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Everything posted by (PSN)RomDog2648

  1. I recently saw this Tennogen post in the steam workshop, and I couldnt believe how absolutely amazing it looked! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3024292629 It's everything I could dream of in a Hildy skin. VentralHound's Yareli Alt helmet has been approved with release date TBA. Which is fantastic, cuz Yareli has been needing a new helmet option for so long, and Hound's helmet fits the jellygirl SO well ❤️. But that Hildryn skin... Whew... That skin is something else (fav part of it is the infested hair), and I pray that DE blesses us with another superb tennogen addition 🙏.
  2. What is the best Trumna build mathematically? With and without a Riven. If with a Riven, what stats am I wanting for the absolute best result? And let's say, hypothetically, I play on controller and have bad hand coordination, but still want to use the Trumna despite its high recoil, how would you recommend modding it without the requirement of landing headshots? I am ok with the use of faction mods.
  3. Does Hildryn, who has access to a good armor stripping, still use Hunter Munitions on her weapons? If not, what are good alternatives to help improve damage on frames like her? Also, I've seen people say that weapons that have good innate slash still benefit greatly from using Hunter Munitions, how is that? Do you get more procs? Bigger procs??
  4. That's simply not true, there are many people who are pro-puddle who are wishing Plunder weren't a thing, heck there's even a comment like that in this thread, and you yourself are even suggesting they either merge or remove Wave or barrage in favor of Puddle. And then right after you are the one that starts being belittling, and gatekeeping. "I doubt you or many other players have used Hydroid much to even warrant having much input about the unique game-play style that can be had with the Puddle. " I mean just read that back to yourself... Then I ask that you read the comments in the thread again, then maybe you'll see that I wasnt attacking puddle at all, and instead advocating they keep (and tweak) puddle to make more sense with the reworked kit. I don't think Puddle was perfect the way it was, but I also wasn't part of the *Puddle is gone? Good riddance* crowd.
  5. I would rather they keep the new ability, nothing had to be lost. Wave is gaining instant invulnerability on press like Puddle has now, so having to press and hold for Puddle wouldn't really be an issue if you just Wave first. Plunder also makes Corrosive element hit much harder, +320% bonus to Corrosive damage is the max value I saw in the demo, iirc. I like that it provides both offensive and defensive bonuses, and it gives Hydroid something to keep track of, making him that much more engaging to play imo, AND it also fits thematically, which is great! I was on the hopium when I saw the slide that read that there would be a new ability added, I really wish they didn't take away any of his tools, and simply improved on them.
  6. That is an issue that could be fixed by having the game always keep the higher value when Plundering. It very much IS a problem.
  7. I also mentioned at the end there that they could also have Hydroid reach that 99.9% DR with Ability Strength scaling (at the end there), possibly increasing Plunder's armor steal values. And luckily Hydroid still has access to shield gate (Unlike Nidus and Inaros), and now, instant invulnerability in his Wave. Level cap isnt exactly something most warframe players will ever get to, as it takes hours to even reach, and not everyone is going to have the time. Just not realistic for the majority of the playerbase, but I did question his viability at level cap simply because I know that there are people who will bring that up. So 99.9% DR does nothing past base SP, he can still do the thing, he still has the tools for it, even if they wont be the best. Again, I simply entertain the level cap argument, but I know full well the number of players playing for those long hours for that goal is in the decimal percentages, which is to say, it won't matter for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase.
  8. Well, there are warframes that cruise through content, but in different ways. Warframe is still a hack n slash, shooty explody game at the end of the day, not a tactical shooter. The content is only hard when you havent quite solved the warframe you're using, and haven't quite gotten the hang of game mechanics. But once you know "the best builds" and "best weapons" and know how to do "the thing" (shield gating), you're cruising, so long as your mods and stats are where they need to be. This Hydroid rework comes with its own mini-game, its own way to play, like how Saryn is now. Build corrosive stacks, Plunder! Enjoy the power fantasy of being a pirate who commands corrosive waters and armaments.
  9. Merging puddle with Wave seems to be the consensus, pressing to Wave and holding to Puddle being the solution to keeping such a unique skill in-game. Something to note, Wave will now have Instant I-frames on press, like Puddle does, which is great! It used to have a delay between the press and getting the invulnerability, which would cause much frustration, making Puddle the go-to reactive evade. From the showcase, it seems like the only missing piece of the Hydroid puzzle is the expediting of Corrosive stacks for Plunder. A possible solution: Puddle! Having Puddle be the ability you use to quickly ramp up Corrosive stacks in an enemy group would feel just right, the icing on the cake for the rework. A much wider area that lingers after Hydroid jumps out, that maybe slows and applies corrosive stacks instead of banishing and slowly drowning enemies (which I agree is not the best form of CC, as it messes with the flow of the game when players can't see that there are enemies trapped inside the puddle). Puddle didnt deserve to get shafted. It CAN be saved! I trust that Pablo can find a way to keep such a unique tool for our pirate frame, who always has a way out of sticky situation, as a cunning pirate should!
  10. If my recently acquired warframe math knowledge is correct, it's looking like Hydroid will be able to reach 90% damage reduction with the use of some Plunder (iirc, the cap shown on stream appeared to be 1440 bonus Armor, with +300~ Corrosive damage bonus), and the Umbral Fiber mod with max Umbral set bonus. While his health value is not as big as Nidus it does seem like Hydroid is gonna be getting way more tanky than people are expecting. Also being able to heal himself and allies with the Plunder augment, very nice! Hydroid is looking like he's going to be cruising through most content with the greatest of ease... Unsure of how he'll fair up at level caps though. He seems very survivable, on paper... Possibly some even higher armor values with ability strength scaling...?
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