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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Have gotten 1 50% and various 20%s that i never used.


    Waiting for the 75% before I get some more plateenuum.

    This is my point about waiting for coupons btw. Thank you, Mutilar!

  2. Maybe I wasn't clear about the topic, it's not about me getting a coupon. It is about making DE money and bringing people into the fold of wanting to buy platinum, after all the game survives and grows because of our money. After the coupons came out (due to popular demand on the boards) I have noticed people waiting for them to drop in order to buy platinum, this may have slowed down the intake of money by DE. I don't know, I am not in the loop of the numbers, I'm just a player after all, but the people I play with and their friends have said to me a few times, "I hope I get a coupon soon, so I can buy some platinum." This led me to think if the 20% and maybe the 50% were left in the random rewards and the 75% and maybe the 50% was a one time deal, it may help in the overall money brought in to DE. You may have noticed I mentioned the 50% twice and in two different areas there, I am saying it can either work as a random reward as a "rare" or be a one time deal.


    After all this is a part of marketing DE's platinum, and if DE looks like they are the players side and willing to take a hit with the 75% at our fingertips and not a "super rare" that is lost to legend, people will be more willing to give money to DE and even get future PS4 users to get involved on the website, which we all do almost daily, but PS4 users would not normally do unless they had a very good reason to check out the website. I believe a great coupon would qualify as a good reason to check out the site and maybe take part in the community here.


    I don't need platinum at the moment or am I complaining about not getting this or that as a random. However, I do see the value of having platinum on my account, for those items you just don't have time to farm or simply just want a reactor or whatever for a new weapon. I believe everyone that has spare platinum (just like having a bit of money in the bank for rainy days) knows the joy of just having it there when they want something quickly. Giving new players or even long time players the option to buy a nice pile of platinum will give everyone that feeling as well as tap into a large group of people who simply don't buy platinum because it is either too expensive in their eyes or they don't see the value, either way it will help DE get more money which in turn allows them to keep expanding this game.

  3. I didn't know where to put this topic so I'm coming to Off topic.


    Why don't they just give everyone a one time use 75% and 50%, while taken them from the random log-in and keep the 20% in the random log in? DE would make soooo much more money if people had two great coupons to use when ever they had the funds to use them, not when they might happen to show up, if they show up.


    Even though it is two purchases at greatly reduced rate, people would be more apt to buy into the concept of buying platinum if they had coupons they could use once and would come back more because, they see the worth of having some platinum in their account.


    Since we can't trade anything in this game including platinum, coupons, or even goods bought from platinum, why not offer a way into for most players with a nice discount? My two cents.

  4. I will add my voice to this as well, it is crazy looking at a page of lit up mods and trying to figure out which I am there to modify. If you are adding this for apart of the load out change coming, that's great, but you should maybe wait and do it all at one time, this bits and pieces stuff right hurts the community. My mod page is a nightmare at the moment with every gun and all 15 frames all modded up and most mods are still in the works it is impossible to tell what is for what and why.


    For people just coming in and only having one or two guns and a frame maybe two this is probably wonderful change and very helpful, for the people who have had pages of mods forever and it just keeps growing, you just gave us a giant mess to deal with.

  5. I have been asking for a clear path to goals from day one. If we as players knew where we would have a better chance and the chance was the same as the other mods and not as you describe X% and Y% and Z%, but X% for common and Y% for uncommon. We would farm with a smile knowing that our work would bring a reward for the work in, and not just random hope that it may or may not happen. Clear goals are very important in all areas of our life, so why is it totally different in our hobbies?

  6. I think the weekend events now are used for preview or test run type of activity for the dev team, which is great for the game and great for us atm. I do notice however, when they talk about them they always giggle and say, "that came together late in the week" as if it doesn't look and feel that way to us when we play it. They feel thrown together last minute and that's why they are not really that fun and unpolished. We let this slide hoping that in future it gets better, and I have no doubt it will.


    Just in case though, I would like the dev team to at least discuss and maybe plan for future events that can be apart of the longer term game. The game is a coop game atm and probably will be for the next at least year or so, but again I ask they plan the "big picture" and plan the events for the time when most people get bored and only the hardcore or solo'ers are still waging the war. 


