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Posts posted by Kasseopea

  1. 1 hour ago, Syncrasis said:

    DE is one of the most fan-oriented companies I've seen. They are going out on a limb to give us the opportunity to create things that will be mutually beneficial to both parties, and I cannot think of a more ideal situation. Controling what content gets added is crucial both in keeping the integrity of the vision for the game correct and in making sure that the pieces that are added don't have to fight with a saturated market to be seen. Limiting what types of items are added helps keep the market smaller, and thus gets more money to the content creators whose pieces are added.

    As for weapons being the only way to express some sort of "true" creativity... I'm not sure where you're going with that. They've given us a huge amount of creative freedom to go about making things. Helmets and syandanas are that 100% made-from-scratch style that I think you're looking for. Skins might use the same geo but they're large canvases with lots of space to sculpt on and tons of skill is required to get the flow and balance of the skins just right. These things are all wonderfully challenging. 

    They try a lot of things all time, sometimes they fail, sometimes they succeed. TennoGen overall has been a huge hit, but for whatever reason, they've been very iffy about weapons swaps. I know that the checkbox for TennoGen submissions has been removed after the Polycount contest, not sure why it's back but really, the best solution is to PM/email someone who actually knows what is going on IE Kary or Rebecca, maybe even the forum mods. There are lots of people ready to help out. Don't rely on us speculating peons for something you're gonna pour dozens of hours into.

    They promised less grind and brought out Equinox. They release a raid, hyping it up to the skies and the great reward for it is 1/Xth of a minor improvement you could strip to your syandana / helmet. They asked us what primed mod we want and brought out primed fast hands instead of streamline. I am sorry, but they are the most user unfriendly dev team i ever witnessed. Maybe i somehow always saw the bad sides, but that's my experience and that is what i can tell from personally. Maybe they are all angels in disguise, the hell i know. Just haven't seen any of it yet.

    I haven't said weapons are the only way to express true creativity either - i said recoloring alone isn't really doing it for me and modelling a complete warframe is a little too much trouble. It would take weeks to create a model that is high quality and tweaked to perfection - don't really have the time for it. And it would be for one Warframe only. A weapon can always be used and personally for me just more fun to make, since it has to embody elegance and deadliness at the same time. Personal preference, that's all, not insulting or dismissing anything or anyone.

    I guess i will make the swords anyway. If they re-impliment the whole system - i already have something to submit. If not - still a good addition to my portfolio.

  2. On 13/06/2016 at 1:01 AM, Rekkou said:

    Well, to put it simply, there are cases that makes tennogen can be described as "inconsistent". The bottom line is DE are free to accept and reject anything they want.  There are guidelines, but it's not a rule that ties both parties. Nothing is guaranteed to be accepted just because you stick to the guidelines, nothing is guaranteed to be rejected because you stray away from the guidelines.

    Just keep in mind that you basically gambles your work and time. Few people fell to a dark place because they can't accept that.

    It doesn't cost them anything to put them in and i had a couple friends who bought them, pretty much 70% at some point bought at least one weapon skin, so the popularity or the expenses can't be the reason. 

    My plan was it to make six Galatine models, one for each syndicate. Now i guess all goes down the trash

    I don't see any real merit in just recoloring. And what is left? A complete remodel for a Warframe? That is tons of work if you want to do it properly. One for Liset / Mantis? I bet there will be objections and reason as to why those are not allowed to be too remodelled either.

    The thing that is annoying about it - should they actually have banned remodelling of weapons from the submissions - is that they basically prohibit us from being creative about TennoGen, which was the reason it was created in the first place. Well, ok, the real reason was ofc to get them more money, but i mean the facade of it was about creativity.

    I literally cannot imagine any reason (should it actually be true) except some really strange sort of jealousy. People keep to their Art Guide, they produce top-quality skins and everyone wins - DE get cash, the creators get some and the community has more stuff to choose from.



  3. At first I was upset I have no time to play. After reading the reactions , I am actually glad I never found a window for warframe.

    So I watch from the sidelines now, really hoping that the end will bring some lore or at least cool npc talk.

    Theese gates, especially timed ones with a layer of RNG seems a bit much.

    And I am sad the event turned into a quitfest.

    It had to. They gave the acolytes so little total health, that people are desperate to get their drops as often as possible, which then accelerates their decay, which makes people more desperate and so on. DE knew exactly what they were doing

  4. You know what, considering that I was in missions where I saw two or three members of the cell leave because the acolyte didn't drop the mod they wanted, I consider this a fix to the loophole they left. Just like the old Orokin Sabotage missions, which were changed to show the rewards at the end of the mission to prevent people getting caches then jumping out because they didn't get what they wanted. Those of you who are whining about the loophole being closed probably also whined when DE made the Sabotage drops mysteries until extraction.


