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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Who cares where it was posted. Just because he is the 'first' to post it in the right place doesn't change anything. Grounds for a pat on the back maybe at best.

    *Troll* ignore and move on!


    Before U10 Mutagen samples were already really rare and hard to find, especially compared to the other clan resources.


    Now They aren't on the star map at all. I have to grind for the possibility to grind for Mutagen Samples.


    You can and should put weapon BPs behind whatever grind/pay wall you want, but resources shouldn't be!

    The Troll is right it has been brought up a ton, and I will answer as many as I can to lend a voice to how crappy this is of the devs to do to the player community. If they would have made these ships plus the other places we could go to get them, then I would be cheering on the devs, and saying "about time" We have had a lack of these, they were on two planets only and now are locked in a key activated tile set which we need mats to build, this is very poor game making and a black-eye for DE if they do not correct it.

  2. Ask them during the upcoming livestream ;)

    First off this is silly, they would never take this question.


    (Moving forward.)


    Really think about these mats from the player point of view.


    We would get these materials (mutagen) as we played other levels to farm other things. Now they have moved them to a place we have to make keys for, if and when, we run out of mats for those keys, we have to farm mats to make keys to go farm other mats.


    They of course did this so people would have reason to go to the new tile set after you are done getting the new Frame, but they made this a huge time sink to just farm one mat, not only that, but it is the ONLY reason to go there, so they made this a deadend grind spot, nothing else is there for us to do, unlike the old way of having them on planets we might go and farm other things and get these as we play, level or party with friends. We will only go to these new ships after we get the new Frame to farm one material, Mutagen.


    This is the biggest blunder a game studio can make, force us (the players) go to a deadend fixture of a game and farm for one item that has a low drop rate, if you are lucky to walk out with more than a handful, it was a good run. This will get very boring and adds zero to our overall game experience. These guys did zero brainstorming on this and if they did, they really did poorly.

  3. No. In fact, the two game breaking things that have happened in this update. First being the Zoom/Run bug, and the Mutagen being locked on the new tilesets. Everything else is very minor campared to these two things. Not being able to zoom or shoot while running just breaks everyones play styles and can kill new characters, but this will be fixed. The Mutagen issue is something they thought may keep people going back to the new tile set, one probelm, they did not think it through at all.


    When they lock a resource that is needed by everyone to research/craft things and they lock it behind a farm wall, they have opened a very big bad can of worms, this makes them very suspect of trying to position us (the players) into being so beaten by the farm wall we will have to buy from the market. This does not look good to the gaming community.

  4. After spending a bit more time here on the forums, I have finally figured out the main issue here: what I call "Open Beta Syndrome".


    People seem to be forgetting that this is a BETA TEST. You aren't here to get early access to the game, you are here to play through what content the devs have added in so far and find bugs/other issues with it, then report on those to the devs so they can fix/improve them. Yes, the stamina system has it's issues right now, but that's why they are doing it in the beta test, and not after launch: so they can have people TEST IT AND TELL THEM WHAT THEY THINK. All the people that are getting so butthurt over the stamina system tweaks that they are quitting are idiots and aren't cut out to be beta testers.



    Yeah this is the classic "I have no idea what I'm talking about" syndrome. I have alpha and beta tested games and even have gone to college to make games. This is way outside the classic beta testing of games. It still has a toe in the area because yes they are still dropping in huge game changing issues and then figuring out what works and what doesn't. However, the core part of the game is finished, the game will never be anything else other than what it is today, this is a finished product. I have played since this went open beta and they are asking feedback to improve a finished game to polish it not to alter what the core game is and how it functions. I and we have never "tested" anything on the game, we have played this game to offer our insight to polish it, and only in that regard is this a "beta". Someone pointed out, once you have a cash shop you cross the line, listen to him, he is exactly right. Once you take money for your product it has moved phases, we are now customers of DE not testers for them.