    Ideas like "Bounty Hunt Weekends" where you could track down a VIP and take him in for reward and if you are not seen or the alarms not raised you get better rewards. The second you are seen the VIP starts to run to his escape pod and the player(s) have exactly :60 seconds to stop him or you need to track him to another system. For every 10 seconds he is not brought down his aura gets stronger and increases him and the mobs around him making them extremely deadly to the point he becomes almost boss strength or higher by the end. Also, when the alarm is raised the spawn rate could go up like in the survival maps, this could flood the map and slow you down even more from reaching the target. This focuses the player on either stealth game play or rushing with precision and stopping the runners from hitting alarms, either way, it helps the skills of the players.


    This is what event weekends after launch should be, a twist on game play the focuses a skill in the game, and as a reward maybe a mod table just for these events, or maybe even give some void reward pool stuff this way, so it isn't such a grind with those, or really rare cosmetic drop(s), rare scarf or pet parts sprinkled in each event (seasonal rewards for example).


    The point is, plan longer term and further out goals while still in beta, if there were something like 12 really fun event types and cycled through the year, that would equal 4 weekends a year (3 days every three months) for each event, it would still be rare and special and we could have something every weekend to look forward to.

  7. I did read this post before you linked it and I was thinking of linking, but went on to do other things instead. The great thing about this is, he sees the same problems I do. Problem is, he is giving up and really not offering solutions to the problems. With my two posts, the one we are chatting in now and the power pool link I gave at the beginning address the unique role and unique frame problem. The difficulty or endgame problem, isn't really one because it is one of the oldest rants on the boards and they are working to bring that to us as we speak (I hope). 


    The thing we should always have in the very front of our minds is, WE ARE THE BETA TESTERS! If we see a problem that we feel needs addressed we come here to the board and report it and if possible offer a suggestion or two, maybe others see it and offer theirs. What we should never do, is come here and cry and whine about others suggestions. To keep harping on about the oldest and biggest problem, that we know for a fact they are working on, this seems to me, like a huge waste of all of our time.


    While I and others appreciate your passion, I can tell you now it can be focused in other, better ways to help the game. But, if you feel like you still want to rant on about the "endgame" which is your right, there are literally hundreds of other threads that are actually addressing that very old idea, please do us all a favor and use those threads for that purpose.

  8. All i smell from first few lines is someone trying to point out that this game ain't halo so it must change.

    This made me laugh, thank you! No, that was not what I was trying to say at all. I love this game for what it is and do not want it to change, however, I would love to see some cool stuff added. Like long term goals we can shoot for and like others have said end game level of difficulty. I tend to love games that have a deep rich layer of customization and this game would only get better if they added something like that.

  9. I agree with you Eisvogel about reasons to team up right now.


    But in my opinion these shiny rewards for grind is hardly needed now. In the future yes why not? Having a special helmet or skin for several thousands killed ancients is rather nice touch. Or legacy quest in EQ games? When you finish this multistage quest you get special item and title behind your name. Sure why not i am all hands for it.


    Funny thing that DE can make something similar using current missions. Like multistage personal event for a player when he reach level 10 of mastery or something. So you team up with other rank 10 players and you do this event in a group. Rewards could be a statues in dodjo, badge, scarfs you name it.


    But this event must be challenging. Giving a rewards because one guy have a lot free time to grind mobs solo on MDs or EDs? really?

    Well, I'm glad you are starting to see the point a bit, and again I really don't care how these things are unlocked. I'm just asking for longer term goals. Multi-staged hunts or missions, sure. I just want something to shoot for. I think what you are suggesting feels a bit like a mastery type reward and not long term goals, but at least your seeing my point a bit and I'll count that as a victory.



    I know what you mean and i agree with you, these things are far from being a priority at the moment... the priority should be addressing the gameplay in skill/challenge and end-game aspects

    This may not be priority in your eyes, some people like me want and in fact, need these types of things in any game I play. I love my long term goals and the custom options. I hate almost every game I have played that every player looks exactly the same as the guy/girl next to them. Endgame will come the challenging stuff you are after, DE is working on as we speak. But, never have they mentioned (as far as I know) any of the things that I'm talking about.


    There are hundreds of posts (including the ones you linked of your own) about the "endgame" and what you feel are the priority, and that is why I feel I don't need to mention them here.

  11. Althix, I feel you are truly missing the point or trying to troll. I'll make one last attempt to convince and let it go with you.


    It is not about "please give me more grind" it is about customization with our frames and long term goals to keep us wanting to log in and play. This game is a grinding game, so I offered a way to unlock pieces using the set method. However, these can be unlocked in whatever other method the devs feel they should or could be unlocked, they could play duck, duck, goose with us all for all I care. My point is give the players who have seen it and done it all some longer term goals to keep us interested in coming back.

