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Everything posted by ToxicCookie91

  1. Tons of issues on this incarnon relating to the combo counter, and especially during the final unlock. Doesn't seem to be only quick melee that is affected, as I did a mission with only melee weapon equipped (Nightwave challenge), and didn't get it despite reaching 12x and bobbing around 10x several times. The 2 times so far when I have managed to advance the challenge, it does seem to happen before 10x as you say, but on another weapon I had to 'go down' back to 10x to actually increase the challenge counter. I've also been unable to increase the combo counter at all for like half a mission, where it was just stuck at 0. For now though, my progress is stuck at 2/10, and I'm trying different things like swapping away the pause combo counter when holstered effect, and removing mods like corrupt charge. Maybe better luck tomorrow 🫠
  2. Got my final Jugulus Eximus scan today as well. Was trying to follow this guide, but accidentally got it before getting the purifier one. Restarted the bounty a few times, until the third one where I decided to just follow through with the bounty. On third mission I got the one where you help the grineer, but in a location I basically never get them, the big roots in the area below the Necralisk. Spawned within 1 minute into the quest. Not sure if it matters, but this was solo and during Fass.
  3. Hey, Mutalist Cernos still broken, seems to be more or less same bug reported 3,5 years ago. Just put several elemental damage mods, and the damage simply starts going down instead. No need for the split flights mod in this case. I'd put more effort and pictures into this thread, but seeing as this is as old as every other bug I experience daily, I figure it's not worth it. Cheers to the 2013-2020 bugs!
  4. Had a similar suggestion not too long ago, except it went a bit further. +1 on any solution to remedy this, as I'm not interested in having 2 of every frame, just to have one with and one without umbra.
  5. Hey, Most of these issues has been in the game for years, except some that came along with Whispers in the wall. Given Dante's passive, and Helios' Detect Vulnerability mod, enemies that can't be fully scanned will have an unintended buff against these two. The enemies this affects are mostly found in Archon hunts, as Narmer Deacon will never be completely scanned (It's also not in the codex, but I assume the relevant damage buffs will apply as long as the enemies are already green?). I also think this applies to several amalgam enemies encountered in the archon hunts. I've had other enemies previously, but I believe they were enemies hardly ever encountered in the game. I do assume the enemies don't have to be in the codex (Only scanned to completion) for the fully scanned buffs to take effect, but if not there are a bunch of enemies missing from it. For Murmur faction, the most notable would be Voidrig Eximus and 3 of The Fragmented bosses (Only Suzerain is in codex, but I think all bosses count under this entry). There's also the Necramite missing, but it dies fast so the damage isn't important here. (Vitriol Necramite is in the codex, but listed under Unaffiliated. ) PS: If you do look over these Narmer enemies, I would appreciate if you also removed the 3 unknown/fake entries in the Narmer codex. After you removed the 2 impossible Narmer thumper encounters, there's only 3 entries left that prevent the Narmer codex page from being completed. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/EnemyList/Narmer Greetings, ToxicCookie
  6. Had this one happen several times. As far as I know, it seems to happen if you double-click or spam buttons in some fashion, when you stop talking to an npc. Think I had this happen in Cetus, Fortuna and Necralisk. Only fix for me has been to go into the open world and back, and then it seems to work again. Edit: Has happened several times past half year, so wasn't introduced in Dante, but please, do fix it still 😅
  7. It's not the game's fault that people don't learn to workaround it, but it is the gamemode's fault that the base functionality, is confusing and hard to get into. The reason I point out stuff that needs to be changed, is because I actually want Conclave to be an active part of Warframe, and not just a dead part that gets brought out for an event once every few years. Players who are new to conclave, have no reason to get into it at all, when they're met with systems that are this hard to understand and get into. Makes much more sense for them to just play an arena mode in any other game, or just retreat to other parts of Warframe. I consider myself experienced now when it comes to Warframe, but it took a while for me to grasp the slow mechanic in Snowclave, due to how weird it procced. Often felt / saw I got hit by snowballs, but due to connection issues, it took time for the proc to register. I also don't know if melee has a small chance to proc slow, as I've rarely seen an enemy be slowed, despite there not being allies nearby. Of course, could just be lucky snowball from far away, but there's no information at all, so there's only guessing..
