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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. 2 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    Timezones my man, timezones. It isn't 10 pm all around the world. I've also managed to farm all my Toroids solo. And I still swear that you must be doing something wrong because everyone else is getting 60 per hour.

    And as I said, you must be the minority that has his hands full of them and immedietally assume that everyone else should be getting them as well at the same rate as you. Also, 60 per hour soloing? I really don't wanna be rude, because I have the sick sense you're just trolling me, so please if you want to make fun of me just go somewhere else.

    Here you go btw, almost 20 minute run now that I did in the morning (and no, no one wanted to join as well in the recruit chat.)


    It's just really, stupid bad luck and unreliable probabilities.

  2. 8 minutes ago, AshenHaze said:

    https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Desire Sensor

    Originally it was called the "Runescape Desire Detector".

    Boy do I remember that, good old runescape days indeed.

    2 minutes ago, Basalto said:

    I never had a name for it, but always told people about such a thing. I would ask them what they were farming, and then tell them to farm something else on the same drop table, so they'd be able to trick the gods of chaos and get the item they actually wanted by wanting the item they didn't want. There's an awful lot of cosmic gymnastics involved in that kind of stuff.

    I'm very aware of such concept, its the same for the saying that the water doesn't boil when you stare at it. Of course it will it just takes a painful amount of time until it does unless you're doing something else, where your concept of time flies and things are done/adquired faster.

    I'm fully aware of that and how percentage works as well, as the gentleman above stated that he found it weird that sometimes he gets a toroid from the first kill and then nothing else from the remainder of the fight. That's just how probability works.

    I even did it eventually when I was farming Orokin Cells, couldn't find the bloody things until I decided to do other stuff in the planet that I had to do at a time and when I came to realize I had over 100 orokin cells.

    THE PROBLEM is that, as I said, different kind of toroids only spawn in different kind of locations, be at i.e Spaceport by killing enemies or at the numerous caves in which they spawn quite arbitrarily. Sure you can also do the heist phases, but that takes just as long if not more.

  3. 4 hours ago, Voltage said:

    With the trend of handing everyone all the resources for open world, the time gated rep caps are the only thing preventing you from finishing Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon in under 2 weeks as a whole. I agree though, I wish I could use my sentient cores reasonably fast. I know I have done more Eidolons than the average player, but...


    That is 31,876,000 Quills standing which will take me just over 1138 days to use, or another 3+ years, assuming I don't miss a single day starting now.

    I really haven't seen anything wrong with recent resources, and if anything, they are too easy to get.


    That is a single Tusk Thumper BEFORE the cool-down was halved and made even easier.

    Here is a gif I found from when I did the Exploiter Orb at first:


    Sure, there may be 3 or 4 resources that are annoying to farm such as Toroids and Nitain Extract, but as a whole, resource gains have not gotten worse, and essential resources are pretty fine in terms of drops.

    I appreciate your input.

    The tusk was a nice touch, I never had problems in mining. I do have the reflexes that would make a grandma feel good about themselves, but I'd get my fair share of nyth and zodian and what not when I'd go out in my mining spree. Same for fishes.

    As I said though, my biggest pet peeve is mostly the toroids farming to CRAFT items and rank up for the sacrifice, not actually to rank up with points. If I want to rank up with vox solaris I just go do 1/2 exploiter orbs fight and get it over with.

    Nice gif btw, 8 orb fights with resource booster I'm guessing?

  4. 1 hour ago, Drasiel said:

    The toroid drop rate is frustrating I 100% agree. I'm also going to offer some suggestions for farming them and ranking up in vox solaris in case you don't know about some things.

    • The high enemy level and incoming damage can be a problem for the farming frames. Instead, bring a Chesa Kubrow they have a mini desecrate and with link armour/health and pack master on a tanky frame they are very very hard to kill.
    • Sometimes the enemies spawns are stupid. If no one is spawning outside the locations go into them. If no one is spawning inside enter and leave fortuna because something broke.
    • You don't need any rank with vox solaris to participate in the orb heists you just need to be old mate (max) rank with Solaris United. Clearing the orb heist missions prior to profit taker gets you a free gravimag to apply to an archgun of your choice. Profit taker drops a toroid worth 6k standing with vox solaris.

    Thank youf or your input, however:

    1. While I do appreciate the kubrow tip, I unfortunately can not use any kubrow, infact I find myself having a bad time just mastery folding the animals. 
    The reason as to why is.. well quite stupid but it just stuck with me. My dog died years ago and I think I got traumatized by it. I know this is just a videogame and they come back even if they died (Though they didn't in the first month of their release, which was quite sad.) but ever since I was pretty much against using dogs in fighting, be it IRL or ingame, again I realize how stupid it sounds.

    2. Yeah I figured that out eventually, but while I'm on the way to fortuna to fix a broken spawn it gives me ample time to just think about closing the game instead play something else until I get less annoyed at warframe... eventually.