  12. I agree with you.


    I guess the problem is that too many players playing too much Warframe.

    It's a good thing, but the more you play, the faster you reach the (not existing so far) endgame.

    DE wasn't planning that so many players get so fast to endgame and it takes some time to develop.


    It's no offense, I guess you did a lot of hard work in Warframe.


    Just sit back, relax, wait for the things to come.

    There are other great games aside from Warframe you can play.


    New content will come, thats for sure.

    Just keep an eye out for it.

    Even if there is tons new content, I still think this game would not suffer from more customization options and longer term goals to shoot for. Think of this game if your Rhino and my Rhino were standing side by side and looked head to toe different and not just because of the colors you used and a slightly different head piece, but our choice of armor was totally different. And not just from buying it at the cash shop, but earned from fighting for it all.

  13. I'll speak from my own experience here, I have played games long after the fun factor was gone. Most the time I played for the unlocks, games like Halo:Reach, for example, did this beautifully. This could be done in this game as well, how?


    Unlocks per frame, they could have it like other games and unlock pieces or even add-on parts like games like Halo:Reach did. It did it with Rank and Credits, but this same type of thing can be done here with total kills of a certain faction with a certain frame. Example: Mag could unlock a new chest piece if you 10,000 infected kills with her. Or a new leg option if you kill 10,000 Corpus, and arms if you kill 10,000 Grineer. Give us a reason to go to the void other than rare weapon pieces. Killing 10,000 Orokin unlocks a special helmet. You get the idea behind all of this, I hope. Same thing could be done with the weapons as well for different skins for the weapon.


    If the Devs want a way for the long time players to stay interested in the game give them long term goals for all frames or weapons. They are thinking too short term and just drop easy to unlock content and keep pushing off the "endgame" saying it will come someday. That's fine by me, but give us something bigger to work for, a far off goal that keeps us wanting to grind the enemies well after the honeymoon is over.


    Customization options to unlock for frames and weapons coupled with the ideas from this thread about power pools https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/84811-power-pools/  will give this game a deep level of customization that it lacks atm and will keep the long term players coming back to play.

  14. One more thing to add, when we are transmuting an ability and spend money to do it, we should never ever under any way shape or form get that very same one back as the reward. That happened twice in a row for me the other day and I vowed then and there never to transmute, until they fix the rewards for it.

  15. We don't need ability mod drops for frames at all, but we REALLY don't need them as transmute rewards.

    I am trying to clear out all the useless ability mods that I pick up by the thousands (it seems) and for my reward on more than half of them is more ability mods.

    You can't throw away your frames abilities or sell them, I have tested it. So, why are we getting these? Some will say "to upgrade the ones you have, but that is the whole purpose to fusion cores. Once they hit level three (which happens very quickly) then they just are a waste of a drop and waste of money if you try to transmute four of them only to get another ability in it's place.

    Simple solution, take them out of the transmute drop pool. Throw a fusion core chance in their place.

  16. Well they already know about end game content.

    I hate to say this but the person who is coming up with the ideas needs to come up with better ones..

    Because nightmare mode is a joke..

    Once again forcing us to go through repetitive boring ( and frustrating ) levels to earn nightmare specific mods.


    Tell me one person that actually plays night mare mode for fun.


    They don't, They just want to unlock the mods lol.  And that is not proper design.

    Things need to be built up from a very deep level, which immerses players and comes out innovative and new.

    I did play nightmare mode for fun and truly love the idea of having a harder mode to go through. I wish DE would take the full step in the door and not this baby step deal they have now. Instead of one or two nightmare on a map have a whole map filled with nightmare and after you make it through the galaxy map the first time, we can toggle the nightmare mode and play a harder mode with different rules and stronger mods or the higher tier weapons can drop from here, instead of being clan research. Your point of it being the same tile set and same missions, this is true to a point. The challenge is cracked up, saying this though I would like the enemies to be different and have more range instead of the same old same old. This could easily be a step toward "endgame" or at least middle game for now until they do whatever they plan on for the endgame.


    Btw, I was in your clan until some rogue officer bounced me out with a bunch of others that happened to be on at the time.

  17. I had another topic about loadouts, this would work hand in hand. If not only you could flip from A to B sides it would be nice to have a few loadouts for these you could save and switch out on the fly.

