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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. Oh, also, who ever said using its stance is hard you definitely never used it.

    Also, if you're gonna use the redeemer, make sure you got a max strength volt on your team to speed you up, with the stance, you're pretty much shooting 2 shotgun shells per second.

  2. I bet you're doing T1 runs, dont do those if you're looking for parts, they very much likely drop keys and fusion cores, do T2+ and you'll get prime parts more often, at least you won't get keys.

  3. Blasphemy all of these non-believers! Redeemer is such a great weapon! 

    You know that crappy mod Energy channel? max it, use an ability that saps all of your energy, like your 4th ability, then fire away with the redeemer, every pellet will benefit from energy channel, it's some brutal damage!

  4. Thanks for the feedback guys! as for CoatDuck, as far as i've noticed, overload deals damage per tick, i've never actually seen it chain lightining between enemies (unless it actually hits a lighting environment), as for the speeding gate, i was thinking of more than just projectile primary abilities, other abilities like overload, Oberon's Hallowed Ground, Valkyr's whip, and among many others could also benefit from it, making it a great support ability.


    As for Ember's accelerant, i must agree, this could go spirally out of control, your idea of fireball could actually make it work!


    HandsOfnArtist, i didn't suggest that one for radial blind just because it would resemble to resonance, and i would like to make it unique, however, not badly thought at all.

  5. Hello everyone, i've had these ideas wrapped around my head and i wanted to share them, don't know if they've been suggested but here goes nothing.
    Electrical Shield: Speeding Gate- Warframe's Projectile abilities that go through the shield travel faster and have enhanced range.
    Overload: Bouncing Sparks - Each enemy hit by overload releases a discharge, dealing damage to another enemy within range.
     Excalibruh(I know, Excalibur):
    Super Jump: Devastating landing - Upon usage, Excalibur's melee weapon gains enhanced bonus damage and increased AoE radius on his next ground attack. 
    Radial Blind: Blinding truth - Enemies under the affect of Radial Blind's blindness have increased chance of receiving status procs.

    Accelerant: Fire to the Fuel - Allies within the Range of Accelerant deal increased gun damage to enemies hit by Accelerant (Pretty much it removes the restrain of increased damage from heat only to guns as well.)
    World on Fire: Armageddon - Enemies hit by World on Fire are knocked down for a few seconds depending on how close the enemy was to Ember.
    Fire Blast: Protective Tornado - Additional casts on the same spot with fire blast forms a protective around shield that adds Heat damage to guns fired out of the shield.
    Tail Wind: Hot Air - Each enemy hit by Tail wind increases the movement speed of Zephyr for a few seconds.
    Tornado: Hurricane of Elements - Tornadoes will now attempt to collide with each other, forming an even bigger tornado that deals increased Elemental damage(Based on the one that is shot at of course.)
    That's it, if you guys like it, i might come up with other ideas of such and keep this thread updated. 
  6. Your first post and you had to post some obsolete assertion.

    Potatoes, Platinum, and other things in Warframe are easy to get. you can LITERALLY get ANYTHING in the game if you just invest time, that being said, sorry if the game gives you everything for free by just farming a bit, get plat from other players and acquire the things you so love. 

  7. I might be $&*&*#(%& but I don't think I get it. So you deploy 2 shields horizontally and they protect the whole pod?

    yes, but on the top sides it gaps off a little bit, though it's unlikely they'll specifically shoot there.


    Someone told me about this the other day in a G3 farm and it doesn't work very well. You still take damage from the little gap in the middle of them. So i'm guessing the pod would still take damage as well.

    I ever so doubt that damage taken is from the little gap in the middle, i've used this so many times and the only times i actually got hit were Auras, rocket/grenade blasts, very rarely melees and there were those moments i went: WTF IM GETTING HIT FROM NO WHERE, then i realized i had a slash proc on.

  8. Volt overall is nice, Volt P is even better with the increase energy pool and higher armor rating, the only bad thing about him is the grinding... and his looks, his back is awesome but his front could've been much better, not to mention the helmet.


    Also if this is your first time using a volt overall, check out this thread i did on how to make his shield 300% more badass!(yes, i reference Flow) https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/430359-a-new-way-of-using-volts-electrical-shield/

  9. are you sure? are you really really sure? Does E-shield have HP? No?


    The only problem with this ability is you have to spam it on certain positions.

    the only good reason why there's a gap in the pod is that i can't cast the bunker right in the middle of it, i've to be on either the right side or the left side, and which ever i choose the pod will gap off the other side. so i guess you can just put one extra additional shield on the gapped side and that's it.

  10. All is good, except the point You say Shield is affected by power range - which is not... Don't get me wrong, It's a good way to use it this way, also not many people even know they can shoot through the Shield (i experienced it too many times myself when i was using Volt). Thing is You need to check wiki 'coz otherwise You passing wrong info to the community (or less informed Volt users on that matter).

    I could swear that it was affected by range, i'm going to try it out later even though the wiki says it doesn't. but for the meantime, i've edited it and erased that blasphemy sentence, thanks!


    Edit: you're right, range doesn't affect it, thanks for notifying me.


    Yep this will defend the pod beyond wave 10 on T1 Defense

    corrected that for you*

  11. Greetings everyone!

    I'm bringing you a new way of using Volt's shields!

    I've played Volt for a VERY long time, over a year, even though my profiles says that i've played ash the most, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! I love volt and he's a very good and highly versatile warframe, he can fit anything, including defenses! that's right, step over frost, i'm giving you a new way to use volt's shields!


    I've never actually seen ANYONE else doing this ever, i oftenly had to teach them so i decided to make a thread out of it let you guys know how to.


    Are you tired of your volt shield looking like this?

    Look at those gaps on the side! not to mention upwards, you'd probably get hit.



    Wouldn't you like to make your Eletrical shield... say... a eletrical BUNKER LIKE THIS?!



    Just look at how it protects the defense pods on the defense!



    Now here's how you actually do it.

    Step 1: Aim upward and active volt's shield.



    Step 2: Aim downward and activate volt's shield.



    Step 3: ???

    Step 4: Profit!



    Although you may notice a small gap in the middle, i guarantee you no bullet will go through it because hitboxes. The only things that go through volt's shields is: Auras, Rocket Blasts, and Butcher Kisshuggers.


    This may be new to some of you or actually known already, but i swear, i never saw ANYONE besides me doing this and i play since it came out of closed beta.


    That's all for now, make sure to share among your friends and give me your opinion! thank you all!

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