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Posts posted by Kasseopea

  1. Ok, First off - how are there people in this world who are not Sheldon from BBT and don't get that the first post was blantanly sarcastic.


    Secondly - yes, he got buffs to become relevant, but they overachieved here. The ability is just far too good.

  2. This is past usual end-game standards. Why is this necessary? Also, your second point applies to every frame aside from Nova, maybe a few others





    I think the only thing op here is your sarcasm... other than that, excal is fine leave him alone >:(


    He is not even close to being "fine" - aside from Mirage he has by FAR the highest damage output in the whole game now. You dont even see an Ex using ANY other ability anymore, they just run around and trololololol with their blades all over the place. And it take the fun out of the game for everyone else, because you can just run to the exit at that point, you wont be killing anything, thats for sure.

  3. can you do 100 waves with other frames ?


    No, you cannot and thats the whole point. Look at the supposed-to-be damage frames like Ember. She barely kills anything with her ultimate unless its either tiny or costs like 300 energy. Ex is now the ultimate warframe and everyone plays him, which tells us about his balance



    Well played sir, for a moment I truly feared you were seriously asking for a buff..


    With pleasure

  4. This post brings joy to my soul.

    Im glad





    Didn't they say that they'll look at the numbers and adjust if needed? (wait for them adjustments)

    Yeah, DE say a lot of things. Like Year of Quality™

  5. He isn't overpowered at all. At lower levels he will tear through enemies with ease, but at the higher levels Exalted Blade really starts to drop-off.

    Excuse me, what are higher levels? Because the one i had in my team 1-hit-killed Wave 40 enemies in a T4 defense.


    His OP as fck now. The only thing that calms me down is that they are going to uber-buff Frost as well.

  6. Ok, we have to talk over this grave matter.


    Excalibur already got a tiny buff (those wind-swords) and it is a step in the right direction, however (!)


    1. He still cannot do a T4 defense solo up to wave 100.

    2. He still is not able to kill all enemies on the map simultaneusly.

    3. His damage is not infinite and thus enemies still can (theoretically, if they are about Lv200) survive even AFTER one of those energy blades hit them.


    So, these are my main complaints. Don't fret! I have also a solution - first off his Exalted Blades should be changed into a global AoE. This way, he has to aim even less than now and be more efficient. Secondly - the damage should take away a percentage of the enemy's HP, rather than having a set damage like all those other frame (namely 100%). And, which is most important, Excalibur should get a permanent shield in the amount of the damage he deals with those blades. 


    The last change would be, that he should be able to use his abilities even in Nullifier-bubbles. The reason is - he is Excalibur.


    I don't want him to be overpowered or anything, just a bit better than all those other warframes who nobody needs anyways. All hail Excalibur. Excalibur is love, Excalibur is live.


    (You are free to take this feedback with a grain of SALT)


    P.S. Seriously though, what the hell - Ex dealing more damage than a fully modded, 6-forma Opticor? You fckn s***ting me DE?

  7. I don't really see a problem with them. Nullifiers encourage to charge in, melee and charge out. Sure, you wont be doing it at Minute 70 T4 Survival, but let us be honest - one only gets there by exploiting powers, like Mag's Shield Nuke or Trinity's Life Link.


    They also force a team to coordinate, rather than being 4 headless chicken. I dislike them when fighting them, but i find them a great game concept per se.


    They prevent from going endless-mode, since you WILL take damage most of the time if taking them down melee and waste lots of ammo if attacking ranged. Ofc there are still launchers or Castanas, but hey, one would have to use his brain, so its out of question.

  8. Maybe the devs should look around how real bosses are made. The Souls series or Devil May Cry 3 & 4.


    A boss has to force you to be creative and only allow victory if you mastered your skill, not simply stand 99% of time invincible and have tiny hitboxes where you could theoretically hit him if not for the crappy hit detection in the other 1%.


    There is something really, REALLY wrong with the game, if it's 10 times easier to farm Ember Prime than Ember.

  9. Please Explain?

    && also this is a game, people are going to find efficient ways to play the game. So even if they get rid of radial javelin excal , he WILL be replaced by peacemaker mesa. && if they do Nerf greedy mag , she WILL be replaced by EV trinity. Efficient ways to farm/play doesn't equal 'Exploit.'

    Btw I do not use Gmag or peace mesa and do not use this any of these methods mentioned, I'm just wondering what kind of mindset do the devs have.


