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  1. ... And with this roll it's the 127 roll of your riven, and it still doesn't have the stats you are looking for the build you are making... Does this frustrate you ? well I may have an idea that would help that without changing the core mechanic of riven. Introducing : Riven chiseling ! (image done using my incredible skills in MS paint as a quick view of UI for the chiseling system) the system is quite simple : locking a stat of a riven for futur rolls. by spending Riven Sliver we can permanently lock a stat in one riven mod. It will not lock the value of this stat but only the type of the stat (multishot, crit chance, damage, attack-speed, etc.), so future rolls will still vary the % of the stat. The locking system could use directly Riven sliver, or by buying a blueprint to Palladino we may craft a riven chisel (that use riven sliver, maybe kuva and some other ressources). the effect will permanantly lock one stat at the expense of an increase in kuva reroll cost as Cephalon Samodeus need to put extra care in the rerolling. the limit of the stat locking per riven could be of one or maybe two stats, this would need balancing decision by DE. With this system, the core mechanic of the riven system is unchanged, as we still need to reroll the riven, to have the stats that can afterward be locked. by limiting the number of stats locked it still require rerolls, but make the RNG smoother, and the kuva reroll increase make the player still in need to farm kuva. furthemore it use the riven sliver in an other way that make them more usefull. what do you think ?
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