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PLEASE I've hit a huge wall. HELP!



So I'm MR6 and enemies have recently started owning me. I think it's because I'm not modding right. I have read up on the Warframe Wiki about damage 2.0 and I'm not the smartest guy around. From what I see each faction has like four armor type (for example Grineer: C. Flesh, Ferrite, Alloy, and Machinery) and it impossible to mod for each armor type for each faction. Which damage type should i use for each faction to be the most efficient? I don't have much capacity on each weapon. PLEASE  I need to help advancing further. Any advice would be much appreciated!!! 

Edited by (XB1)Steve825
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Steve825 said:

So I'm MR6 and enemies have recently started owning me.

If you need survivability, hoarde Endo like crazy and work on a Vitality mod, get that up to max and use that until you're comfortable to experiment with glass cannon builds again

1 hour ago, (XB1)Steve825 said:

From what I see each faction has like four armor type (for example Grineer: C. Flesh, Ferrite, Alloy, and Machinery) and it impossible to mod for each armor type for each faction

Right, that is how Damage 2.0 is intended

If you're on Neptune, just pour everything into Viral. Crewmen are weak to it, Robots aren't happy about it either, and it will serve you just as well when you finally get to the next Grineer planet. If you can't get past enemy shields, get a weapon that has high base Impact (like the Cernos, if you're into bows) until you get something really high-tier or you have enough Viral damage to get past Shields on that alone

Oh, and don't forget to pump your remaining Endo into your Serration as well. Almost every weapon can have Serration and Viral damage on it without potatoes

Edited by TARINunit9
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Level up you base damage mods (Serration for Primary, Hornet Strike for Secondary and Pressure Point for Melee). These should be your first priority on your guns.
Then add multishot (Split Chamber for Primary, Barrel Difusion + Lethal Torrent for Secondaries).

Now for elements, rule of thumb is Corrosive (Toxin + Shock) is never resisted, and hits grineer harder.
Toxin damage (pure) bypasses shields, but is resisted by machines

So Corrosive for Grineer missions, Toxin (or Gas) on Corpus.
For Infested, try running Corrosive+Fire or Gas+Cold.

This should get you through the Starmap. Remember to make better gear as you progress too.

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Ok here's what I did to break through. I am not saying this is the best way to do it, but it is what got me through the quests and let me focus on building what I want to use.

Firstly get a beam weapon, I got lucky and got an Ignis Wraith as part of a trade so I used that.  Build one of the ones from the blueprints on the market, trade for one, buy with plat, what ever it takes. Add a orokin catalyst.

Secondly add viral. Get toxin, cold, and heat/electricity damage mods, by MR6 you should have some mix of the silver and gold elemental mods by now. Mix the cold and the toxin for viral, depending on if you have heat based or electricity based damage add as much of one or the other as you can you want to get more power from the damage that is there already. If you have radiation based that is fine too but what we want to do is if you can't do a lot of damage make the damage you can do work as hard as it can for you so try to add viral first to your weapon. You ultimately want to get Rime Rounds and Malignant Force if you get a beam primary as you want to keep the status effects coming even if the damage is weak. People might say I am crazy for telling you to do elemental damage before things like multi-shot and serration but Rime Rounds only takes 3 ranks to get to full power and Serration takes ten, when they are both maxed out you can put two 60/60 elemental mods in to a weapon for the same amount of mod space as Serration.

Thirdly, forma forma forma. This is when you focus on adding those mods that have 12-15 ranks of mod space to a weapon as they will start making the weapon work better, where as before you were focusing on making it work properly. Basically at this point you just want to add as much damage as you can fit to it for as low a mod cost as you can. How many times you forma a weapon will be up to you but twice will let you put both Rime Rounds and Malignant Force on by rank 7 on your weapon meaning that once you get one more MR rank as long as you have a booster and two V slots you can make a disease spewer right from the start every additional forma you add.

What you want to do is make one weapon that you know will kill the crap out of everything, a beam weapon is very ammo effective and able to handle large groups of enemies. Unfortunately they do not put up crazy big numbers without putting some effort into them, but you can say that for all the weapons.

Viral damage plus one other element will kill the hell out of everything, heat damage will stun the heck out of most things with a beam weapon, blast will just knock them over and you just keep baking them till they are crispy.

If you get one Combustion beam will basically let you shoot around corners against infested as they explode like crazy. Shred or Metal Auger will basically let you shoot through walls. Hush will make it a silent weapon so you can basically use it with stealth frames. Don't try to use them all but depending on what you are doing use them as needed, I do however recommend combustion beam.

Like I said this was how I did it, but I also take my Ignis with me against everything and if I forget to switch it to grineer mode from infested mode it doesn't matter as the Viral does the heavy lifting.


Edited by Mahna
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I use straight toxin for the corpus. It bypasses their shields. Or if you can build a shotgun that has radiation and toxin on it that works well too.

If you have excalibur then chromatic blade and toxin damage will shred them. Rhino can buff up his iron skin and be really tough just avoid the corprus bubble enemies.

Melee weapons at MR6 hmmmmm the cleavers and krohkur should be available. Blood rush, weeping wounds, condition overload, drifting contact, pressure point, berserker and then your elementals. Or if you can build lesion polearm weapon.

Secondaries sonicor is a good one to crowd control the enemies.

Pretty much every build people suggest will require forma and the reactors/catalysts.



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