  8. Hey, Relatively new to the game (Compared to the longtimers), since it's roughly a year since I started. But I have gotten to legendary 2, and unlocked most equipment, but there's one big change I feel would help out making modding equipment more exciting. Just not sure what the veteran players think of it, but here's my 2 cents. Getting to 8 forma a weapon to try out a unique build is a costly and time consuming experience, but a lot of the gimmicks when it comes to pulling off some crazy stunts, requires this. I however, haven't bothered to forma single weapon to 8, because it just locks out so many build possibilities, unless you're going for duplicates of those weapons. My favorite weapons so far I've gotten up to 5-6, and the few things I've polarized to 8 or more is like companion and necramechs. Of course, when I've gotten every single weapon and have to start looking other stuff to do, then I would probably consider some 8 forma builds. My suggestion for polarities however, is that we can add multiple polarities to a slot. It wouldn't work any different today, other than you putting a Madurai polarity on top of a slot that already has a Naramon polarity for example. Another way to look at this, is that you'd be gradually unlocking the polarities instead. So instead of 8 formaing a weapon, it would be possible to forma it even up to 24 (or even more) times, if you want all 8 slots to be "universal". Of course, you could do it even more if you wanted to unlock the other polarities like umbra, zenurik, unairu. This would open up for players spending more on forma, as there's more incentive to do it, as you don't lock yourself out of builds. Of course, DE might have considered the current system to limit crazy combinations out there, but there's nothing stopping players from going all out on certain builds. I just personally think this would open up more experimental builds for more players as well, as now there's lot of reasons to just stop formaing at 5-6 for most weapons. Like with the exciting new bonds mods, I've only put one bond mod on a few pets, and even 2 bonds on another. I've limited myself with the polarities, and I haven't bothered looking into the worth of the mods, to see if it's worth ruining a build I had more or less completed. However, I wouldn't have minded formaing 2-3 more times, to just expand on the options. As I'm writing this, I start thinking of a new idea / improvement. As of now you can get up to 6 build slots for equipment, as there's really no need for more. Either you have no forma and can't put too many mods, or you have too many forma, and can't choose between too many builds. With this system though, it would open up a reason to expand it to even more slots. Heck, I'd have no problem going 10 slots on my favorite weapons, as I could adapt them for a ton of different gamemodes. Pros, as I see them: Economically (for DE) it opens up for players to forma to even 24 and beyond. I would assume people would spend more on this system, than the current with getting an additional weapon + new forma, as that's too much hassle for most players I've talked with. Build freedom, as I'm sure many other players than just me, have refrained from testing a build, just because you're not sure if it's worth formaing a weapon too much, and locking yourself from a build you know works. I even have a few frames I've refrained from putting an umbra, because I already use several formad augment slot, which just limits my build too much to add an umbra to the mix. Umbras are rare enough, that you shouldn't consider the option of an umbra ruining your build, is at least my take on it. As usual, please post any thoughts, whether it's positive or constructive critique :) tl dr; Able to forma a slot multiple times, to add more polarities to that slot (Even all types) Greetings ToxicCookie
  9. I agree about the skill floor and ceiling, that there's a lot of space between. But holy S#&$ my dude, that explanation doesn't save this gamemode. This has been my only chance at levelling conclave, and after getting to rank 3, halfway to 4, I don't think I have enough willpower to keep going. During the first few days of the event I had tons of kills, easily going 20+ kills with 5+ deaths, while past few days (When I'm able to get a game, that is) has seen me at less than 1kdr. Problem is, it was barely more fun having 4 kdr than 1, and that says something about the gamemode. Sure, I've been able to work around the horrible melee weapon, where you automatically dash 5-10m past your enemy, unless you of course 180 with the mouse during the attack, or if you hold backwards and use a slide attack. But that it's halfway possible to work around it, doesn't make it "hurr durr good, skillcap mate". It just means that you can make an very annoying thing slightly less annoying. I still end up in fights where I see 2-4 players from both teams, do the dash melee in a small area for 10 seconds, with no one dying. I've NEVER seen that in any other pvp game in my entire life, and I wouldn't say that's because it's a gamechanging positive game design... The servers I have been playing on as well, have not been kind with the snowballs. It took me a while to realise it was the snowballs that caused the slow, as the slow proc hardly ever matched when I got hit or when I hit other players with snowballs. Then again, the slow proc is horrible, as it seems to stack with the animations... Have you tried being knocked down and hit with a slow proc? That means you're taking a vacation while gaming. Usually I do the other way, and game in my vacation. Easier way than to get knocked down, is to just use smash attack. A delicious snow proc, and you can enjoy your slam animation for 3+ seconds, if game bugs out and doesn't let you animation cancel into a roll. Slam attacks as well, is hell in its' own right. It's completely rng when you slam if you manage to down a dude where he stands, or if he gets downed but slides of in whatever direction he bullet jumped. Or maybe he just doesn't get knocked down, because why would he do that? Sometimes I've even been sliding in the direction I was slam-attacked towards as well, weird enough, but it is what it is. Plenty more where this is coming from, but I suppose your counter to this is just more of 'git gud', despite skill not being an issue, but gameplay.
