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Everything posted by SpaceReptile

  1. I enabled crossave so i can play on my Xbox aswell as my PC w/o losing out on progress or having to build up 2 different accounts issue is that now the Cheater of Death and possibly the K-Driven Achievments have reset, atleast in the ingame challenge and on the steam achivement tracker BUT in the ingame codex it appears to be intact, so im geniunly not 100% sure what counts it would be a shame to lose out on the progress after over 1000 hours in the game, i hope i can get some answers here
  2. everyone is talking about wanting the week 1 steel path rotation again meanwhile im here just wanting the week 7 warframe rewards, i need my second mesa gosh dang it
  3. +1 i was exited to get my hands on the week 7 frames and see what weapons would be there to pick, just to see the same things again, i dont want mirage again, i want mesa!
  4. why are you taking this away from me?
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