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Dojo Rework ! Rooms/mission control/railjack/archwing !


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With the upcoming (between 3 to 6 months I assume) railjack coming, which will allow us to act in space with a ship and switch from boarding ships to navigate in archwing etc., I think it will be a PERFECT moment to increase the "raison d'etre" ( reason to be ) for dojos. 

Dojos are right now used for:

1) trading

2) research (only by new players, vets have already everything there) 

3) Fashion it up to look cool


There is not really much else to do, and because of this people never really spend time in this place. This is a shame precisely because of point 3.


This has surely been proposed already, but since railjack is coming I will propose now my ideas for a dojo "rework".

A) Allow the possibility to build actual “rooms” for the clan members, the areas will be of course designated by the dojo moderators/builders and they will be simply small blank rooms.

Each of these rooms will be able to be “assigned “to a player and he will be able to modify it and place a limited amount of dojo components and stuff inside it, making it feel like home, ideally this includes a mod system, arsenal, foundry etc. synchronized with the actual orbiter, all according to your story progress of course.

Since it will need to be assigned to a player this means it will probably be a already prefabricated room, with ceiling and walls at a specific size, and available in the list of dojo stuff to be build precisely as a “clan member room “.

This all to allow all players to feel at home in a small but special environment in the dojo actually developed and made by them (and allowing it avoiding giving full dojo moderation powers to everyone) and giving them the ability to do there all that you already do in your orbiter, giving them a reason to visit the dojo outside of point 1 and 2.

B) Allow us to set the dojo as “return place” from missions! We can already start missions from the dojo, why not make it so that we can automatically return there? If we are members of a clan and have a room at the dojo we could make it so that we always go back to the dojo where our clan members and our room are (optional of course, if you don’t want to go back you will be able to go back to the orbiter).

This would increase the number of people going around in the dojo, making it livelier and making you feel more like you belong to a clan.


These are my main points actually, but since I talked about railjack, let’s go more bonkers.


C) Have a railjack ships dock in the dojo, something BIG, like the grinier room with the ship (do not remember precisely which map, the one that appears in ESO) where we can start missions for railjack. This would make sense and allow us to create teams directly there on the dojo and start mission from there, more immersion and COOL FACTOR.

D) allow us to go outside the dojo in archwing and do STUFF. What this stuff is, is not clear yet, but the simple possibility opens a lot of doors. It could be used to create dojo events, attacks, ecce cc, it literally screams “CONTENT “, hell it could even become the new kind of dark sector thing.


These are my and some clan’s member of mine ideas, what do you think? Write down your suggestions, thoughts and please avoid sterile comments like “ they won’t do it”, who knows, they may eventually and this post may give them ideas, so let’s make this constructive.

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It would also be cool being able to park Landing Craft in the Dojo, some people go out of their way to make very pretty Landing Craft, but when do we see them? Loading Screens.... and that's about it.
And no, I don't mean like Relays have, where it's from the bottom of the Craft, but land them like they are in the Tutorial, letting us walk around them and actually look at them (Or pose with them in Captura? Please?)

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6 minutes ago, Sicarius_Avindar said:

It would also be cool being able to park Landing Craft in the Dojo, some people go out of their way to make very pretty Landing Craft, but when do we see them? Loading Screens.... and that's about it.
And no, I don't mean like Relays have, where it's from the bottom of the Craft, but land them like they are in the Tutorial, letting us walk around them and actually look at them (Or pose with them in Captura? Please?)

that could be an issue with space though... because of some clans having like 1000 people? Though what we could have is like a huge hangar that you can see only through a window but where you see all the landing crafts " parked "

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railjack is most likely gonna be late spring early summer release if not earlier.

Dojos will not have option for clan members personal rooms due to the limits of how many rooms can already be put into a dojo along with the energy capacity needed.
While also adding in more things to load, a clan with 500 members an if each room had atleast 5 decroations in it thats alot more things to load in

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4 hours ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

railjack is most likely gonna be late spring early summer release if not earlier.

Dojos will not have option for clan members personal rooms due to the limits of how many rooms can already be put into a dojo along with the energy capacity needed.
While also adding in more things to load, a clan with 500 members an if each room had atleast 5 decroations in it thats alot more things to load in

mmm wouldn't that be solvable by just limiting the number of decorations ? just have set themes for the rooms or so, after all in the orbiter we can load now hundreds of objects.

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It's been confirmed, I believe, that Railjacks will require a dojo to construct or upgrade using a special room. I have suspicions that Relays might also possess drydocks for them (there's still several unused doors in Strata on the lower floor, which given that they completely redesigned it, it shouldn't have negative possibility space like that...) but that might only be for upgrades if somebody were to get their hands on a Railjack without being a part of - or after leaving - a clan.

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2 hours ago, Loza03 said:

It's been confirmed, I believe, that Railjacks will require a dojo to construct or upgrade using a special room. I have suspicions that Relays might also possess drydocks for them (there's still several unused doors in Strata on the lower floor, which given that they completely redesigned it, it shouldn't have negative possibility space like that...) but that might only be for upgrades if somebody were to get their hands on a Railjack without being a part of - or after leaving - a clan.

if it has been confirmed it's very cool, STILL one would need to visit the dojo and go, not simply live there at the dojo, point A and B would make it all more organic

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1 hour ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

i gave an exampled number 

indeed, but my point is : considering we can add a MOUNTAIN of decorations in the ship, is it really that hard to make it so that it works on the dojo with a limited customization option? also, about the energy, it simply should be setup in a way that clan members rooms use veeery little power, after all they would be very small, seriously i imagine them like the orbiter, that's a small room, enough space to have all the foundry ecc stuff and still move around comfortably. 

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Great ideas.

Expanding on the customization options, I was looking at the Jupiter rework and being able to pick on which planet the dojo is would be awesome. Perhaps also allow us to use the rooms from that planet's tiles. Maybe even add NPC idling about.

Along with your idea if using archwing outside of dojo, entire colonies could be built.

I know I'd be thrilled to be able to build my Bespin cloud city.

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17 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

Great ideas.

Expanding on the customization options, I was looking at the Jupiter rework and being able to pick on which planet the dojo is would be awesome. Perhaps also allow us to use the rooms from that planet's tiles. Maybe even add NPC idling about.

Along with your idea if using archwing outside of dojo, entire colonies could be built.

I know I'd be thrilled to be able to build my Bespin cloud city.

indeed, i mean a HUGE amount of content could be created all around the dojo, making you feel an actual connection outside of the simple chat XD The dark sector idea could be built around the dojo honestly

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