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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I assume search the dead ranked up will merely increase range of targets tagged (you tag targets then when they die they drop more loot)

So you mean Search the dead will mark targets that are alive, and when they die they drop more loot? Rather than what it says which is...Oh right~ I get it now.

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


Question time!

Terror Totem:

Enemies that are not the radius of totem are able to destroy it (Grinner, corpus shooting it)? 


Search The Dead:

How will it interact with skills/weapons that makes the dead vanish (like Saryn's miasma, Nova's Molecular Prime, Acrid...)? The decay time of corpses will be longer or it won't work among these situations or we must use the skill before they die?  


Clone the Dead:

Does it store the last X dead enemies, so he can "summon" them later or it has to be used on the radius where they died? Does it work on bosses like "Hey check out my new Vor/Stalker pet"?

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So you mean Search the dead will mark targets that are alive, and when they die they drop more loot? Rather than what it says which is...Oh right~ I get it now.

More like Mark For Death and those marked suffer health drain and a few perhaps a few shall suffer instant death(Random). those that die drop more of the goods.


Health drainage should of course be useful by either regenerating the frames health gradually or killing the subjects fast or both. Are causing them to be week and miss most their shots or melee.


That's how it must work to be deemed useful.

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


I really do love the ablities that is being implimented here. Soul Punch sounds great!


Terror Totem is also really good for utility. I could imagine it creates an invisible line that enemies won't wish to cross. In fact, I would want terror totem to be like Vauban's Tesla and have it pulse every few seconds. That way, It will keep the effect of fear upon the enemies. 


Search the dead is ok... but I think it would be better if there was some sort of offensive quality to it. Maybe it can have a radial knockdown or perhaps there is a life drain quality to it. Here is a sugestion that I have to replace Search the dead. You may use this if you want to. 


DESECRATE/SOUL SIPHON: Slowly force the life out of nearby enemies. (Radial effect - Damage over time: X% HP over Y seconds) Upon death, enemies will drop health and/or energy globes. 


The last ability is amazing. Don't change it. That being said... I think this ability could have a different name. Clone the dead is fine, but consider another name like Reanimate Dead or Raise the Dead. Just some Ideas about that. 


EDIT: I have the same thoughts as XDeathCoreX. Also, I think the name Siris would be fitting for him. (shorthand version of Osiris) 

Edited by DocPulsar
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Question time!

Terror Totem:

Enemies that are not the radius of totem are able to destroy it (Grinner, corpus shooting it)? 


Search The Dead:

How will it interact with skills/weapons that makes the dead vanish (like Saryn's miasma, Nova's Molecular Prime, Acrid...)? The decay time of corpses will be longer or it won't work among these situations or we must use the skill before they die?  


Clone the Dead:

Does it store the last X dead enemies, so he can "summon" them later or it has to be used on the radius where they died? Does it work on bosses like "Hey check out my new Vor/Stalker pet"?

Look at my post, sorta same questions:


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I'm with everyone here in regards to Search the Dead, there could be something better I just can't think of what exactly. As for the name, there was a fan concept thread that mentioned "Grim" as the name, I feel that Grim matches pretty well.

Edited by MewRaiTehNeko
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Search the Dead could probably use some work, or an alternative. When considering the incredibly quick disappearance of dead enemies, the array of elements and abilities that leave no corpses behind them, and the extreme limitations of this ability all together... It may end up a complete let down - even if the idea behind it is interesting.


I love the sound of Soul Punch, and I have a feeling that the way it is tuned and executed in-game could either make or break this frame. Might be very, very interesting.


I also think that both the 3rd and 4th abilities could use some fancier names.

Every single mythology in the world has interesting words and phrases regarding death and corpses, after all.

While I agree with some of the other posters about Soul Punch (Absolutely awesome), I hope you would reconsider those other two.

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.


These skills look cool to me.



How his 3rd skill is going to work? 

It seems more like passive than active...


upon activation all mos in the surrounding area will have x% chance to drop more loot.

My 2 cents.... Name it Hades. Since Hades is ruler of the underworld that can summon/remove souls while striking fear into those who oppose him.

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.




SOUL PUNCH. I have high hopes for this skill. Percent based damage, very interesting. Armor debuff, even more interesting. Maybe a different name. Soul Rend, perhaps?

CLONE THE DEAD. Ahhh, my minion skill. Love this concept, asides from the phrasing: "Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed."


He has killed. Makes this skill worthless as an ultimate if taken literally. With frames like Nova out there, if I have to personally kill an enemy to raise my army then this is terrible. 

However, if it were "Necro creates friendly nano replications of the last X enemies to die on the battlefield." Now we're cooking! Can you imagine having a Nova's Molecular Prime go off and it being a good thing? Even a great thing? I can and it is amazing. 