    Everyone complains that you need Solaris United lv 5 before you can do Heist phases in order to get gyromags to rank up with vox solaris so that THEN you can actually purchase the systems

    I did say Solaris United, not Vox Solaris.

  5. 7 hours ago, Test-995 said:

    Well, 1% for "enemy drop" is okay, since you can kill them at a rate of 10/sec.

    But 10% per mission is totally not okay, especially when that you have to do it 3 times.

    As I stated however, my problem weren't just the fact that they were not dropping as I stated, it was that they were not spawning in the first place, so killing them at a rate of 10/sec was quite a hard thing to achieve when they wouldn't spawn.

    7 hours ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    I honestly do not understand how some people cannot get a single toroid in 2 hours. You people must be doing something wrong, I swear. With Eidolons you can just join the public matchmaking (yes, such thing exists for eidolons), and farm some rep through that. If you are handicapping yourself by playing solo on purpose, that's your own fault really.

    The biggest problem I personally have are the rep caps. I have enough toroids and sentient cores for the next year to cap my standing daily, but have no way of using them quickly.

    And to the gentleman saying that I'm handicapping myself by playing solo, explain me really where am I going to find people to farm toroids with me? Recruit chat? tried that for 1 hour and only 1 person joined only for him to get bored and left too. Friends? All of my friends at 10pm were already asleep or, again, weren't up to do that bullocks and actually have fun.

    You also clearly didn't read my post. Yes I know public eidolon hunting is a thing, but as I stated do you really like to leech on other people's effort that reached there in the first place? I'm not going to make assumptions and personally attack you as I didn't had my 8:30 whiskey of the morning.

    • Like 1
  6. Hello everyone, 

    Usually I have the tendency of writing Warframe posts and suggestions with one hand and heavily drinking with the other in order to get further frustraded towards the game, but this time I'll keep it polite.


    This has been a reocurring issue for a long time now and it saddens me to see that it still presists. Now I know what you're probably thinking, you're one of those people that say "Haha I got everything in a row, you just haven't played the game enough/are just unlucky." Granted the latter, but I've been playing the game since 2013(?) and back then it was bad, but it was never as bad as this.

    For reference, back then the "bad" was pretty much the cicero event and those damned plants, it wasn't essential to progress, but it would boost quite nicely.

    Now? The best example I can give are the Toroids. I was finishing up getting baruuk's parts for me to craft them before going to sleep at 10pm when to my surprise I was missing 2 sola toroids. So i decided to go the Temple of Profit and farm them. It is now nearly midnight as I write this post and I got 0 toroids. I had enough with the game and decided to just post this before I quit the game for good and then head to sleep.

    1% chance of a toroid in a specific location is a joke. Plain and simple. It's an essential resource to:

    - Level up Vox Solaris
    - Craft better Amps 

    - Get Warframe parts.


    My biggest problem wasn't just that, it was because I was playing solo even with alert lv 4 enemies were not spawning, at all.

    This is pretty much the same problem with the quills and to level up with them in order to get a better amp. The fastest way is doing eidolons for sure, but how? You need to use a mote amp first and start with vomalysts which will take you forever to rank up, then head for eidolons in which you pray you get a good team to carry you and that they don't drop you just because you bring nothing to the table.

    Everyone complains that you need Solaris United lv 5 before you can do Heist phases in order to get gyromags to rank up with vox solaris so that THEN you can actually purchase the systems.

    Up until nightwave, Nitain Extract were the same problem. You see where I'm getting at?

    DE keeps introducing new materials and some of those materials are common, thankfully. However the minority of the materials that happen to be rare are also essential. I get it that you're trying to keep the player going with the grind, but this is just too much on several levels. I can't introduce this game to my friends without giving them the heads up seven up that this has "World of Warcraft" levels of grinding.


    Boost the drop chances, make them more common by spreading them across more enemies, spread the rewards more widely, anything, just make it less tedious.


    Thank you for reading, and have a good night.

    • Like 2
  7. It's downright annoying when I enter Orb vallis I have to pray that I get a crew to do Exploiter orb, either everyone is doing bounties or running fissures.

    Yes I could go on the recruiter chat, but it takes far too long compared to just selecting a mission and then have everyone who selected said mission and band up together.

    Yes I could solo the Exploiter Orb, but i already tried it 3 times and it took so long to the point I was contemplating ending my life.


    If this could be a thing, I'd appreciate it, thank you.

