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Everything posted by BrighanArt

  1. Preview of the first colored page! I got it done around one week ago but got sidetracked with work and other IRL stuff. Hope you like the snippet!
  2. Finished the cover! You can see it on the first post :) All finished pieces and episode will be linked there as well, although I'll keep updating with coloring snippets for the pages in the comments!
  3. Been updating my socials with some progress so might as well post my last sneak peek of the cover!! Really enjoying the process on this. I tend to spend long periods of time between paintings per se (since most of my work and commissions come from my linework style) and I tend to get a bit afraid of starting hahahaha
  4. Hello! It's been a hot second again. Work has keep me busy once more but! I got page 8/9 fully inked by now and it contains some spoilers so I'll keep it vague (New War spoilers): That said, after starting the cover art from scratch two times (I was getting extremely frustrated as I was struggling with not getting a concept that coveyed the idea I wanted, plus, later composition struggling as well), I finally came out with one I liked! Here's a WIP of how it's looking as of now. I am going to fully render it so I'm very excited :) Also final title and logo! If anyone finds any typo on the tennoscript please do let me know!! I would super appreciate it (unfortunately the majority of screenshots of tennoscript entries in the game have broken urls on the wiki, so I followed the cheat sheet and hoped for the best!) Angels of the Zariman and New War spoilers:
  5. Another peek :) This time with some pre-jump stuff!! It may one of the saddest things I've ever drawn hahaha
  6. Working on the comic again! I got hired for a thing for these past 2 months so all my art juice was being invested on that, hahaha. Finished inking page 6 out of 9! Very excited to be back at these.
  7. Hello!! I luckily got some time between work to work on something to participate with!! I've kept missing contests so I'm very happy to finally catch one of these. Here with my corpus boy Ozus-Y. I got inspired by the STONKS meme and otomes hahaha. Hope you like it (and nobody else did this joke already)! If you'd like to see a helmetless version for his face just because you're curious, just click here :>. I am participating with the pic above so I'm sharing just because I love showing my characters 💖 Thank you for organizing this!
  8. Page 5 finished! This one counts 12 hours I think! I had some issues when figuring out the Innodem since I still haven't crafted it myself (those damn lanterns), so I had to ask for help in the community Discord server :)
  9. Another preview from page 4! (Don't look at the text, it's page 4 hahaha) This one took a bit to complete as I got caught with some deadlines but we're still on it! Five more to go.
  10. Hello! Back with another update. Page 3's inks are done after 15 hours including the sketching step. This one has to be one of my most intricate linework pieces to date! As I commented earlier in this thread, I'm starting to post snippets instead of full pages now so finished-colored pieces won't loose impact when posting, but if you have a habbit of checking the fanart channels of either of the Discord servers, you may have seen more than what I'm posting here, hehe :D Hope you have a nice weekend!
  11. Page 02 is fully inked now! This one took me a bit longer (roughly 11 hours) but I'm also very happy with it :)))) I'm allowing myself to expand some grayscale work before coloring!
  12. First page is inked >:) This one took me a few hours indeed but I am so proud of how it came out!! Can't wait to get to the coloring process with it ahhh
  13. Hello! I have been working for the past two weeks on a short comic in between work. I actually made the script on 22nd December 2022, if I'm not mistaken, so I am very excited to finally be working on this!! I will share some of the storyboards and sketches in this thread and eventually will post the full thing for free on another thread so it's easier to find and read. This "chapter" of sorts has a very specific intention story-wise and it's something I'm doing to keep improving on my secuential art skill, and although there is more story that follows, continuation will depend on reception (as I also have to juggle with social medias and commissions!) So far, the sketching process has taken me 21 hours and a half that have been mainly splitted on several days and done live on my Twitch channel (if you're also interested in seeing the process yourself! I will keep working on it to a point where it reaches actual relevant spoilers to the story, in which I will switch to working privately to save the impact) [Images in the replies! Links for the storyboard keep breaking for some reason] Next updates won't most probably be full pages but rather inking details and some coloring and finishing snippets later :) I am so excited to share this with you! - UPDATE - Cover art is done!
  14. Thank you so much for the kind words!! I tend to be a bit cautious of hardcore-lore-lovers (I am one myself, I just vibe in a very chill frequency and enjoy creating and see others enjoying their own headcanons too!) so I tend to make disclaimers in advance hahahaha And about the Clem situation I don't know if any of my cephalon-concepts could make it one day to the game as it seems as a very unlikely situation to me (considering how DE have written them. Maybe one day I'll come with something worthy of becoming canon, who knows!), but for now I am more than happy whenever people positively react to their designs! :)))
  15. Did this to cool down after work today :) I know it goes very against canon to design human shapes for the cephalons but it's so fun! I've had this picture in my head for some days now and I really wanted to see how fast could I sort out these two panels. Here's the concept I did before getting into it. I had a Railjack base sketch I did like a year ago or so, but I wanted to go with something more inspired in my in-game-Railjack with the Tempestarii skin and my main color palette.
  16. I could not take this idea of my head so I finally made it into reality today after work hahaha. This is my Drifter and my crewman OC Ozus Y doign the Gyro-Johny famous Jojo pose :) Twitter | BlueSky | Mastodon.ART | Tumblr post linking You can see the timelapse here! I took roughly 2 hours and 40 minutes or so!
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