    If you ever taken your car to a carwash where they come and dry your car by hand at the end just before you drive away, thats us the guys trying to dry the car with a damp towel before they jump in and drive off.

  5. I've run missions on planets known to drop samples before update 10 and have looked on the wiki. It seems the only place you can find them is now in the market and due to the high number of samples needed to research the new weapons it looks like until the issue is fixed your looking at spending roughly 300ish dollars just on the samples.


    DE...please fix this or make them cheaper in the market

    They are locked on the new mission maps, get to farming those keys.

  6. DE made so many missteps on this update and locking fundamental resources is probably the worst one of them all. We now have to farm mats to get keys to farm mats. i would have loved to be in the room when the person with this idea was telling the rest of the staff, and why didn't anyone choke that guy out right then?

  7. Can't zoom or shoot while running, this has got my new frame in some real trouble and killed once today. Was getting full hallway shooting at me and trying to sprint for some kind of cover to get the little shield I had back and was trying to lay some fire down and take a few out, but it only would pop the camera in and out quickly and shoot 1 bullet and stop. Dark hallway full of angry baddies and a new frame that can't fire back, not fun.

  8. Just played a derelict, because I do need mutagen. Not one drop and I looked everywhere and killed everything. I have master thief and thief's wit both maxed and even have the carrier with me to suck up those hard to reach goodies.


    If they are going to take mutagen off the maps and only let us farm them on these ships. They better drop like it's their job, like they have that and only that on their W2's. If they release new dojo stuff that needs a ton of these to research and then build and then hide them in these ships so we have to grind keys to farm or want us to fork out 15 plat for 1 mutagen, one recipe to research cost 61 another 66. 66 x 15 = 990 platinum, $50 US... just saying.

  9. There are quite a few problems, we have focused our chats to only a limited few that slapped us in the face as we walked in the door last night.


    1) You can't zoom in while running.

    2) You can't fire while running.

    3) You can't do any real melee game play (which is the real problem with the stam nerf)

    4) Can't do any real wall running without the mod to cut the energy used down. (thats just stupid for a ninja game.)

    5) The new frame is bugged like crazy (though all have been straight out the box)

    6) Mutagen are now only on the new ships and not on ANY planet we can farm quickly, we need to farm keys to farm basic stuff now, not just the new frame.

    7) The mod system is buggy (not sure if that was from this update or from before)

    8) The multicore threading is having real issues too (but they warn you if you turn this option on that it may be this way)

    9) The new void keys are mixed in with the old ones again in the cash shop, which has a lot of people very upset.

    10) Carrier has badge issues they display insdie him for clan badge and straight up on his back for event badges.

    There are more I'm just getting too tired to think anymore.


    The main "game breaking" problems are the farming keys to get the mutagens, that is too much to ask any casual or hardcore gamer in this type of game. And the can't shoot while running, that got me in real trouble a few times today. Thats just mean or extremely broken atm.

  10. Not to mention this whole key system is a completely blindsided surprise to everyone. When were we informed of this?? I would love to know. I wouldn't have as many complaints if it wasn't grinding containers for a key to grind for another key to grind for a possibility at a 1/3 of 3/3 part for Nekros.. This is complete insanity. DE are not thinking about anyone who doesn't have time to hardcore grind on this game, but enjoy it, they are making it so you either have to do a huge chore, or pay approx. 20 USD for this warframe.. It's senseless and greedy in my opinion.

     I could not agree more, I'm in college and have very little time to play. Over the summer it was fine to sink a huge amount of time in the game for whatever reason, but now I simply can't. I want to enjoy my time with this game and not grind and grind some more only to find out I just started an uphill grind for a frame. For me it will be easier to buy the frame, but that takes all the fun out of earning it. I really have zero options with this update. They are not thinking of the casual players at all. The people who have nothing better to do are tickled pink about this update and are giving thanks to DE for it, but for the busy people, this update is just a big middle finger.

  11. I think their original plan was to move volt to new corpus boss, Alad V, in the new planet.

    Somehow they end up like this.

