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  1. Dawg no one wants sympathy from people who hang on forums I'm just looking for a answer xD
  2. I literally tried to help the guy LOL. He couldn't handle killing the guy we needed to kill and kept putting keys in. I said "hey if you can't hang don't put the keys, I'll do it for you so we can get by the relics faster" He said "it is just rotation B rewards" then I said "Yea but relics open faster if we just do it right the first time" He took offense, and reported me? I think at least. What I said was intended to be taken as harsh and REAL useful life advice. If you have nothing good or useful to say don't say it. right? kapish? I'm only telling you since it seems like your parents never did
  3. I was looking for a answer on how long my ban is since it doesn't say how long it is. When I log in on steam it says I'm banned, and when I log in through my phone it says I am suspended, therefore I am confused. You know what I mean? Trust me I don't need sympathy from forum wooks I just want a general answer on my question.
  4. You're mom never taught you "If you do not have anything good or helpful to say, don't say it" huh?
  5. Hello, thanks for taking the time to reply. Do you mean submitting a request? or should I try to contact them another way?
  6. I hope who ever is reading this is doing well. I tried to let a fellow squad mate know I would do the work for him if he couldn't handle killing a certain enemy in distruption and, I think he took it the wrong way and kept insulting me. I believe he reported me after. I was only trying to help him and even tried helping one of the other squad mates finish their relic at the end ( because everyone else including me chose no relic ). I don't understand why I was banned over a misunderstanding. I am sorry for my actions if I did do something wrong that I am not aware about, and promise to be better. This is my second account and I had just caught up to my first after grinding the game for more than 100 hours. I don't play or have my xbox anymore so I don't think I'm willing to start all the progress over again, because I have made it way farther into the game than my first account. I love warframe and do not want to quit, it is currently my only distraction and escape in a toxic household. I've submitted a request on the support page already but I still have not got a response and it has been about 12 hours. Thank you for reading and if you have any idea how long a first time ban would last, or how I can get my account back please let me know.
  7. I hope who ever is reading this is doing well. I tried to let a fellow squad mate know I would do the work for him if he couldn't handle killing a certain enemy and, I think he took it the wrong way and kept insulting me. I believe he reported me after. I was only trying to help him and even tried helping one of the other squad mates finish their relic at the end ( because everyone else including me chose no relic ). I don't understand why I was banned over a misunderstanding. I am sorry for my actions if I did do something wrong that I am not aware about, and promise to be better. This is my second account and I had just caught up to my first after grinding the game for more than 100 hours. I don't play or have my xbox anymore so I don't think I'm willing to start all the progress over again, because I have made it way farther into the game than my first account. I love warframe and do not want to quit, it is currently my only distraction and escape in a household where everything leads to violence. Thank you for reading and if you have it in your heart to appeal my ban I promise to be better and be careful with my choice of words.
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