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  1. No I really mean 50+, it kind of depends on what you do. In Steelpath it's annoying as it's no longer about cryotic in Excavation but only to get one full dig out of it but when they one shot it, there's only so much you can do. In mobile defense the target just randomly seems to explode due to low HP, regardless of what you use to defend it. It's not impossible, it's just annoying, if they scaled it up then they could just add enemies/make them harder and not be limited by some BS HP limitation that it takes from non SP planet scale which it does now. The defense objective when it's an NPC is just annoying to revive every 10 seconds if there's an environmental hazard but still doable as you have a revive timer but it really is a lazy solution to it all. Edit: I've already done all excavations in SP, it's not a complaint specifically for them, it's for future players and making Kuva Lich/Tenet/Arbitrations more enjoyable.
  2. Still happening, maybe a quick fix would be to convert all those push thingies to the ones you shoot instead.
  3. Time to fix this... Defense, hijack, mobile defense, excavation etc. At 50+ level it's no longer about how well you shoot, how many you kill, it's about using a few select warframes to stop the enemy from doing any damage and hoping the enemy doesn't get a single shot away on the objective. HP of objectives needs to be scaled in Kuva Lich, arbitration , steel path etc. It's even worse when you need to defend an NPC and there's an environmental AOE, they just sit there and die over and over again with their 1000hp and all you do for 5-10 minutes is revive them. Please fix ASAP, it's not adding anything to the experience.
  4. Impossible to play anything where you have to take down ships, also getting some weird glitch when flying with my archwing in Railjack missions: If I don't use speed boost, character model keeps bouncing up and down, if I speed boost there's a "blue shadow" of my character above it...
  5. Guessing this is about crowd control as in lifting up enemies, making them go to sleep etc... Real crowd control is killing the faster than they can spawn though, plenty of options. Personally I'm more annoyed by the mind control/necromancy going on when you can't see the difference between a revived enemy and a live one, ending up wasting a magazine on a friendly unit ( thanks Wisp for boosting my RPM for this ).
  6. You stated the problem, people don't want added time to an already tedious task of grinding. Circuit is already a mind numbing experience or how far you can push yourself for a few XP so you don't have to run it again, no need to add more to that experience.
  7. You rather have another mission where you can use your absolutely overpowered one shotting warframe? As much as I was frustrated with the story missions where none of the progress I made in the main game had any impact on the DPS I did or tank, I can't see them working with the absolutely broken builds we have in the game, I personally believe it's on purpose and it's a good thing. The broken builds have a place and even necessary in some game modes, story mode isn't one of them.
  8. So it's Sortie and you have radiation in it, in Sorties you have to defend a moving and absolutely suicidal NPC. It's already a pain in the ass as it's moving all over the place and even when marking it, the marker randomly disappears and if the NPC doesn't fall through the ground into oblivion ( which seems to happen a lot and you can't revive him/her ), it will die constantly from envrionmental damage. It's already enough that there are a thousand Grineer/Corpus/Infested attacking it but when it dies 5-6 times in each round to AOE from some crap you can do anything about it gets a bit annoying... Protecting dumb AI is already a great way to get players to hate missions in games ( only thing worse is adding some timer because you ran out of ideas how to make stuff challenging ), don't make it worse by adding random factors you can't do anything about. And no it's not dying from the infested which is today's enemies, it's literally just standing still and dying in a radation cloud of some sort. Either fix it by making it immune to the environmental AOE ( or whatever AOE you decide to apply to the sortie ) or simply don't use it in defense missions.
  9. That did it, thanks. Must have followed some guide to minimize nauseating visual effects at some point and then the update made everything harder to see, unless this setting is set to 10 as default. Would have never thought of looking for it in the Accessibility menu... Example of before and after for anyone interested, this is a pretty well lit area for Duviri, in the more foggy areas these are invisible, with 30% it works just fine.
  10. Ever since the update with the enhanced damage numbers thingy, I can't see sh*t when it comes to transparent items like Kaithe Race checkpoints, K-Drive race checkpoints and probably ton of other stuff I get annoyed about but can't recall right now. In Duviri they are practically invisible unless you are on the last mission step and the whole world is lit up. They are so dim that you are better off navigating via the mini map, that means hitting walls and other obstacles. Also some tile sets have had their lighting changed to a point where you can't see anything but a blinding light, especially around spotlights/god rays. I've tried to fiddle around a little bit with the graphics setting but haven't found anything obvious, bloom and all the extra effects are all turned off just like they were before the update. It's a bit on the extreme side and causes major strain on the eyes as you already have a ton of other stuff you should be focusing on instead of squinting for some race checkpoint.
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