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  1. When is the end date? I mean we know when it started, but how much time do we have until it ends? I just joined a couple of weeks ago with the cross-save and seems I can't find any information about the end date in-game or on forums.
  2. This is incorrect, you CAN complete the archon hunt as many times as you want, you won't receive any rewards besides the very first time you run it, but the hunt doesn't go away aka you can re-run it. The task says "Complete" an archon hunt... if what you are saying is correct - DE needs to rephrase this task to be clearer.
  3. Yes, does this affect the quest? Would be strange if that would the reason, to be honest. And also doesn't explain the same situation with The Index. Nightwave is not totally bugged since I just completed the 1000 steel path kills task with no problems.
  4. For some reason, my Archon Hunt completion doesn't count towards my Nightwave weekly quest. I've completed archon hunts twice to double-check. The same happens with the Day Trader quest - where you have to complete 3 wages in The Index - won every round and nothing counted. Does anyone know what is happening? https://ibb.co/BwM3PHp https://ibb.co/9p2dd7X
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