    I think they were going to kill off Volt frame Nova for the crime. Have a long trial where it comes out she is a stalker spy,  they have to nerf her into the gorund, but she slept with Rhino and is having his baby, but he doesn't know it. The Forum goes crazy and she gets hauled off to warframe jail, they have the whole PS4 launch and she is talked about in whispers for years. "Nova who?" people will start to say. Years later a Stalker comes after a bald old retired Rhino and looks a lot like him (especially around the eyes) and kills him in his worn out old bath robe and boxers while he is still in his favorite comfy chair (the one with the hole in it) then one day we wake up and it was all a bad dream and we go back to preU10 days. I could be wrong though, you never know.

  12. It still isn't a huge deal.


    I'm sorry that you're upset that the game wont give you everything you want merely for showing up. If you want instant gratification, go download angry birds on a tablet.


    People that play this game are running it into the ground. By the time Digital Extremes is done pandering to everyone, it will be a bare bones casual experience where people speed run everything until there's nothing left to savor after 25 hours of gameplay.

    Yeah don't listen to the beta testers testing the game saying "you're boring us to tears with endless, mindless grinding" Listen to the one guy that thinks it allows him to "savor" the experience. It is not wrong to ask for quality in this game, don't be affraid.

  13. Like how people actually have to work to get the new and shiny frame? THe very same people who have been complaining about nothing to do for months? Or how the weapons aren't the newest version of powercreep and don't instagib tiny minions just to have a chance at 'endgame' content which isn't actual endgame content? Perhaps the bit where the new way of getting the new items such as the infested weapons and Nekros frame, ie farming to farm a boss, requires people stop rushing levels and actually loot things?


    I can't be mad at this update because all the reactions to it are hilarious.


    Pre-u10: 'give us something more DE!'


    After u10: 'No we don't want more things DE!'

    I think people were asking for more FUN stuff to do, we could always grind, after all the game is a grindfest. We never once said "please make us grind for months some more please DE." People are still asking for more FUN and less grind, they are just using U10 as the latest language to voice it. Read between the pleas and see the LCD in all of this.

  14. The void keys are about the highest level of tolerance we have for how hard a level is to access in this game. And I still think they should be a bit easier to get into.


    This game is a skinner box. This update has seriously increased the ammount of time and effort us rats need to put forth to aquire a food pellate. Adding features to a game to make it last longer or to put distance between rewards has a purpose. Rewards feel more worth it when you have to work for them a little bit. But you can't just increase the grind, time, and effort required and conclude that we will get all the more satisfaction when we do get w/e it is we are grinding for.


    This is starting to feel like all the worst parts of grinding out attunements, aquireing raid keys, and repuation farming for an MMORPG. The next step would be to add factions that we need to grind out and we would have achieved maximum grind. At least for most MMOs you keep the raid key once you aquire/make it.


    It feels like DE knows that you need to have the players work for the goodies, but doesn't know the exact ratio of time/effor->reward to make the grind worth it. I always assumed they got lucky in all the previous patches when it came to balancing that factor. This patch confirms my suspicions that they haven't put nearly enough thought into how important this is to a game. Increasing the tedium does not make the rewards more worthwile. It doesn't help that most of the rewards we are working on, aren't worth it in general. Like almost every melee weapon in the game, but we still grind them for 10o points.


    Hopefully they will learn something from this and get their S#&$ together. Because if not they are only going to keep making this same mistake, making the game grindier and grindier, untill everyone leaves. I don't plan on playing if they keep locking us out of content like this. I picked this game up because of the fast paced action, not grindy MMO skinnerboxing. I might go back to playing tribes for all my speed fixes and I can play FF XIV for my MMO grindfest.


    Plus things like this that are massive resource sinks, make the game that much more unaprochable for new players.

    This post got me misty, I feel like someone else in the world understands. Life just got a bit brighter.