This skill should increase 5, 10, 15, 20 enemies reanimated. Starts useful, becomes a true ultimate. 

The name really should be "Exhume."




Right off the bat, SEARCH THE DEAD needs to be a frame mod. It's essentially just extra loot from kills. This is a really poor fit for this warframe; it seems like you really were scavenging for anything to put here. We aren't thieves, we're necromancers.


Along the same vein as SEARCH THE DEAD, I'd create another frame mod to draw loot towards the player. Maybe even create a Thief frame at some point, utilizing this mechanic. 


TERROR TOTEM. I really don't want to make Vauban and Nyx any more obsolete. So many control skills already dispersed among the frames, do we really need another skill to control the enemy AI?




So in my own not so humble opinion, we have 2 skills that should not be. Search the Dead, and Terror Totem. Fortunately, there are two concepts out there on this particular thread which would make for awesome replacements. 

One of these is Golem. Seen here:



This is an incredible concept and would be fantastic to replace Search the Dead. A perfect combination of utility and power, an armored skeleton created from nanites to both defend the Necro and attack his enemies. I'd be happy if it could just thrash nearby foes for a few seconds. 

The other skill is Life Drain. Now, I've seen the arguments, that Trinity is going to be revamped for Update 10 and will be the useful warframe that we all thought she would be in the beginning. Now I pose you this question: does Trinity need to be the only frame with healing abilities? The answer to this is, of course, a resounding 'no'.


Should Life Drain be anything like Trinity's revamped powers? NO. It can be an entirely different implementation. A life drain skill only has 2 requirements: that it damages the enemy and that it restores health to the Necro. That's it.  


Now the third, option is to ignore Life Drain altogether and rework the Terror Totem skill. I've got some ideas about this as well. First, drop the totem part. I'm not a witch doctor.


So we have Terror. Terror could be reworked as such: X number of enemies in a radius around Necro flee in fear. Personally, I find this option weaker than going the Life Drain route. 


I'd like these 4 skills:

Soul Rend: Direct % damage that rips away part of their life energy, permanently damaging their HP with a stacking % armor debuff


Drain Life: Consumes the life energy in a radius around the Necro, damaging nearby enemies and restoring the Necro's HP.


Golem: Create a cage of sketetal armor around the Necro that deals melee damage to nearby enemies and prevents damage to the Necro throughout its duration. 

Exhume: Necro creates friendly nano replications of the last X enemies to die on the battlefield. 5/10/15/20 replications. 


Finally, as for a real name (Necro is a bad name, in case you were wondering), I like Animus


Edited by Kanubis
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Really like this Frame, Once again, nice work, DE.


Would really like a simple name for the frame, like Grim/Grimm - it fits well with the aspects of fear as well as death and ties together with the general idea of a grim reaper whom has come to collect.


The abilities make a nice 'alternative' towards solo farming play (which is a debatable subject all on it's own in terms of what people think is 'suitable') and opens a new diorama of playable styles to the game.


My only pain to this is the fact that you guys beat me to the punch with the use of nano bots: Not long after the arrival of Nova, I thought it was safe to put up my concept for a frame that revolves around the use of nanites/nano bots (also with a reanimation ability) only to find out a livestream or two later that you guys had planned to do the runner-up necroframe shortly after.

So the reanimation ability was revised shortly after... and now necro uses nano-machines for that one power which renders the idea largely redundant.

As much as that is awesome, it's a real shame for me and those thread readers that really backed the idea. A lot of thought and love went merely into the concept and I would've loved to have had a concept art commissioned in the future. Ultimately though, it seems it's gonna be shelved.


Oh well, I'm sure our to-be-named Necroframe will be awesome and I'll look forward to defending him against many a "Nerf Necro" threads of the forums in the near future.

Once again, thank you, DE for your amazing performance and continuous rejuvenation of this game, can't wait to play Necro :)


Thanks for your time.

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I would suggest Ability #2 get a name change to "Keening" (since Banshee's Wail would seem out of place) and lose the whole totem idea.  Having a character centered animation would probably save the dev's lot of headaches with totem placement irregularities.


I think Ability #3 should be changed to Bone Armor that functions alot like Iron Skin.  Personally I'd love to see the dev's pull out some wicked looking bone spurs on the character!


My suggestion for Ability #4 would be to change it to "Wraith Form".  Character turns wispy white (like the twin ghosts via The Matrix movies), gains double speed, is immune to damage but also cannot damage while in wraith form.  After 3 seconds Necro reverts to corporeal form with a large radius knockdown and dealing cold damage.


Lastly, I'm partial to Mortimer for the Necros' name. (aka Morti for short).

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Just throwing this out there, but I think "Search the Dead" as a skill name sounds kind of...unoriginal.(for lack of a better word)


I was thinking of a new name for the skill, and immediately thought of "Grave Robbery", but that still doesn't seem to fit...the second name to hit me was "Desecration", which after further thought I really like.