  18. Thats your point and it's fine for me.

    If this is Warframe for you, go on, play solo or with your rushmades.

    It is ok for me.

    But it's not fair to force other players (espacially newer players) into your playstyle.

    They want to know the maps, the types of enemies and explore the game.

    They can't do that after a few minutes the extraction point timer counts down and the mission is over.

    Just imagine you would be a new player to Warframe and this happens to you four times in a row,

    you would delete the game because you started to late to catch up with the big boys.

    And would miss a great game.

    I know it's not your playstyle, but sometimes it's good to set the needs of other above the own needs.

    That's the reason why I always open the partyscreen at the beginning of a mission to see whats the rank of my

    squadmembers is. 

    If they have a higher rank, I know this will gonna get fast.

    If they are at low rank, I slow down a little bit, wait for them to see things in this game during the mission.

    Read my post again, you missed the point. You started the post by superimposing your view with a slanted question, which only invites others with your view to answer back. If you really want to find how people reach the top then you need to leave the question open and then read and try to take in the advice other then share with you. Both, the question and then the follow-up response to my post, say you really don't want to hear other ways other than your own.

  19. I think DE made a few bad choices with trying to keep this game fresh or the replay value up.


    -If they would have made nightmare mode a real mode that you can do like the regular mode, where you start over, but this time with nightmare mode rules.


    -If they would have put the clan weapons into the mastery reward instead of the clan research, and replaced the clan research stuff with dual mods that you need to get resources and bp's from nightmare mode.


    -Instead of random alert missions, which are just the same old missions with a special reward at the end. Make them more like the weekend missions, where they are different from the regular with either play type of different enemies to fight. This makes it feel fresh instead of the same old same old.


    -Instead of grinding for void keys in just the defense maps, let them drop at a really rare rate from normal missions or from boss fights. This takes the grind out of it and lets you just play and enjoy.


    -More combat moves always spices up a game, if people could combo melee or have a few more options than just shoot and hack it gives the game a feel of more to do. They have given us the claws which give us a very small taste of that, but it go way further.


    There is a lot more, but I hope you get the idea. They were shooting for a hack and slash shoot'em up game and they delivered one, but those types of games have always been a shallow game type. It is great for what it is, but it will never be more.

  20. All in good time, DE has stated they are working on it...give them a bit its not on high priority.

    They at one point had a weird load-out for colors lock, and I have heard them say they are working on tons of stuff, so I hope it sees the light of day.

  21. That's the question.

    I want to hear your oppinions about this.

    For me personnaly it's all about the teamwork, 

    as this game meant to be. Coop.

    I'm now on rank 7 and finished many missions and sadly,

    I see more and more players just rush the missions.

    Especially when Infested are the enemies (ok, they're rly annoying sometimes

    and they can't lock you up, but it's your duty to beat the sh*t out of them!)

    This isn't Rushframe, it's Warframe. WAR.

    Kill. Survive. Play as a team.

    If you want to rush missions, just play solo.


    A couple of things I would like to point out. You are already assuming a lot with the post, this is NOT a strictly co-op game, it is a mode you can play this game. There are options to solo and do private games which can be played alone or with only one other person. If it were meant to be a co-op game as you state these options would not be available to us.


    Secondly, DE says they don't want us to rush, but they have designed this game to make us want to rush. Wall runs propel you forward, many of the combo moves throw us forward, all of the hidden areas (Void) are made to rush as quickly as you can or miss them, the obstacle course is designed to hone our rushing skills. The only big rewards are given at the end of the mission. The rush design goes on and on. Please don't blame your fellow party members for doing exactly what this game is designed to force our habits into. I want to also point out they said they don't want us to have a "farm" state of mind early in the game development and have done everything they could to make this nothing but a farm and grind game. It may not be the type of game you are hoping for, but it is a rush game so get used to it if you group with a pick-up group.


    If you really want to be a great player of almost any game, play by yourself and figure a way to survive and do it well. Then if you group with people you are a one man army that brings a powerhouse to any party. A team of titans is a scary thing to witness. So many people rely too heavily on their team and have terrible Frame builds and weak weapons and then spam either their ultimate power to get kills or really have no clue how to survive when the fire is turned up. I played the first two months solo or with one friend and opened the entire galaxy map and tried as many weapons as possible to find the right one for my style. I feel I have grained a lot of insight to this game doing it this way.

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