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[PC Update 23.5: Mask of the Revenant] Bug Report Megathread


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Last night (Saturday 25-Aug) I started the quest by purchasing the mask and have my operator wear it.  I managed to get to the first "goal" (the hand in the ground for the "A new threat emerges" codex entry), then my Internet connection cut out. It was late so I shut down for the night to continue today.

Only, there seems to be no continuation. No additional circles showing up in the maps, only small squares where I believed the next goal(s) are/were. Only there was nothing there when I visited them as my operator.


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On 2018-08-24 at 11:39 PM, Lynoprine said:

I also have the same problem after I found the first part of the puzzle I left thinking I have to talk to konzu & when I realize that I have to continue looking for more parts, the quest got bug & can't resume it. 

Same issue.

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I had the same problem. (I have a PC account) But, after not playing for several hours I logged back in, collected my finished Revenant parts out of the Foundry and saw that it was night in the PoE, so I hopped in with my mask on just to see if anything changed, and the quest resumed just like normal. Nakak started talking again and there was a circle on my map.

But yeah... Nakak telling us to go talk to Konzu in the middle of the quest was very misleading. Or at least led to a lot of confusion.

Edited by (XB1)Master DIEFOOL2
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i got to the story at the water 2 quest marks and the 3rd is underwater in the lake. i was with a friend though and he dont have the mask or the standings . but it hit day time so ill have to try again at night solo. curious if he spawned in the lake i didnt know it. cant shoot through water.

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I read the solution somewhere else and tried it out several times. (I found it, in edit below) Change your mask to anything else, enter the plains and go right back to Cetus. Put your mask of the lost one back on and return to the plains. The quest should be active again. There are two points you'll need to reach on the map. After the dialogue you'll have to fight the Revenant specter and when you kill him you should get the BP right away. 

I've actually run the mission a few times now because a very generous tenno suprise gifted me with Revenant so I've been playing with the quest to try and get a good look at the ghostly eidolons but you can't really. If you want to see them at all, be in your operator mode long before you get to the white circle on your map, otherwise it's kind of like nothings happening. Not that much happens anyway.... 

Tip: You can change your mask anywhere in Cetus by switching to operator mode and going to your menu>equipment>operator.

Edit: The comment I mentioned.

On 2018-08-25 at 4:19 PM, Boomerxoxx said:

hi there

so had same  problem with the quest where i left after i touched the 1st thing and told to talk to konzo and never was able to complete it again, never was able to talk to konzo about it, but i found a fix for that problem not sure if it was already solved or not but up to the point i was writing this words this is how it worked for me:

i de equiped rev mask from operator and equipped another mask then entered the plains, then exited and requied the rev mask and entered the plains again and nakak dialogue triggers again and pointed me to the next location at the other side of the river

i am not sure if equiping another mask has any significance but this is how i exactly did it and it worked fine and was able to finish and get the rev bp

last thing to mention, i got systems, chassis and neauroptics claimed from foundry before i went back to plains

sorry my english is not very good but i hope its clear


Edited by notbydesign
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@Boomerxoxx Is the real hero!

6 minutes ago, notbydesign said:

I read the solution somewhere else and tried it out several times. (I found it, in edit below) Change your mask to anything else, enter the plains and go right back to Cetus. Put your mask of the lost one back on and return to the plains. The quest should be active again. There are two points you'll need to reach on the map. After the dialogue you'll have to fight the Revenant specter and when you kill him you should get the BP right away. 

I've actually run the mission a few times now because a very generous tenno suprise gifted me with Revenant so I've been playing with the quest to try and get a good look at the ghostly eidolons but you can't really. If you want to see them at all, be in your operator mode long before you get to the white circle on your map, otherwise it's kind of like nothings happening. Not that much happens anyway.... 

Tip: You can change your mask anywhere in Cetus by switching to operator mode and going to your menu>equipment>operator.

Edit: The comment I mentioned.

On 2018-08-25 at 4:19 PM, Boomerxoxx said:

hi there

so had same  problem with the quest where i left after i touched the 1st thing and told to talk to konzo and never was able to complete it again, never was able to talk to konzo about it, but i found a fix for that problem not sure if it was already solved or not but up to the point i was writing this words this is how it worked for me:

i de equiped rev mask from operator and equipped another mask then entered the plains, then exited and requied the rev mask and entered the plains again and nakak dialogue triggers again and pointed me to the next location at the other side of the river

i am not sure if equiping another mask has any significance but this is how i exactly did it and it worked fine and was able to finish and get the rev bp

last thing to mention, i got systems, chassis and neauroptics claimed from foundry before i went back to plains

sorry my english is not very good but i hope its clear


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I've completed the mini-quest for Revenant and you unlock codex entries throughout it, but I am missing the third and final one. The game skipped me to the last "mission" but I only had 2/3 parts made (I had the third part waiting in the foundry so I wouldn't skip through anything) yet I was met with this bug

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same trouble mine started at the second X marked location. nothing happened after it. now a x mark is at the bottom of the lake cant really do nothing to get to it. yes i tried extra hard :) statue dropping in water don't work with frame like it does on lua puzzle. tried again on a different night just the two X marks are there no interaction available. i thought the blueprint was in a eel at first i didn't want spoilers...sadly the spoilers won in the end. one x far end one at bottom of lake.

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