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Everything posted by UmbralHalo

  1. I'm not affected, but this is just straight up evil. People who are already at a disadvantage basically get punished for that disadvantage. Every day, DE proves again and again, that their lie from back then (that they wouldn't change after the Tencent thing), was exactly that: A lie. What happened to the developers that cared so much about their players? What happened to the love for your product? This is genuinely saddening and with every passing year, it gets worse. I hear Margulis' voice in my ear, yelling "Shame on you."
  2. I just tried the Elite one several times. No matter what squad, we barely got to leave the first few rooms, bc someone always died to the Vampire Liminus Guys and literally no one had a good enough RNG to get a frame that was somewhat able to survive this BS. Genuinely not fun. I'd much rather play any Jordas Raid from back then with the worst bugs, since that was at least hilarious to watch and talk about when sth stupid happened. The Archimedia on the other hand just feels like boring work. Yet another game mode that doesn't respect its players. It's not challenging. It's annoying. Elden Ring was fun. Elden Ring has the perfect kind of challenges. Warframe doesn't. It's bad at difficulty and it's also not a game where I look for difficulty. Especially when the Devs are really bad at making challenging content. Edit: I was able to do Elite now with my clan mates and all of us took one object with them that wasn't random. So no Vosfor or Somali (or whatever it's called... I googled. Sumdali. Meh. Don't care) for us. One took his super well modded Angstrum. The other his fave Hate and me with Styanax to keep everyone alive and running. Nonetheless super annoying. It wasn't fun. The others also said they won't be playing it again. They only want to play with the builds they love.
  3. FR. They keep lying nowadays. I think we should get used to it. Them: We won't change after Tencent bought us. They changed. Them: We'll fix the raids and bring them back. The raids are dead, like so many other promises. Them: We won't repeat stuff like Excalibur Prime. They introduced the Heirloom Collection..... Only thing we can do, is speak with our wallets, bc they don't listen to their players anymore like Past-DE did. I feel like they take a lot for granted nowadays. They are in such a position now, that they can show their true colours and not go bankrupt by doing so. It will just be interesting to see, what their true colours are going to look like.
  4. Oh, I didn't even know about this change. I was playing some SP today and kept wondering what I was doing wrong. Good to know. Oof.
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