  10. This. When I started playing Warframe just over a year ago, I didn't realise you could bullet jump up (I only thought it was sideways jumping), until a mastery test forced me to find out 😂 That was 1-2 weeks of not using bullet jump properly, but a good introduction to Warframe's ability to (not) learn away mechanics 🙃
  11. Hey, Have a few feature requests to add some quality of life changes to fashion framing 🙂 For the first, it's to use weapon's normal skins as skins for prime variants, same as we can with Warframes. I love the design on the weapons, but I've noticed that sometimes you're stuck with choosing either gameplay or appearance. I've upgraded all my weapons to prime variants, and usually have gotten rid of the normal variants, unless they have some gameplay value over the prime variant. But for some, it means losing some cool skins to play with, like with Silva & Aegis, as the standard version looks way cooler. For variants like these, it would be nice to use the normal weapon as a skin for the prime variants. Anyone know any other weapon variants where the base weapon has a cooler skin? 🤩 For the 2 other changes, they're a bit related to each other, as they're about the copy warframe colors. First of these, is for an appearance tab for the heavy weapon and necramech archgun sections. As it is now, you need to equip the archgun in the normal archgun slot, change the colors you want, then re-equip them as heavy weapon / necramech archgun for the new colors to be applied. So changing colors for either of these currently means: Equip desired weapon as archgun Apply the colors as you want Re-equip the weapon as the heavy weapon / necramech archgun (Color doesn't update until you do this) Switch back to the archgun weapon you originally had 🙃 Second of these, is a bit bigger, but way more timesaving. The ability to just use "copy warframe colors" as a toggle for either the whole equipment set, or one toggle per category. As it is, I reapply my warframe colors to all these, nearly everytime I switch my look: Warframe attachments Primary weapon Secondary weapon Melee weapon + attachment Companion + attachment (If it's a sentinel) Archwing Archgun Archmelee K-Drive Necramech Heavy Weapon (Yes, with the 4step approach 🫠) Necramech archgun (Yup, here as well) Any feedback on this appreciated :)
  12. Had to check, bought out all the market weapons and such over half a year ago 😅 But yeah, the hide mastered filter is there at least. But for every syndicate in the game, as well as other stuff like Nightwave and Baro, there's no filter other than owned. For Nightwave there's 50 items in the shop, reduced down to 30 with the owned filter. With the crafted filter it would be reduced by either 5 or 8 more (For me, but will be more as I acquire more skins and helmets). Crafted tag only seem to appear on blueprints for stuff you currently own, so I see it on the helmets/skins/weapons, but not for the Vauban parts, so not sure how that would work. A small problem with the owned filter though, is that it also includes resources, that doesn't really matter if you own it from before or not. Being able to toggle the owned filter for this would be a nice QoL change. When I've gotten every unique item from Nightwave, I'll still be interested in the orokin catalysts and reactors, kuva and occassional nitain extract, depending on future warframes. Also noticed that for Incarnon adapters as well, there's no easy way of knowing which you've already got. Have to go through my inventory after checking the weeklies to see which I already have. Found easiest alternative solution to make a document and keep track there which I haven't acquired yet. Thought it showed which weapon that you had available to equip it on, but maybe I remember wrong or a patch broke it.
