? I haven't seen one of these in so long. So what did you choose for a name?" *Gasp* "That's... so you."
    • "Managing Tenno is a lot like caring for Kavats. Be it special missions or special treats, it's so hard not to keep feeding something that's SO cute and loveable. But--painful as it is to say 'no' to such a kissable, squeezable face--I need to balance instant gratification against long-term health."
    • "Kuva Liches all seem a little... narcissistic, don't they? They're always acting like they have some deep relationship with you and that all you ever do is think about them."
    • "Technically, Liches and their Thralls shouldn't be considered a part of the 'Grineer' faction. They don't necessarily care about your mission objective, and they're not taking orders from the 'Queens.'"
    • "Do you think relationships have to be 'evenly' consensual? Like if--and I'm just hypothesizing here--I happened to have double the consent, but my partner has none, then wouldn't the 'total consent' still be the same? That would definitely make things eas--hey! Why are you looking at me like that!?"
    • "I'm glad you respect the 'no running' rule in public places. A Warframe slamming full speed into a normal civilian would be a medical emergency."
    • "I can relate to Ordis' feelings toward the Helminth. Mind you, I have nothing against the Helminth! I think he's kinda neat. But I relate to having someone around that disgusts you, but being unable to get rid of them. OH! Off topic, but Maroo has another Ayatan mission lined up for you."
    • "If we ever do get this system free of all dangers, then I think Garuda and Valkyr should start a massage therapy business together! Something tells me they would get a lot of customers."
    • "We usually assume that Warframes were born out of a single person's shattered mind. But I think Equinox must have been two people. While some theories speculate it was a single person with a dissociative disorder, I don't buy it. Multiple identities can inhabit one brain, but Equinox needs two separate sets of neuroptics."
    • "Sabotage missions generally have the biggest impact among the mission types. A few Tenno undoing months of construction, thousands of manhours, and millions of credits, in only a few minutes. That's the kind of thing that terrifies soldiers and admirals alike."
  17. On 2023-07-18 at 5:46 AM, FishMcCool said:

    Nothing fancy. Just the Tenora Prime with increased fire rate per shot. Brrrrrrrrrr go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

    Then vulnerability per shot, extra hit on shots, toxin on headshot, increased damage on headshot, double crit, all add to the fun, but really, it's all about this fire rate cranked up to 11. You gently caress that shoot button and whatever was in front (and behind it, because punch through) just ate 80-150 bullets. It's not ammo efficient, but it's beautiful. 🥲

    I love the "Down-home country cookin'" feel of starting out your post with "Nothing fancy," contrasted next to talking about toxic guns and headshots.


    2 hours ago, (NSW)fonglis said:

    Nukor (and all beam weapon btw) can be really savage with decree. The only problem is ammo. With the ammo droprate on the circuit it's easy to run out of ammo.

    I'm too old to say this but: Facts

    • Like 1
  18. I'll credit NovaUmbral for some Vor insight. I was just listening to Vor's long speech and thought: "I bet there's a Lotus Line in here somewhere..." And then on YouTube today I see that he made a video yesterday about Vor. Fascinating stuff! And definitely something Lotus Line worthy in there. I usually like to generate all these myself, but it would be dishonest to claim that 100% after I just got done watching this video. And with that! Lotus Lines 821-830:

    • "I don't buy it. Your power came from the Man in the Wall when you shook hands? Okay, then did all Tenno make that same deal? If so, then who actually needed you to save them? I think what he actually gave you was a bridge between the Operator and the Drifter. But how does he profit from that bridge?"
    • "Archon's armor cannot be stripped off for the same reason Warframe cannot; their armor and their flesh are the same thing. You can't strip red out of purple dye."
    • "Hold up a second. The Stalker is helping you in this 'Duviri' place? So many questions! My biggest one though is this: Why is it okay for HIM to kill a boss-level enemy!?"
    • "I had to work up the attention span to get through Vor's Void speech, but I finally got around to it! Am I supposed to be the 'False Prophet' he's referring to? Rude! I don't even try to 'prophesy!' So dramatic..."
    • "So you say this 'Rune Marrow' emerges from eruptions at the core of Duviri? And you also remember Vor specifically saying 'wall of bone,' right? Well, I can't say for certain that there's any connection, but if bones were to erupt, then you would definitely find marrow lying around."
    • "You see the bow of the Zariman in Duviri's skies? Interesting, I was imagining the stern. That might mean that Duviri not entirely inside the Void. What do you think you'd find if you went inside?"
    • "Protea's Dispensary will often drop a Health Orb on its first drop. If for some reason you need a lot of Health Orbs fast, then try equipping the 'Equilibrium' mod. Rather than wait for the entire duration, Equilibrium will allow you to re-cast after the first drop."
    • "I like buying interesting sounding publications more than I like finishing them. My backlog is..."
    • "Where did you get a 'Primed Chamber' mod!? Those are illegal! They have a very low chance of--you know what, it's fine; we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
    • "Please don't go to Extraction if you're still disarmed from a Drahk Master. You're the best fighter I've got! Who am I supposed to send to retrieve your weapons?"
  19. 11 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Can feel great nuking enemy groups as Drifter by landing a good headshot on a dense enemy group and watching them explode.

    I was so thrilled when I first made this happen. I didn't even realize how powerful it was, I just picked it because no other Decrees looked good on that roll, and then I encountered some enemies and let her rip.

    12 minutes ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    The ability to roll and reload as well? I wish there was a Warframe with that ability.

    I didn't think I'd like this one much because I don't do much rolling. (I'm more of a bullet jumper myself, as was my father, and his father) But there have been some weapons that have really made me start loving it. I also just realized that I have Primed Chamber and haven't really been using it in anything, but a quick reload would really help that mod shine.

    • Like 1
  20. 12 hours ago, Matt256 said:

    Roll Mesa or Saryn.


    I'm very impressed by the players managing to do solo runs with attack frames. The Defense Targets are so fragile; your kill speed must be so fast! (Assuming you're doing it solo, obviously damage dealers are also very valuable in squads)


    11 hours ago, (NSW)fonglis said:


    Statut spread , double statut damage , damage bonus on iced ennemy and there it is.

    But I love protea with same : statut spread , double statut damage , crit add ice damage , damage boost on iced ennemy.

    And beam weapon ( especially nukor and synapse)  with the corrosive damage bonus with shot , 10% damage by hit and the fireball every 5 shot.

    I hadn't thought to build the  Kuva Nukor based on the decrees. That could be very interesting! The recent decree with +Armor for every Corrosive stack might be an interesting combo as well...

  21. 21 hours ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    Step 1: Pick Mesa

    Step 2: get decree that makes the enemy 10% more vulnerable to dmg from every shot

    Step 3: get decree that increases fire rate by 10-30% on every shot

    Step 4: take +50%parkour velocity after kills decree

    Step 5: take some random fluff extra elemental dmg, crit dmg, double status dmg, etc. decrees

    Step 6: bullet jump around the map nuking everything from the sky till you hit lvl 9999.

    Nice! Do you have a name for this recipe? If not, I'd suggest "Mesa Vermilion."

    I hadn't thought of using the parkour velocity boost as a way of using more air time and getting a better view of the field.

    20 hours ago, SirKnum said:

    Close Contagion (spreading status effects) + Nourishing Terror (gain health from applying status effects) with some added damage plus status effect decrees turns every weapon in to an AoE weapon that heals you.

    Good point! I've found a prefer the health gain from status other the health gain from kills because there are so many decrees that help to add status.

  22. I know everything is random, but I bet people have done enough missions now to come up with some favorite combos between Warframes, Weapons, and Decrees. I'm curious what synergies you've grown fond of. I'll start:

    • Mag Prime
      • Close Contagion (Foes inflicted with Status Effects have a 50% chance to spread that Status to enemies within 10m.)
      • Twofold Torment (Status Effects deal double damage.)
      • Reason: Her 2+3 combo instantly blends almost all mobs. There's not even a need for weapons against most enemies.
    • Tigris Prime
      • Duelist's Advantage (Your first shot after reloading deals +200/300/400% damage.)
      • Churlish Chatter (Sacrifice weapon accuracy for +150% Multishot.)
      • Reason: (My inventory guarantees Mag Prime above, so I can always armor strip. Quick high raw damage is very efficient)

    There's more but I'll stop there for now. It's been a pretty interesting way of playing and has given me a new perspective on some of my arsenal.

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