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Everything posted by BornWithTeeth

  1. Meh. Week 1: Braton (acquired), Lato (acquired), Skana (Interested), Paris, Kunai Week 2: Bo (Interested), Latron, Furis, Furax, Strun (Interested) Week 3: Lex, Magistar, Boltor, Bronco, Ceramic Dagger Week 4: Torid, Dual Toxocyst, Dual Ichor, Miter, Atomos (Interested) Week 5: Ack & Brunt (Interested), Soma (Interested), Vasto, Nami Solo, Burston Week 6: Zylok, Sibear, Dread (Interested), Despair, Hate (Interested) Anything not marked, my response is a hearty and resounding 'lolno'. EDIT: What I'm getting at here is this. There's thirty weapons on the list. You absolutely do not have to get an incarnon for every one of them. I'm a veteran player and I only give a damn about ten out of the thirty...and I've already gotten two of those! This is a problem of perspective. DE put out a list of weapon upgrades which is explicitly designed to encourage players to choose what they want and work towards it. It's not on DE if y'all are deciding that the point is to get them all as fast as possible.
  2. Well...I started Steel Path Circuit yesterday evening, and just cleared the reward path for my second Incarnon Genesis, completely solo, doing in less than two days a task that DE allowed a week for. It's eminently doable.
  3. Most everyone's been very interested in the lore snippets from the hidden data quest in the new update, and rightfully so! We've learned some amazing stuff about Ordis, Cephalons, and humanity's Orokin overlords. However......guys, did anyone pay much attention to the bit about Sentinels? "On the border of chartered space, an enclave of small, strange, seemingly intelligent creatures was discovered by Tenno explorers. They are mechanical entities, almost organic in appearance, with a precarious resemblance to the fearsome Sentients that had decimated human civilization. However, these creatures showed no signs of aggression, and they immediately began carrying out helpful tasks in peculiar alliance with the Tenno." What? What?! Let's recap that, shall we? Sentinels: - Were discovered, not invented or initially engineered. - Were found in a little enclave of their own, outside of the main Sol system. - Are techno-organic creatures which are worryingly similar to full blown Sentients. - Took a liking to the Tenno, and began following individual Tenno around as bodyguards and assistants. We can then extrapolate further! - The Orokin, or possibly the Tenno artisans, were able to upgrade Sentinels, i.e. they are compatible with Orokin technology. - We already know that we can build them at will, similar to Warframes. Guys.......guys, have we basically adopted Sentient 'civilians' as part of our crew? Are Sentinels part of the Sentient technological ecology?
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