  13. Hey, Hoping for a feature to better sort out stuff you can skip, same way we currently have the "Hide Owned" feature. Tons of places I have to spend time going through many items, trying to find out which I still need to acquire. There's quite a few of them if you're trying to go full completionist 😗 Seen this has been requested several times, since way back in 2019, but don't see the harm in showing more people are interested in this :) (Mega Tip: Don't try and be a completionist, Warframe is very against this. So very, against this. From unobtainable weapons/frames from founders pack, codex entries being unavailable for 4+ years, and achievements not working. Or trying to get every mod, which is impossible as you're not able to get conclave standing, as there's no players on it 🤔)
  14. Hey, Not sure if this is the right forum, or if it should be in the mission / gameplay parts, but here we go. Got a suggestion for gear/emote wheels, as I do like the ui, but it takes time to find the right item when you eventually get tons of stuff. Being able to add "folders" into it would allow much easier access, as a "folder" would just bring you to a new gear wheel specialized for some items. Not sure if this is feasible at all, but if there was a way to get predetermined sets of folders, or even better being able to name and customize them yourself, would make it way faster to access, at least in my own experience. I would have put the folders as a gear wheel item itself, so that you could choose where to place the folders as well. For the gear wheel I currently have 38 items, where I end up putting the most used stuff at the start and end of the list, as they're the quickest to get to. When it comes to items I rarely use, it's a mix of dropping them from the wheel, as the extra confusion in the gear wheel is not always worth it, for example for antiserum injectors. With folders I would have had my gear wheel like this instead: 0. Main (Not a folder, just right on the wheel) - Necramech + Synth Scanner + Archwing Weapon + On-Call Crew + Air Support 1. Squad: Fosfors + Restores 2. Open World: K-Drive + Kaithe + Trang + Fishing Spear + Mining Laser 3. Missions: Omni + Codex + Kinetic Trap + Cipher + Antiserum+ Stims + Apothics 4. Specters: All of them 5. Miscellaneous: Glyph + Remote Observer + Pherliac Pods + etc I would do something similar for the emote wheel, putting them in folders based on Nartas, Interactions, Syndicates, Miscellaneous, etc. Any input and thoughts on this is appreciated :)
  15. Hey, Title summarises it pretty good, but I hope for the feature to stay on the mission, despite some or all teammates leaving. I don't mind playing public lobbies, except for the gamemodes where you're often punished for it, as if playing public is a mistake in itself. Syndicate missions for example, I hardly ever bother to do public. I play syndicate missions for syndicate points, so I'm left with the choice of abandoning the mission, or accepting that I'm leaving with partial rewards, because other people just want the mission bonus and doesn't want to look for medallions. There's also a ton of uncertainty on whether you will stay in the mission or leave, as it seems to vary depending on mission, and amount of people in the extraction zone. Sometimes one guy cannot exit the mission, and has to wait to be part of the majority, and sometimes he can extract solo. Sometimes 3 people can exit and one guy stay behind (I think), and several more variations. Being able to always extract solo would be nice, as that's usually how it is with 1 or 2 exceptions in my experience. For now I'll skip back to the rest of my syndicate missions (With solo play enabled unfortunately), but chime in on what you think of this feature :)
  16. Are you sure that's not just Duviri? Can't ever remember having kept any items when I dc from open world. Luckily been a while since I've gotten host problems in open world, but might just because I play a lot solo. Or DE Bug gods might have forgotten about me 🤔
  17. I do realise there's not 847,000 cases, but a little bit of deadpan humor to contrast the rest of the thread 😗 And I know BugFrame has had more than it's fair cases of similar bugs, but I'm relatively sure most of these causes are from one particular bug, or at the very least several of them are related. I've ignored threads with similar bugs, that has other distinctions. Like there's a similar bug that appeared when you got cc'd while using archwing, the moonwalk bug as you mentioned, an opposite bug where you're locked in operator form instead as I mentioned, and others. The main issue here is that this is a very common bug from my experience, as not only have I had it a ridiculous amount of times, but most people understand which bug I'm talking about if it happens to them or me. And most realise they just have to die and respawn before someone is able to revive them. Being so common and being so ignored is just something I've never seen before in a game. During one of the Duviri patches I read something about a bugfix sounding similar to this, and it seems they fixed the locked in operator form bug, or at least a variant of it. And that's the only official DE text I've seen regarding this bunch of Warframe/Operator switching bugs. I understand fixing the bug(s) itself can take a long time and be hard, but somehow ignoring the bugs and not asking for more information about it, is not solving it? Edit: As case in point that I don't bother with all the minor, uncountable bugs in the game, only this one due to the sheer amount of times encountered. After this post I played 2 missions, one without bugs even, and then my second one where I fought the yeet lich. He threw me out of the map, which a quick /unstuck fixed. Next bug in line was in the spy chamber right after, where I almost got spotted by tricky regulator that decided it's pathing should be through a glass window, which it kept looping through 😆
  18. Looked through several more threads, and seems like it started during update 27.2.0 that got released on march 5 2020. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Update_27#Update_27.2 I can't see any threads before march 5, but then it basically becomes a daily bug report during march.
