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  1. So, I did receive a follow up. What I sent : What I received :
  2. No, I was not saying what I said because I thought you were being pessimistic. I am relatively new to this game compared to a lot of folks, and I definitely do not keep up with communications outside of the game much, so I was aware that I may be ignorant about some historical patterns. Rather I was more coming from thought that people would be less likely to go in with pitchforks if they think there was an official announcement given, compared to just one person having received a CS reply.
  3. Thank you so much. With the caveat that you may have misheard / be misremembering, you are the only one who answered my question so far.
  4. May I gently suggest refraining, for now, from setting the Title of the thread as "'officially declared' gone"? Maybe "official reply to a user attached"? Unless there have been other cases where DE permanently never replying to any of the support tickets (my tickets have always been answered, regardless of whether it sounds like a copied-and-pasted-from-manual and regardless of how long it took), just because I have received a reply and no one else has yet, it does not mean there is no reply coming your way. While I agree this piece of communication I received is indeed an official one, calling the one Zendesk reply that I have received as an official declaration sounds misleading to me; if I saw that phrase, I would feel like there was an announcement on either forum or from Devstream. So far, as far as I can tell, there has not been any official declaration whatsoever about this matter yet. No recognition of "hey we know this is going on", no promise of how they may approach this matter, no nothing at all. While I hope they don't ultimately decide to sweep this under the rug and move on, if they do choose to do so, I feel like the one worse thing they can do is to pretend like nothing happened without even saying "hey, we know this did happen, but we can't really do anything about it because ____, and we are sorry". So I hope they do give an official declaration of something. Preferably something in the direction of "We are sorry, the data is all still there, we just can't fit into our workload at the moment to fix this, but we definitely should be able to eventually and we will keep you updated on how we are on it once in a while". I also am slightly skeptical (you would be absolutely valid to call me naive on this) about whether the reply I have gotten will be consistent with the replies that I expect all other folks in similar predicament to receive in the coming days if not months. Reason one is, in this thread if I understood correctly, someone talked about how Zendesk replies have not always been informed replies; two, as in the case of @Tatakai-no-Kami above, the reply that I have received isn't even turning out to be consistently true. The scenario that, DE went through internal investigations and meetings and then proceeded to distribute an internal policy to their Customer Service representatives "hey, just answer all people who have submitted support tickets in regards to losing access to their forum accounts and zendesk accounts that what's happening was what was supposed to happen cause this doesn't sound like a mistake of a magnitude we can fix", sounds more plausible to me, than the scenario that this was something that was decided by DE how it will be and how it is supposed to be.
  5. As title says. So, for us console players, if I (PSN) have cross save enabled, and if my friend (PSN) does not have cross save enabled, we cannot trade with each other, despite having never had any problems trading prior to cross save. I was wondering if there was any place or source of communication or explanation as to why this was necessary or unavoidable from the devs. I can kind of imagine how this may have been something unavoidable in order to make cross save available at all -- since platinum is tied to IRL money and hence intricately tied to contracts between DE and Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft -- but I was wondering if there is any record of DE explaining about this. I do not keep up with all communication from them especially devstreams, so I was wondering if someone could sort of fill me in, if ... there was any such explanation at all. Thanks in advance!
  6. I have had the same issues, submitted a support ticket, and got a response. While I have reopened a follow up ticket to ensure I am understanding them correctly, I will keep copies of the communication below for those who have not yet received any replies at all. I will (try to) follow up here what I hear back. My ticket Reply
  7. For me it's the other way around. I only had PSN, only created PC account for the purpose of cross save. Wiped out everything for me -- forum, Zendesk, both (since the PC account was a fresh one made for the sake of cross save). I contacted Customer Support,and I got a reply -- if I understood correctly -- that that was what was supposed to happen. I will post an update after I hear back about whether I understood their last reply correctly.
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