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  1. whispers in walls In the Sanctuary Under Siege mission, we were finally asked to control the giant with the attack key, but there was no attack key. This is still the case after trying many time…….😄
  2. whispers in walls In the Sanctuary Under Siege mission, we were finally asked to control the giant with the attack key, but there was no attack key. This is still the case after trying many times.
  3. whispers in the wall 😭😭😭😭
  4. When you go into the big statues to fight, an option comes up to spam the melee button, but it isn’t there
  5. When you go into the big statues to fight, an option comes up to spam the melee button, but it isn’t there pls fix it
  6. whisper in the wall no attack ui at the giant
  7. sam we got a lot of problems now Please hurry up🥀
  8. I have the same problem too I have submitted it to the customer service, but they replied to me automatically...
  9. 22seven

    ios bug

    I have the same problem
  10. ios new bug in zariman 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
  11. 希望这段时间也可以跟着修复一些控制面板的问题 比如牺牲的下棋任务和新纪之战的指挥官没有近战攻击键 谢谢你们
  12. 在牺牲任务里没有下棋按键 希望修复一下这个bug 任务过不去了 很耽误游戏游玩
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