  19. Hey, I don't really have much hope for this bug to be fixed, but a response as to why it's being ignored would be nice. Started playing in november of last year, and I'm certain I've had this bug like 200 times already (It's way more than 100 no doubt). There's plenty of reports on this bug since March 2020, and I've not seen one developer/community team response to it yet. Whenever I switch from Operator to Warframe, there's a decent chance this bug will happen. (It varies a ton, but probably like 1 to 5% chance. If you use operator mode a lot in mission, that's a ton of opportunities for the bug to occur.) As I return to the warframe, I'm locked from doing anything except using movement features, emotes and chat. My warframe is stuck looking in one direction, but I can update the direction by aiming and changing to another direction. Weapons, abilities, operator mode, anything and everything is locked, and the only fix is to die, and not be revived. The only thing I can say that seems to affect the bug, is the amount of actions you do as you transfer / or if you're carrying items in operator/warframe form, as it seems to happen way more frequently then. I'm not sure if I've had this bug solo, but I've had it tons as part of a squad. One theory on reddit is that it's related to client/host's network or something similar: There have been variations on this bug, where you're locked into operator mode instead, but emoting usually solves that problem. With the warframe bug there's no choice but to die, or just give up and exit the mission, if the enemies are too low level to kill you. Since this thread will likely be ignored as well, does anyone in the community have any way of getting the dev's attention when it comes to big bugs? Do I just have to report this as a Duviri bug maybe? At this point I would almost be satisfied with an official response of "This bug is too hard to fix, deal with it" instead of it being ignored for 3 and a half years. For fun, you can just google "warframe operator bug" it gives you 847,000 results, which seem about right. There's ton of threads / clips about it on Youtube, Steam, Reddit, etc. Other threads in Warframe forums about this bug, that have been ignored so far:
  20. Appreciate the help Zach, actually worked on first try as well, no errors :) Maybe a bit late, but could be good to update the main Warframe post about limited availability, even if it's only a day left. Could save some trouble for any Tenno who's late to the party; https://www.warframe.com/news/steelseries-giveaways
  21. Yeah, not impressed at all by this giveaway either. Checked 4-5 days in a row, with a guaranteed error occurred message every time. Until today of course, when they're simply out of codes, for a giveaway that was stated to last until june 28. I was dumb enough to trust an original Warframe post that mentions nothing about limited codes; https://www.warframe.com/news/steelseries-giveaways When obviously I should have checked out the third parties' twitter to see that it was only 80k codes; Had the software already as I've got a Steelseries headset, but this amazing experience where I've wasted 2 hours of troubleshooting and reinstalling, makes me want to find a way to keep it uninstalled... Edit: Just realised, SteelSeries doesn't mention the time limit either, so actually need to visit both companies to get full overview of limitations of giveaway 😂
  22. Probably very related to playstyle. I get this bug a lot in excavation, as I use operator form to carry 2 cells at once. And a decent chance it'll happen in like 1-2 out of 10 excavation games, if not more.
  23. +1 To this feature. My number one bug since I started in november, and I'm certain I've experienced it between 50-100 times, not even kidding. For my part it's always the operator bug, where you can't use weapons/abilities, and your warframe is stuck looking in a certain direction. Can be turned by aiming, but fails to follow the mouse as soon as you stop aiming. Only fix is to die, and not even being revived helps, I need to 100% die. Which means low level missions are a huge pain, as I sometimes need to wait 10 minutes for enemies to be able to kill me. Please DE, add this option, considering this specific bug has been reported at least since 2020, with no talks about a fix. Fun fact; Just looked up several threads to point out how long this bug has been on-going, and a lot of the threads start in March 2020. Guess Warframe suffers from Corona 🤪
  24. They actually have a fix incoming for this. Posted about the issue a month ago, heard nothing, and suddenly my topic was included in another thread as a post;
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