  15. So, everyone complains about how the game has gotten too easy and now that it's a little harder... everything is taking too long?



    How does moving slow make it harder? It just takes longer to play, which takes a lot of the fun out it. So, if you mean harder as in harder to want to play, then sir you hit the nail on the head.

  16. This game was perfect, I guess you could even say I may have grown an addiction for the game, haha. That is until update 10 has come and just 180'd my whole perspective on this game.. Where do we start, the stamina changes, they don't seem that bad until you actually start playing with this new system, what kinda of "ninja" gets winded after a few sword slashes??? I mean come on DE.. This game is basically getting a bullet to the head with these changes, now with that said lets get to the real problem with update 10: Nekros. I can't help but to think back to the update 10 video speaking of "the last hours of development," in that video Nekros was showcased and just bragged about, we were teased with all of his new moves and this new boss was introduced and showcased. Not once in this video do I remember them informing us that it could take 50+ hours in order to obtain this warframe, some warframes were already a huge grind to obtain already with the extremely low drop rates, but now you choose to make Nekros beyond impossible for the casual warframe player. This is extremely unfair for free players and just cruel to tease that much with content only to make it a huge grind for a key to grind those keys to make another key to fight is new boss you have given us for a possibility at a Nekros part, IF you're lucky enough... I really hope that something is changed and rethought about this whole key system, not everyone has time on this game to just grind their heart out only to have their time wasted by receiving nothing or the same part from this boss after hours of their time getting these required keys. I'm just bringing this to the attention of DE in hopes of getting something changed here, judging by all of the negative feedback on update 10 I really am hoping for a change.



    digital high five +1, btw awesome name!


    I have ranted about endless grind fest before, I just seemed to challenge them to up the stakes! They asked us, "Do you hate life yet?" And some goon said "no" Their answer, "You will NOW!"

  17. They need to rename this update "Floater" because someone forgot to flush these crappy ideas. This update puts the FU in fun for sure.


    I feel like DE caught me having fun with their game one day and decided to whip the fun right out of me.... I'm sorry DE I'll never do it again, please stop now.


    I'm using humor to mask my pain right now... I need a moment */sniff*

  18. 3-4 minutes x10 runs = 30-40 minutes.

    9-10 minutes x10 runs = 90-100 minutes. ( 1hr30min-1hr40min)


    So you're basically adding an hour for ten minutes. Not a huge deal, huh? 

    I've also heard stories of players who took 50+ runs to get a warframe's pieces.


    3-4 minutes x50 runs = 150-200 minutes. (2hrs30min-3hrs20min)

    9-10 minutes x50 runs = 450-500 minutes. (7hrs30min-8hrs20min) 





    Math is scary... and death for the casual gamer.

  19. Yea lol one of my favorite games (Dungeon Fighter Online) Got shut down because they made it a never ending grind fallowing the korean/chinese marketing techniques......not to DE~ Americans arent fans of infinite grind fests with little reward. we also arent fans of gambling loot either we like to feel like we have constant forward motion.


    That being said youve already made the mistake of RNG for all your drops including void, which it should be toned down for.(This we can deal with tho) but now your making frames take 3x the work and time to acquire, this isent including the long craft times.


    I personally think you guys need to rethink the direction your taking......Your my current favorite game and i don't wanna loose you too.

    My new hero! I wish I could give high 5's over the interwebs

  20. I hate to judge things too quickly, I feel that some of this stuff is trial and error with a beta version of the game, but after saying that I have to say, DE kind of made this no fun at all. U10 was looking pretty sweet until it launched and now I feel they may have been way too heavy handed once again in their approach to things. They want you to be a ninja and then take the speed out. Can't run and shoot, and need to grind for endless hours for everything, so it kills it for casual players or makes them pay.


    I feel like the game was finished a while ago and they are still messing with it, and if you tinker too long you break it. I feel that DE made my favorite game and then broke it, and I don't know who to send hate mail to or scream at, so you guys have to listen to it, sorry.

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