    I get the feeling no one on the Dev team plays the game himself. Ofc, if you normally have to run around the whole map after each wave or two compared to standing still and getting all the loot, people will prefer the later. I dont know who anyone would even this that it wouldnt be this way.


    The thing is though - this is not how they want the game to be played, so they change it.

  10. A augment mod could upgrade it someday. But DE cant sell more plat that way.

    Instead they will just make a new weapon that costs the Lato+other weapon+other weapon+rare resource and maybe force a slot purchase.


    A augment mod could upgrade it someday. But DE cant sell more plat that way.

    Instead they will just make a new weapon that costs the Lato+other weapon+other weapon+rare resource and maybe force a slot purchase.

    Which in turn will be weaker than the Lato and fire all over the place

  11. I always try to invite a couple of new players every normal raid I do, given that they're interested in learning. Oddly enough, I actually get a decent amount of new players that are MR 14+.

    Is there any reason why people don't do raids :o? They're really quite fun, at least the first couple times. Do they just seem complicated or intimidating?


    Edit: Oh gosh that's alot of reasons why >_<.  Please, if anyone feels like toxicity, or intimidation, or fear of being a liability is anything close to what's stopping them from running Raids, add me as a friend on client or PM me and I'll invite you into a friendly group :3. Just a reminder that this is still a game, to have fun, and in the right conditions Raids can be just that :D! 


    Edit2: Now I feel really privileged ;-;. Are comp/internet specs and bugs that big of a deal? I really haven't encountered to many problems with them. 


    Edit3: I just ran an awesome raid with 4 people that I got from this thread and a friend of mine :3. All 4 of them were brand new, and I have to say it was one of the smoother raids I've gone through. 


    Again, add me if you want to run one before the next Raid is released in U17! It's really not to complicated, and it's alot of fun.

    The raid, really? You mean that one mission that is very hard, requires lots of teamwork and is about as rewarding as a T1 mission? Yeah, no, thanks.

  12. I feel as if the community is equally (or greater) to blame for power creep. The amount of outcry every time anything is nerfed even in the slightest is pretty overwhelming. Therefore, DE has taken a "always buff, never nerf" stance that leads to the power creep. Honestly, it would've been easier to nerf Boltor Prime long ago, but instead, they chose to let it remain in its place, while introducing new, powerful weapons to attempt to compete with it.


    Feature creep is a dumb term, but reading the description of it, is something all Warframe players are well aware of. I totally agree with you on this point, and this practice really breaks my heart. It's the devs enthusiasm for the game that keeps me invested in Warframe, but I'm sure that this is what will eventually make me quit the game.

    New, powerful weapons? Like what? The Simulor? The Panthera? Yeah, those powerhouses are sure to rock t4, no doubt.

  13. Cmon, what have you expected. They are trying to make this game more and more grindy. The arcane enhancement were the apocalyptic horsemen so to speak.


    Have fun grinding some material like Tellurium to make a weapon out of a weapon out of 3 weapons out of a sentinel out of 10 warframe parts.


    Worst part is - those things aren't even worth it most of the time - Panthera & Simulor are weaker than weapons we had for the longest time.

  14. How are some people managing to defend the DE by now?! I mean, k, i know there are fanboys, but this amount of zealous fervor is just stunning.


    They objectively fcked up and nerfed our fun directly. We get no credits, we get tougher enemies and missions, while receiving less and less credits for the stuff we need to complete these missions. Now they released Volt Prime - with a fckn Latron Prime mocking us on his avatar picture in the wiki. He doesn't even has his own weapons. So what? The Orokin had Prime Archwings but no Prime Archwing weapons?!? Aha, yeah, right.


    But hey - we got prime accessories and fck if i know what we would do without those, because we clearly needed them more than a Galatine Prime or a Prime sniper weapon.

  15. Game mechanics =/= Lore. I don;t see why every mechanic in the game needs a Lore explanation behind it. I don't see how this infrgines on Lore as at best it's a deterrent to the Tenno, the tenno can still easily kill them.

    It's called "consistency" - a concepts many Devs and players wont get. This is also what makes Dark Souls a great game and Dying Light a piece of sh!t.

  16. They did add rare fusion core packs as rewards in a bunch of places, and dumped 200 rare fusion cores as alerts. The latter being a short-term grind solution, admittedly, but the prior has done some good. They also fixed the dark sector credit bug so it's giving out more credits now.

