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Posts posted by Adaptor-Face

  1. vitality and redirection is fine as they are, they open for the option : pure damage no tanky ness, or tanky with less damage, and everything in between. "Removing" these would would limit useful build creativeness (atleast for me, as i do not use maxed vitality or redirection mods on any of my frames, some frames have only one of them equipped)


    but Serration, Point Blank and Hornet Strike on the other hand, they need some rework. IMHO they should add a clip capacity reduction on them, so they justify the use of more "useless" mods. but i do feel like Point Blank is fine, since its only has 5 ranks (90% damage boost), and shotguns are not really that great overall

  2. ok ok fair nuff thats valid, in that case DE does it wrong not giving each weapon their own stance as u said, also if the other stance is for Serro then they might consider removing the orthos img from it thats what confused me to begin with.


    ps. thank you this makes much more sense

    just so you know, the regular orthos fits with the "Bleeding Willow" stance polarity, and it is that weapon that is in the picture, not its prime counterpart.

  3. What is your opinion on doors that require multiple players to unlock?


    It sucks having to quit a mission because an idler joined your open solo seission just as you were supposed to open the door. activation on button a couple of times should trigger the lotus to start hacking the door open.


    Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?


    Yes and no. Depends on how long we are allowed to put items up. 2 days is enough for one player to absolutely crash the price of one item. i say this from personal experiense, i did so in SWOTR when i needed credits bad. The item i sold a lot of was being sold for "my price" for weeks after that. Yes, if short "sell time" (8 hours max for a fee, lower times less fee something like 30 min for no fee), no for longer periods of time



    What do you think should be Hallowed Ground's primary purpose?


    I think it should have accumulative movement slow (just movement, not attack) and damage, the longer the enemy stays in/on it the slower they get and the more devestating it will be. This rewards good placements (bottlenecks), does not make it a MUST HAVE skill, and supports both low and high skilled players. The base damage should be what we have now, and then increase with a certain % (5% ?) per tic on an enemy. slow could be something like +3% slow per tick of damage




    "A quest or location to go and leave the kubrow behind."

    is this how you deal with a dog you dont want anymore? IMO selling/"removing" it leaves the feeling that someone out there is taking care of it, not that the kubrow is on its own and slowly dying of DNA decay.

    I dont have a dog or any animal, but iwould just put it in the wild, i would give it away to someone that would take care of it.

    A quest for leaving the kubrow behind is like saying "i dont want to watch you die, here die in this forrest/field/cave/desert"

  4. Wormhole is longer able to be recast before the prevoius has been used up or run out. it can be "cast" but it will not consume energy and place itself on "hold". The wormhole itself will appear automaticly after the prevous has disappeared, and consume energy once it does. You can stack this up to have wormhole beeing autocast as soon as possible.


    Mprime can now be recast at any time, even if the prevous has cast has not finished its "travel"

  5. the old ui required a lot more mouse precision than this one does, whlie add one more click here and there, it REMOVES large mouse movements in others. Star chart being one of the most noticable areas. 



    You dont have to click in the middle of each button to get it to work :)

  6. I didnt find anything similar to my idea with the use of the search function so here it goes.


    My idea is that pressing the "Show Player List" key (default "Z" on pc) while on the Liset will open the sqaud panel to check the loadouts of your team quickly without any extra movement of the mouse, or backing out of any menu you are currently in. Moving the mouse will still make you look around the ship if not in any menu.

    Press and hold seems the most natural to me, as you will not be staring at it for longer periods of time.
    Maybe add a key in combination to this to leave squad? Like press and hold "Z" and then press another key to leave the sqaud for ease of access (substitute "Show profile" with "Leave squad [L]" in my pic)
    Here is a pic showing my idea:
  7. smokescreen for stun, press 4 to kill that pesky gunner. Also Ash brings no team utility? he can revive you and before he does so stuns every enemy, and then turns invisble to safly get YOU up. if your team has a lot of utility (frost, nova, loki, etc) ash is a good choice since his bladestrom will always* kill its targets. A good ash can hold the ENTIRE FRONT, the three paths (towards spawn) of void defense alone for around 30-35 waves. Also he is the only one you can go in a T3 with a braton, lato and skana and still be in the lead of dmg.



    *not Void Vor, or any bosses post-rework 

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