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  1. Mate same I've been waiting for the update but it seems that dragons dogma will over shadow it for me, if the update comes out after dragons dogma then ill come back when when protea prime drops...
  2. As you have seen the title you can understand that this might be a difficult topic to discuss as many people trade chat every day and many use it to try and sell overpriced prime frames etc. What really grinds my gears and got me to take the time and write in the forums for the first time is the scams that people try to pull off there. By that i mean many players try to buy mods, rivens and prime parts of mostly newbies that have no idea of the pricing that certain mods, rivens and primes. I cannot count of the times i've seen people try and buy torid, ceramic, glaive etc. rivens at a fractions of the cost they have by saying '' wtb any of the previous mentioned rivens at 350,400,200 pl each'' or '' wtb sentient surge for 25pl, 50pl etc.'' to a new player that might have these mods or items without the knowledge of warframe market these platinum might sound to him as a great deal and that he could benefit a lot from selling it but the truth is he is getting the short end of the stick. I can totally understand that the trade chat will never change and for people to continue to do the aforementioned they have some success getting them at these low prices this thing will never end but i want to ask why did DE never made a change to the trading ingame to make it close to the site we mostly use called warframe market so when a new players wants to buy something or sell he can go into an ingame tab and get a taste of the price range he can sell or buy his items so that he will not get scammed buy people like i mentioned above. To conclude this rant i just wanted to express my disappointment and anger for this issue even if it goes to deaf ears i can know that i at least talked about it instead of just letting it pass like nothing happened. TLDR: Mans get mad about trade chat and starts yapping about it.
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