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  1. Update, we can cycle elements on Chroma, and I didn't realize that was a thing. Been a while since I've played Chroma, and this is a good change. Also, his 2 works as I described above. His 3 is solid, and it looks like his base armor still meeds a buff though. 💪🏻 Looking forward to that hold cast version of his 4 in the form of an augment! Thanks DE! Chroma feels great!
  2. And yet, Kullervo's 1 can. I request that Garuda also be able to target Eximus enemies please. Otherwise it encourages players to subsume over a core part of Garuda's identity. We should not have to use Kullervo's ability in place of Garuda's just to make her work.
  3. I think we should be leaning into the powers of the frames that compose Chroma- Volt, Ember, Frost, and Saryn. His theme still is a dragon, but we can make him a chromatic dragon to match his name. Let's not take a full departure from his current identity. Like Voruna, let's start by giving him 4 passives depending on the current selected element. These passives directly reflect the pieces of the frames which compose him. Electric gives bonus damage from moving, Heat gives extra ability strength for every nearby enemy engulfed in fire, Cold gives a small chance freeze enemies when affect them with a cold proc (what Frost's passive should be imo because nobody is touching you with melee), and Toxic makes status effects last 25% longer. His 1 will tap cast to cycle through the elements heat, cold, electric, and toxic. He can hold cast to do the elemental bombardment. His 2 will be about the same as it is now with the exception of the elemental cycling. The element will not change while it is active. It will take the form of the element selected at the time of casting. If you want to change to the current element, hold cast it. His 3 will be very similar, BUT the armor bonus will be a flat additive bonus AND a total armor final multiplier. Either do this or give Chroma much higher base armor (at least 600) and lower shields (say 200). The final armor multiplier will make him more of a health tank, which Chroma desperately wants to be with the heat elemental ward. His 4 will be the same on a tap cast, but maybe on a hold cast he can go into a flight mode similar to how Hildryn's is, but nowhere near as agile as Titania. While in the flight mode, Chroma grants all the same buffs the turret does, but doesn't get his armor reduced or speed increased. He will, however, be locked into only casting his 1, BUT his 2 and 3 duration timer will freeze while in this mode. Okay....now that all that is said, what do you think of this DE? I see what you were originally going for, and I reworked it so we are not forcing you all to make all new animations for all but a few things. FYI: This is a repost from a comment I left on another Chroma Rework post with some minor tweaks to address DE instead of OP.
  4. You forgor Titania with flight. I think we should be leaning into the powers of the frames that compose Chroma- Volt, Ember, Frost, and Saryn. His theme still is a dragon, but we can make him a chromatic dragon to match his name. Let's not take a full departure from his current identity. Like Voruna, let's start by giving him 4 passives depending on the current selected element. These passives directly reflect the pieces of the frames which compose him. This is pretty much the same thing you thought of for his passive, but a bit more explicit as to what the additional effects will be. Electric gives bonus damage from moving, Heat gives extra ability strength for every nearby enemy engulfed in fire, Cold gives a small chance freeze enemies when affect them with a cold proc (what Frost's passive should be imo because nobody is touching you with melee), and Toxic makes status effects last 25% longer. His 1 will tap cast to cycle through the elements heat, cold, electric, and toxic. He can hold cast to do the elemental bombardment. His 2 will be about the same as it is now with the exception of the elemental cycling. The element will not change while it is active. It will take the form of the element selected at the time of casting. If you want to change to the current element, hold cast it. His 3 will be very similar, BUT the armor bonus will be a flat additive bonus AND a total armor final multiplier. Either do this or give Chroma much higher base armor (at least 600) and lower shields (say 200). The final armor multiplier will make him more of a health tank, which Chroma desperately wants to be with the heat elemental ward. His 4 will be the same on a tap cast, but maybe on a hold cast he can go into a flight mode similar to how Hildryn's is, but nowhere near as agile as Titania. While in the flight mode, Chroma grants all the same buffs the turret does, but doesn't get his armor reduced or speed increased. He will, however, be locked into only casting his 1, BUT his 2 and 3 duration timer will freeze while in this mode. Okay....now that all that is said, what do you think of this OP? I see what you were originally going for, and I reworked it so we are not forcing DE to make all new animations for all but a few things.
  5. I noticed recently that Nova's portals can transport projectiles, including Glaives and Exodia Contagion, and I have a small suggestion for some portal synergy with Nova since portals tend to get underused outside of escort missions. My suggestion is that you give a damage multiplier to any ally or projectile that passes through the portal, say, 1.5x damage for allies that go through for a portal which lasts for a few seconds, and 3x damage for projectiles, and for Antimatter Drop, a 6x damage multipler. This will vary Nova builds more and give incentive for building for power strength for Antimatter Drop allowing Nova to nuke without needing the Mutualist Quanta.
  6. Please 🙏🏻🥺 am I just an ignorant buffoon or is this freaking weird? If this mod was nerfed. Why is it not reflected on the mod reflected as 240% at rank 8?
  7. After the most recent patch I noticed my Mag Prime is a bit less survivable in base missions and I couldn't figure out why, so I took to the arsenal to upgrade her. Mag Prime base shields is 225, she is rank 30, and has a 200% bonus to shields making it 450. This makes sense. I add Redirection (2 off from being maxed out) +360% shield capacity. Calculation says 990. That.... can't be right. Try additive: 225 * (2.0+3.6) = 1260 Try multiplicative: 225 * 2 * 3.6 = 1620 Huh, neither of those are right, so how IS it calculating? Maybe it is doing something dumb like this? (225+360)*2 = 1170 ......nope This??? 225+200+360 = 785 ......nope This...for sure, right? 450 + 360 = 810 .....ummmmm..... How tf is this being calculated? 225*3.6 = 810 ....okay 225*2 = 450 ....makes sense Let's reverse engineer then? 990 / 225 = 4.4 = 440% bro how? Where is 4.4 coming from?????? Where is 440% coming from??? Please 🙏🏻 someone 'splain to me how and why?
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