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Ember 9.8: Feedback Thread


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Okay, finally done with testing and Ember after her skill reworks and these are the data I have gathered:






-Does 50/100/150/200 physics impact damage to its target; 70 per tick DoT at capped rank. 



-Damage is now 100/200/300/400 per level; affected by Focus

-Damage ticking seems faster than previous version

-Duration by Constitution, Continuity

-Damage reduction is down to 55% from 91% with capped Focus (which means its mitigation is 42% without Focus)




-Damage of 300 physics impact per ring touch at cap level

-Initial fire damage is still negligible and mitigated by armor

-Affected by Focus; duration by Constitution, Continuity


WoF -- Presumably left untouched.


And here are my thoughts concerning these changes:





A big buff for a 1 skill and most, if not all, the issues with the skill have been addressed properly. However, the buff does not change the fact that Fireball is still a useless skill.



Damage mitigation lowering was a big slap to the Ember community, even more once they discover that it does not provide disruption immunity anymore. DoT is, at the least, decent and makes the damage quite viable if Ember could engage in melee long enough without dying or needing to run away.



Increased damage on the ring makes it somewhat decent. It also helps that so long as the target it on the ring, it will continuously take damage. However, as most targets are not stationary, they tend to only pass the ring once or twice during their or the ring's lifetime.



Presumably left untouched.


Finally, here are my suggested changes for the new rework.





Viable if DoT spread like Saryn's venom, though duration should be kept to a lower value. Also, probable if it ticked % of opponent's HP instead of a flat value.



Personally, I am torn with keeping damage mitigation as is or to increase it to around 50-60% without Focus. In either case, due to Overheat's range, sufficient utility -- some form of CC(disruption, knockdown, stagger) immunity -- must be given to Ember to make sure she is able to deal damage using this skill for its duration.


I would also like to note that it is imperative that disruption immunity be returned to Ember during Overheat's duration; once disrupted, Ember cannot cast any back-up skill NOR can she tank that long anymore due to reduced damage mitigation once she is disrupted.



Make the targets take DoT damage so long as they are in the ring. This would act as a toned down version of WoF. If that cannot be applied, initial explosion should ragdoll enemies out of the ring so that it is ensured that they will take ring damage at least once.



Make it tick % max HP of the opponent, subjected to armor, instead of a flat value; increase the target cap from 3 to 5-6.



Decent changes to Ember, though Overheat's cons seems to have taken a bigger weight compared to the combined pros of the reworks. Hopefully, Ember can be returned to her former glory as a caster-tank frame instead of a full-offensive frame that hardly deals damage nor survive in higher level missions.

Edited by MIRROR_ell
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After finally seeing how these changes work, I have to ask, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DE?


Her three primary powers are short range and require her to get in the thick of things, which cannot be done very well anymore with anything above mid-level enemies. Did you guys just look at the telemetry data and see that Ember players didn't die "enough" and decided to do something to make them die more?


Please come up with a different solution DE.

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After playing for a bit against level 50 infested I can say the following things.

Fireball is pretty neat, it deals a lot of dot damage to light infested and you can stack quite a few of them in the same area.  But their duration is criminally short.

Fire Blast is completely useless still, World on Fire is basically the same ability, but better in every way.

Overheat is a weird ability.  People use it for the damage reduction, because if you want damage you use World on Fire.


So I really gotta ask this.  Why are you sticking to the DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE model for this frame?  World on fire does all the damage you could ever need.  Her other abilities should be complementary utilities.  Fireball should be your go to power for low cost damage, and World on Fire for big aoe damage.  Overheat should stay as a defensive power for sure, but maybe make it give you increased fire damage on melee attacks? And return its immunity to disruption and soft cc in general please, hitting overheat only to get chain staggered by chargers sucks.


On the topic of Fire Blast I already said its basically a worse World on Fire.  So why not give it utility.  Like standing in it regenerates energy.  Spend 75 casting it to get 150 back.  That way it becomes an extremely useful power for recuperating between fights and a safe zone during hard fights.

Also have it maybe reduce all incoming ranged damage as a buff for players standing in it?


Powers that only deal damage will always be bad, because there will be a ceiling of usefulness for them.

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Still have to test out Ember against how she performs against all 3 factions, but there is something in Scott's comment that i find quite distracting.


Scott's Comments:

Ah Ember, after looking Ember over it was obvious she was suffering from some neglect. She had numerous under the hood bugs that would make her powers not quite right. We fixed her up and gave her a buff. One of the biggest changes for Ember players will be the change to overheat. Ember was meant to be a caster damage frame not a tank, with addition of mods and changes to the game she became one of the best tanks in the game.


You know, maybe it's just me but for someone who is meant to be a quote "caster frame", they kind of went with a horribly unfitting design. Ember has bulky shoulders, sturdy arms, noticable abs and clawed feet, aswell as a friking mohawk style helmet.

That doesn't looks very "caster" to me. That looks more like "beating the crap out of you with bare hands".


She looks much more like she should be arm wrestling Excalibur, than to stand back and wave a magic staff to cast fireballs at enemies.