Seeing as all this is supposed to be subject to change and suggestions, I just wanted to put in my opinion for once.


"Grave Robbery" really describes the end result a lot better without sounding too mundane, but still fails to describe the action correctly(no grave, just a body...)


"Desecration" however, adequately describes the action taking place, without sounding too bland.


My preference being clear enough(Desecration) I'd rather either name over "Search the Dead".

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You heard it right Tenno, new abilities for Necro are in the works! We discussed our current plans and are interested in your thoughts and discussion.


Please post all discussion about Necro abilities here so we can easily keep track.




SOUL PUNCH: Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.


TERROR TOTEM: Necro deploys a totem of terror, causing X number of enemies within radius to

freeze in fear; the rest will flee.


SEARCH THE DEAD: Generates loot from corpses (health, energy, ammo, etc).


CLONE THE DEAD: Necro creates friendly nano bot clones of the last X enemies he has killed.

Kay, guys, I have a solution for a couple things....

(Somehow all the text got highlighted, I'm not sure how to fix it....Select all the text (ctrl-a) and you should be able to read it)


(Pulled that name from a post somewhere above me.)

C'mon, the name is cheesy.  This isn't dragonball Z.  Seriously, why don't you add some unicorns to the game too?  Then you could appeal to the 12 year old girls as well as the 12 year old boys.


Instead of having a place-able totem this ability should generate from Necro.  Thus, while he moves, it moves with him.


This ability shouldn't loot down bodies; we can loot well enough with things like thief's wit and master thief.

Instead, it should generate health for Necro based upon the down body count.



(The name is from Phoenix on page two.  Check out his stuff.)

First off, the name is lame.  Sorry.  I'm giving hard times on names today, aren't I.......

Secondly, this one will be a pain because you'll have to keep some sort of counter of how many enemies he's killed, pick a set amount of time so he doesn't end up with too many, ect.

My suggestion would be that he infects nearby ALIVE enemies, and that the ability only lasts a certain amount of time before they despawn.  This would avoid myriad problems.  You're going to have a hard time balancing it either way.

Thus, the new abilities:


Direct X% damage that knocks the soul out of them, 5% armor debuff, stacking.



Necro strikes the hearts of the enemies around them, causing nearby enemies to freeze in fear; all others will flee in terror.


Necro pulls the remaining lifeforce from downed corpses and uses it to regenerate his own health.


Necro infects nearby enemies with a version of the technocyte virus, turning them against their former allies.

(This last one may not need to be changed, except for the name.  I still hate the previous name.)

I hope this feedback is helpful!


Wolfshard Warlord


Edited by Starflyt
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After skimming over this thread, and thinking about  it myself and talking it over with friends... this is my opinion of this Frames Power set.


SOUL PUNCH: Things don't last long enough for Stacking to be a issue, More over, will this ability be cost effective? How much armor loss are we talking? Nova already has 2x multiplier that effects a large area around her, anything less then that doesn't seem cost effective for the energy used.


TERROR TOTEM: Will this actively affect enemies as they die? IE: When you kill one enemy stun by fear, will the totem stun a new target in range? What is the Range? and how long will it last?


SEARCH THE DEAD: This is the one skill that I have a problem with.


One: Enemies Bodies disappear fast, but making them linger any longer will cause problems with gun-play (Dead bodies absorb bullets too!)


Two: "Double Checking" bodies for Loot doesn't seem very Tenno... it seems very... not Tenno.


Three: More Loot at the Cost of energy? This seems like a dark ally people get mugged in. "I used Search... and got nothing... like.. 10 times... screw this skill." If all Search does is re-roll the same loot table with the same values... I can't see how that's going to make a good Warframe power... and if it uses different values, well... as a OG RPG player that has fought day and night with RNG systems... and currently fighting Void Drop table for the Reaper Blade (34 T3 Ext and counting)... a skill that re-rolls loot just doesn't seem to fit.


CLONE THE DEAD: This is great and it answers the problem for the bodies in a way that Search the Dead doesn't. They only thing you have to ask is: How many, How long, Will they actually be effective (Enemy AI can kinda get silly.) and can Mods effect this any of the above? (IE: Nullstar)

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I think instead of his 3rd ability he should have something that is more "Necro-ish" something like


"Divided Spirit / Divided Mind"


Necro creates a fiendish replica of himself that fights for the Tenno cause for a certain period or until they die.


OR swapping his ult with his 3 and changing 3, I have something in mind like


3rd ability "Clone the Dead(unchanged)"


Necro raises a set amount of dead around him for a certain period or until they die.


ult "Explode the Dead"


Necro commands his army to seek nearby enemies and detonate upon collision.

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