    Furthermore, the event lasts until the acolytes are dead, then an additional three days for the final challenge.

    I have 5 repeater clips by now from angst, not a single gold mod. To me it is just a proof that DE habe either no idea what they are doing or are being malicious.

  5. I really highly doubt that DE will make these mods exclusive to the event. That seems like a huge miss-step on their part.


    I wouldn't be surprised if acolytes pop up like any other alert after this event is over. Just have some patience.

    Yes, because Buzz Kill and Primed Chamber are already available to everyone

  6. Basically that's how DE think:

    1. Bring out a new, uber-powerful mod (Argon Scope)

    2. Limit it harshly. Not even to skill like Tempo Royale or to time like Buzz Kill - limit it to those who can grind non-stop.

    3. People will want the mod and spend countless plat on it.

    4. People will need more plat = Profit.




    Oh, cool, they deleted my other topic. No one dares to criticize DE



    Not like its the first time, cmon. Everytime they introduce something new - the fck up like 20 things. When people start complaining, they start deleting everything that is not "well..uhm...i kinda dislike it...but i still love DE ssooooo much, please fix it...or not...you know, whenever you feel like it"

  8. As I said, just wait it out. Nothing to worry about. These mods will definitely return. If it isn't gonna be as frequent as I expect, then at the very least Baro will have them one day.

    You have been able to manage without them for all your warframe time, so don't get so worked up about it.

    The RNG sure is bad for a short event where you only have a day to farm. However, if this is gonna be like invasions then the RNG is just in place to prevent them from become too easy to get

    Oh, you are so right. Please tell me - where can i farm Buzz Kill best? Primed Chamber? EMP?

  9. Lets be honest - Warframe is not about fabulous combat-setups. Yeah, you can achieve nice damage if enemies have viral + toxic, but who is going to bother?


    I mean, the damage is about the same? Yeah, k, what about the cast time? It takes FAR too long to actually get all that damage starting and it takes even longer for it to be dealt. What was great about Saryn was her abilitiy to quickly nuke a room and continue. Now it's a slugfest at best. And it costs more energie.


    Let's sum it up then, shall we?




    + Pretty Skin




    - Less damage on average

    - The DPS did the same thing Neo did when he first tried to jump to the other building

    - A LOT more energy to deal the same damage needed

    - By the time you are done casting, somebody probably already cleared the room with an unmodded Lato

  10. Essentially just mod for Duration like normal on Valk (Can run Hysteria+Eternal War build seamlessly now) and mod your melee weapon like you would for Exalted. That's it, really. Any melee works just fine.


    Well, yeah, but what kind of damage does her ulti do? Because the wiki doesn't say whether it's slash or not.

  11. Ok, since Valkyr's ulti has been changed so often, it could double as a metronome, i wondered how it works this time.


    So it say it is affected by the weapon mods. Is it also affected by the weapon itself? And if so, by all stats or only certain stats?


    Because the nifty window that is supposed to show you how the ability's stats change with the mods only affects the ones in the warframe itself.


    The only thing i figured out so far is that it has no duration anymore and only eats through energy. The more duration/efficiency, the slower. Basically you can now leave it on forever.


    Anyways, hope anyone already figured out.

  12. First of all i didn't say anything about a Chesa, so tone down your damn salt. Keyword was SOME not all, just SOME of the abilities are useful. DE does care about player suggestions. There are various examples of them in the game and one the most recent is the green glow on rare resources off the top of my head.

    You have yet to name a useful Kubrow ability. Stealth doesn't count btw. It is so situational and is so easily broken with the kubrow ability, there is no point in using it instead of Loki.

  13. I disagree with that. Some of their abilities are very useful. A revive mod would be cool but it might need a cooldown or something.


    Oh, really? you mean like the one where it will run across the map to give you 1 resource node while being shot at? Yeah, that's a ground breaker.


    Actually i dont really know why i started this thread, the DE don't give a fck about player suggestions anyway.

  14. Well, right now Kubrows are strong, true.


    They are also incredibly expensive, require own full set of mods some of which are t10 and their abilities are beyond useless.


    My suggestions would thus be to give them a mod or an ability or a class that would revive a fallen Tenno. My licking his face i.e.


    It would also give a reason to use anything aside from carrier prime.

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