    Though I will say that the economy is definitely balanced in such a way that they don't appear to want people to be able to afford to do a heck of a lot without buying boosters (or play a stupid amount). And part of the problem there is that a lot of the ways to make credits are out of reach for new players. It can be very, very hard to start off in Warframe now because DE appears to be trying to control longtime players' spending, and I think it's hurting the early game more than anything.

    Anyway, there's more to be done obviously. I think this thread is way over the top. This Excalibur nerf thing is not a good tipping point to start calling them liars or untrustworthy. Criticism is warranted and we should keep pointing out the places where the game is going off the rails, but y'know. That will always apply to any developer who is actively trying to make money. It's a careful balance, making money and also making a fun game. They are bound to mess up that balance from time to time, and they are more likely to err on the side of keeping the studio in the black, than keeping the game fun at the expense of potentially losing significant amounts of revenue.

    Just the nature of the game.

    The Ex nerf isn't why we are calling them liars and untrustworthy. The reason is that they lie into our very faces with a smug smile and tell us how they want to reduce grind and increase the fun, while doing exactly the contrary.

    If they went out and said "We aren't making enough money, so we will have to reduce the amount of creds you get and make everything more and more tedious" that would have been at least honest if nothing else. This way they sit there, lie their asses off and we are supposed to thank them for that? No way.


    When i started this game i went with my Lv16 Mag to Kril and fcked him up with my MK1 Braton while hiding in corners and waiting for my shields to regenerate. Yes it took hours on end, but when i managed a couple of times, i was proud and had my Frost. There was enough cash for that in my bank, enough materials and enough fun in doing things, because everything was new and awesome.


    And what is left now? So i have ~750 hours in this game. I have the Warframes i like, the weapons i like and the companions i like. Even some cash stuff like Syndanas or Color Pallets. We were supposed to get end-game content. New, awesome weapons and Warframes. Challenging, rewarding, engaging missions.


    What we got is a bugged-as-fck raid, that offers no significant or wanted reward whatsoever, that requires millions and millions in credits to even be used. We have now even less means to get credits. And then we also have a Warframe, that had an intentionally bad design, so they can act as if they listened to the community, so we don't b!tch about the WEEK it requires to be built. A fckn week.


    Seriously, Year of Quality™

  17. Singleplayer trying to kill Lech Kril:


    BA-BAM! (there goes 30% of Iron Skin)

    BA-BAM! (there goes 30% of Iron Skin)

    "Doors are locked, we'll have to break in."

    BA-BAM! (there goes 30% of Iron Skin)

    *replace Iron Skin, kill the stupid overpowered Seeker*

    *hear laughter and see red streaks around, roll my eyes*

    *walk up to computer, try to unlock the doors, succeed. Meanwhile another Seeker spawned and takes down Iron Skin faster than I can hack the computer*

    *get thrown on my back and I get slapped to death 5 seconds later*


    Yeah, right. Sure, whatever.


    I think I'm pretty much done with the game right now. Can't do anything solo higher level these days whatsoever. Everything the Grineer has is just so ridiculously overpowered... why are Seekers doing 200 damage per shot? Can someone tell me why they should do that much damage per shot? My Iron Skin is at least 1200 unless they heavily nerfed it. I'm losing 30% every time I hear that stupid "BA-BAM" of that overpowered pistol they use.


    So I revived and tried to kill the manic... yeah good luck with that. It appears for a split second, whoosh, it's gone. It appears to just teleport around (shooting at the area near where it was doesn't hit it). It appears to be immune to warframe powers (stomp wouldn't touch it), and I hit it 5+ times with a Boltor Prime, doing some 400 damage a shot and it was still alive, still harassing me. Meanwhile, more and more troops are spawning, more Seekers shearing off hundreds of damage every couple seconds.


    Yeah, I think I'm done with this game. They are just making the Grineer worse and worse. Managed to kill Lech Kril like 4 times... Systems Helmet Helmet Helmet.... same old punishing RNG that won't give you what you need.


    Well, then use a different Warframe. Rhino is not supposed to be the ultimate one. Use invisibility/invincibility (Loki, Ash, Hydroid) or disables (Ex, Nyx, Hydroid) or superior movement (Nova, Zephyr, Hydroid) or auto-hit abilities (Mirage, Mesa, Hydroid).


    People go in with their uber-tank frames and think that they should be unkillable - well, sorry, you are not.


    While i do hate most of DE's decision's guts, i can't approve enough of new, tough enemies. I don't want to do missions, knowing that nothing will stop me anymore. Thats fckn boring as fck.

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