  8. 33 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    it was made clear that over the course of time, in exchange for massively nerfing the Damage Resistance of the Wolf, he's been gaining higher Damage.


    anyways while sure, the Wolf is of limited interest as a Boss since he's immune to almost all Game Mechanics. Enemies attempting to be difficult by being immune to Game Mechanics is boo, sure.

    however, what is a fun Boss in Warframe, anyways? there's basically no such thing, if you ask me. it's either going to be a gear check, immune to Game Mechanics, or a time check. or a mixture of those. our infinity Stats basically makes Bosses incapable of actually being interesting past like hearing the Dialogue once.

    and it hasn't been getting better, more and more Bosses are just immune to Game Mechanics to "fix" our Stats, but that just requires us to use different Abilities that aren't made useless. so that nerfing of Game Mechanics is exactly what creates a ""meta"" in the first place. just as always, making Enemies immune to Game Mechanics causes more problems than it solves (since it doesn't solve any problems but creates some).

    True, Though if you count Eidolons as bosses they're by far the most fun I've had on the topic. Exploiter Orb is also a really cool fight imo.

  9. 1 hour ago, LordChronos said:

    i can only speak for me but today I killed a level 70 wolf with a catch moon in less than 5 minutes and I did 50% of the party damage. I can understand how hard it can be for any other weapon, of course. Maybe your other party members weren’t as prepared for wolf, OP?

    Well as far as I know, the Arca Plasmor is a good weapon


  10. 2 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

    "Also, almost no way to kill you? "

    To be fair , i should been said "for a decent players ..." . No someone that being dying of procs and he dont even think in pull operator .

    Point taken. While I remember using my operator for rapid movement and revival, for some reason I always forget using it to deny procs.


    But then again, the random cocktail molotovs that sprout out of no where even when the fugitives are CC'd, 300 meters away, behind a wall and hitting on the nearest chick at the bar.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

    Comparing a bulletsponge that has almost no way to kill you with Sekiro (the entire warframe game its easier than the first enemy of seriko xD) .... sure , sound legit

    ... what? the comparison is legit.

    In sekiro you keep dying and dying against bosses until you actually manage to beat it with dodging and parrying tactics.
    In Warframe AGAINST the wolf(and remember this comparison is for the wolf only) you keep going down and down until finally his health is down.


    Also, almost no way to kill you? You either didn't see the video or you didn't play the game and faced him or both. Besides now that I think of it I never even compared the game to Sekiro, I just referenced Sekiro's fans (me included) because of the whole "hit your head against the wall until it goes down" thing.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    DE has just nerfed him big time in the latest patches. Both his lvl and tankiness decreased. Yet people still struggle this much... Btw why don't you just abort if it takes 45 mins? Sure, you lose like 6-7 mins of mission, but it is absolutely pointless sitting there for 45 mins.

    So you're just saying that the whole boss is pointless in general?


    And the fact that people are struggling harder than before to take down the wolf would imply that said nerf was either reversed or never happened in the first place.

  13. Yup, I just made a thread speaking about this, I'm pretty sure he got a stealth buff. I had a squad of 2 people with Arca Plasmors and me with a Rubico prime and it took us full 10 minutes of us constantly going down and firing at him just so in the end we get nothing. That's not fun. Hunting eidolons as a full team with barely good amps and bring down the Hydrolist at the last second of the sunrise IS fun because it guarantees you rewards and makes the fight worth it.

    I just hope this is avoided in future events.

  14. I hope this is the last time I have to make a topic about this, but I'm pretty sure DE stealth buffed the wolf of saturn.
    After the supposed "Significant nerf on his tankiness" I could take him down in less than a minute with a full squad with a rubico prime.

    As of yesterday however? well, see for yourself

    In advance, sorry if the quality is butchered, youtube did that, if anyone knows how to better the quality of your videos please notify me



    The video starts midway, but it pretty much took us 8-10 minutes of constantly going down due to 1 hit kills from the wolf and his prodigys throwing cocktail molotovs EVEN THOUGH they're asleep by Equinox's ability.

    And in the end... no rewards.

    This is a joke DE, I am physically angry right now, prior to this fight I got the wolf again and I was FORCED to leave because 4 people with Ignis Wraiths barely chopped a quarter of his hp after 10 full minutes of constant firing.

    I said it and I'll repeat, if you don't fix the wolf of saturn I'm alright with it, BUT PLEASE for the love of all Stop signs on earth cease and desist with this approach of a boss. Despite what the minority of masochists and overall Sekiro tryhard fans think this is not FUN. This is a chore, and I already have real life for that kind of thing in case life gets too sweeter when playing video games.

    I'm gonna go eat Ice cream now and hope you forgive me for this venting, but its either that or a tantrum while facehugging the pillow.

    • Like 3
  15. Just now, Sir_Carl said:

    Is that the one with the sentient hologram? There's a console up there that removes the barrier

    As you can see from the screenshots, I intereacted with every console there is to interact, infact you can see that the door didn't even open after being hacked.

    However I did another mission and this time the door opened after I hacked it and once I interacted with the consoles they lift the barrier this time. And thus it's a client bug for sure. 

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