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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. I don't know if people put Megathread in the thread name's themselves or it's one of the moderators.


    But anyways, i'd like to make a giant thread where people can raise their RNGrage that gets worse by putting useless stuff in rotation C like forma BP and Fusion cores.


    Remember when rotation C was a guaranteed prime part? we do, but DE doesn't. And i hope this gets fixed because removing frames/weapons from a drop table that is already infested with forma drops and many other useless crap (*cough*orokincells*cough*) is pretty much not the way to go.

  2. I like to use quick thinking on warframes that have loads of energy and a high efficiency build, like loki.

    I wouldn't use it on chroma because he already has 2 Toggle abilities (even though i only use one) and he's tanky as hell, so i don't see Quick thinking fitting anyway here. I know it could fit because of Vex armor, but vex armor has limited stat gain, from what i've noticed, i managed to get 507% max extra armor and ~400% extra damage and nothing more beyond that. I could see Rage working on Chroma though.

  3. This again? i'm guessing this is a joke. but at any rate i'll just copy paste what i wrote in the other thread:

    I'm guessing that you got up this morning, logged into the warframe website and decided to make this thread. Completely ignoring the many other threads that have been flooding the forums lately and the fact that this has been datamined for the last 2 months basing on theories and finally with a positive response. You had plenty of sources, not just tenno live. But instead of using the basic power of deduction to conclude your theory is bullcrap, you decided to log onto warframe and post your stupid assertion. 

  4. I'm guessing that you got up this morning, logged into the warframe website and decided to make this thread. Completely ignoring the many other threads that have been flooding the forums lately and the fact that this has been datamined for the last 2 months basing on theories and finally with a positive response. You had plenty of sources, not just tenno live. But instead of using the basic power of deduction to conclude your theory is bullcrap, you decided to log onto warframe and post your stupid assertion. That's all i have to say, next time care to do a little bit of research before toxing people that aparently were toxing you in the first place.

  5. Didn't they also say no J3 and no new tileset?


    Oh well, there's still other things to look forward to, so I am content.

    So are you telling me we've been getting 2 weeks of no update for just a crappy new PvP system, a Raid mission that's likely not going to be famous because of the connection problems already, and a dragon frame that looks like an anteater? what the hell DE?


    I swear to black jesus, why can't de just implant these things 1 by 1 instead of stacking them up like bad paperwork waiting to be burnt? seriously.

  6. A Trinity buff? you're talking non-sense. Now if you excuse me i have a job to do.


    *Turns around and screams to the Police Department* I WANT EVERYONE HERE LOOKING FOR SPIDER MAN!!


    EDIT: on a more serious note, i agree with the circle of healing part.

  7. sorry, everyone that has responded so far is wrong.

    Quick Thinking will absorb any and all sources of Damage that are imparted on you.

    however, if you would have died even if it used Energy to save you on an instance of Damage, it will just not activate. it doesn't waste your Energy if you would have died anyways.

    the Energy will only be drained if the Damage instance can be negated with your Energy Pool.

    there is no bypassing it.

    tl;dr - if you get hit by enough Damage that Quick Thinking can't save you, it doesn't bother. it's being nice to you and not using your Energy for naught.

    - - - - -


    Rage and Quick Thinking do not act simultaneously, and haven't for a while, perhaps it still did the last time you played Warframe. (it's been as it is currently for quite a few months though...)

    while you are above 2 Health, Rage will convert Damage on your Health into Energy. once at 2HP and Quick Thinking activates, Rage deactivates.

    Rage will only reactivate once you gain some Health to deactivate Quick Thinking.

    now, dying while having plenty of Energy, Health, and Damage Reduction Abilities running.

    - perhaps enough Latency for you to just randomly die. would probably need to be a hell of a lot of Latency though, match would probably be unplayable.

    - also perhaps, a certain attack from an Enemy or something of that sort is applying Damage in a way Quick Thinking doesn't cover, as an oversight of sorts. this one seems a bit more likely.

    - and an extremely unlikely culprit, everyone experiencing the issue having damaged FPU's / Math CoProcessor's in their Processor. this is borderline impossible.

    It's kind of what i said, but more detailed, Thanks!

  8. I've noticed that sometimes, when i kill someone with sonar on (hitting the special spot of course) resonance may trigger visually (sending out that aura thing like when you first activate sonar) and some other times it doesn't, but it still triggers the effect.


    Can anyone else confirm this?

  9. shotgun gauntlets,how would that go in warframe though?


    like how would it look?a metal ring gauntlets,with shotgun shells loaded into chamber,and a striking hammer on the back of each chamber?


    (dont ask where i got that idea from)

    it could work like one of the pneumatic gauntlets in fallout new vegas. 

    Ballistic fist

    The ballistic fist is a gauntlet with a small pressure plate-activated shotgun grafted to it.

  10. Greetings.


    Most of the time i spend money in games using my phone, since my service gives me a monthly access to calling people without wasting a penny (though i still have to charge it monthly) and i have no use for it other than spending it in games.


    The thing is Dao pay's a complete rip off, not only because they charge you extra, but they also charge you even more for each call you make.


    I suggest, if possible, switching Dao Pay for SMS paying methods for example OneBip, which is a paying method that i've used for a long time and has never failed me, Boku is also another good method. Not licensed in economics yet, but i'm sure it's a better way of actually having players to get plat using their phones without being ripped off.

  11. Well, when it comes to those warframe that only cost 75p i actually made a math.


    Slot for warframe = 20p

    Potato = 20p


    In terms of time additionally


    Each part takes 25p to rush, so = 3x25p = 75p

    Rushing the warframe itself = 50p


    20+20+75+50 = 155p


    This is why i never buy warframes from the market, i rather just farm the parts, rush it and i end up paying less, but that doesn't apply to the ones that cost 75p, as i've insta-bought them all, since i consider it a good price. So in my opinion? Yes it's worth it if you want it right away as well, if not, i'd say just wait for loki prime, but you'll end up wanting the normal version of loki later for mastery rank.

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