So if they want people to see her as "caster frame" maybe they should change her design towards being physical frail, not to create a false impression.


Otherwise they should embrace CHANGE and allow her to stay a caster/warrior hybrid people have come to love with Overheat.


Also fireball still sounds useless. A 25 energy damage skill, especialy one that deals elemental damage, can't stand the style the game progresses.

Edited by Othergrunty
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First of all let me say this. all Damage abilitys like fireball should be percent based. That makes it so it can scale to higher and lower content without a problem. If a enemies has 1 mil hp or 25 hp Fireball should still do a certain percent of damage to them, lets say 33% ( Should not be affected by armor and should scale with focus).  That will make the abilities somewhat useable ( Still constructed by energy costs :/)


Now on to my key problem with this "fix"(nerf). Overheat was a great ability before this recent change. It helped keep you alive in general and also helped keep you alive while running through a filed of enemies using WoF.  It made Ember pretty fun to play and was a great ability to use a high levels so you werent instakilled all the time( Ember has lower armor health and shields). Now the skills is pretty much useless, no other way around it, its useless. I understand that you originally didnt intend to make Overheat useful back when you fixed it in May(? cant remember if it was that month). You made Overheat a useful power( and because of that you made Ember relevant again).


Now what exactly does she have to offer? First skill is still a waste of time,  Fireblast is still useless, We no longer have Overheat( One of the only two powers worth using) and WoF isnt worth using without overheat or a change in mechanics. If i want to do damage i can just use Nova and effectivily do everything better than what Ember can.


Ember is slow( Nova is fast) Ember doesnt have high shields or HP or Armor. Basically there is no reason to use her now that she lost one of her key abilities( Similar to what you did to Nyx and Rhino before you buffed him)


I would like to ask you to revert Overheat back, but with DE's warframe teams balancing  track record im sure that wont happen because you seem to got in your head that you are always right. 


I mean, what would Sheldon think? THINK OF SHELDON lol.

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Overheat was Ember's one utility, like people have said look past your original thought of the frame and see that it was great how it was. When DE changed it to have the damage reduction I was overjoyed because it meant that Ember finally had a utility and not just 3 powers that were basically the same, with one that didn't do anything. Please revert overheat to how it was.

World on Fire was a surprise not being looked at, it only goes after 3 people and with higher levels the armor on even infected make it rather useless. I was really hoping to see it have a armor ignore. What I thought World on Fire is it is just melting any metal because the heat is so great and would just go straight for health, but this is not the case. This was the skill I was hoping to have a real look at seeing as it didn't feel like an ultimate just a normal skill that cost 100 energy. One idea would be to have the 3 enemies that Ember sets on fire to cause other enemies to catch on fire and cause a chain reaction.

Fireblast is great for initial damage but I want it how it was were anyone that entered the ring would get the same damage or close to the same as the initial cast, that way it could be for more of a defensive skill when enemies are surrounding you and keep swarming after the initial cast of Fireblast

Fireball is to weak to do anything and even at low levels were it can kill enemies the travel time and casting time are so long that it is so much easier just to shoot the enemy you are aiming at rather than waste 25 energy on one target.

Please DE relook at Ember.

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I guess I'll quote myself:



World on Fire used to damage 3 enemies per tick.


Now World on Fire only damages 1 enemy per tick, which is _again_ way worse than any of the other warframes' ultimates.



This is not okay, I do not like discovering bad stuff, which is not announced. I do not like discovering bad stuff at all.


Please DE, explain yourself.


Is it a bug or intentional?


UPDATE 6th September:

Looks like WoF __STILL__ damages only 1 enemy per tick, at least while playing solo.

Tested this with 2 ancients on Cyath, when no other enemies where around: only 1 ancient took damage.


It's working fine in online mode, however.


So still no change

from this thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/68041-embers-stealth-nerfing/

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fireball still useless

fireblast still useless

overheat/ fireskin(laaaaaaame) whats the point of this? you just die before you even get to enemies.

world on fire still weak as balls.





scrap the whole skill set.

this skill set is a remnant from the closed beta when there was no limits to modding and enemies were a joke with no armor.

non of her skills sinergize, they all do the same thing.


she is not even the "nightmare for light armored targets " she was supposed to be.

her 4 damage only abilities ...... do NO damage.




my kit redesign :


fireball = liquefy -  boils enemy armor , works in a cone can hit multiple targets.

                             applies armor debuff , stacks with other armor debuffs.

                             enemies have a chance to be set on fire.

                             does moderate initial damage.


fireblast = Heat blast - powerful wave pushes every one around ember away , applies armor debuff.

                                    stacks with other armor debuffs, moderate initial damage.

                                    chance to set enemies on fire.


overheat = Fire infusion - ember and allies gain a fire based elemental boost in damage.

                                         ember gains damage reduction minimum reduction is 40%.

                                         reduction rate increases when more fire is around ember up to 70%.

                                         this includes enemies that are on fire , hazards , skills and weapon fire.


world on fire = Erupt -  ALL enemies that are affected by fire erupt , spewing magma around them applying liquefy

                                    and a significant dot. enemies that were at melee range to ember get incinerated aka massive damage.




in summery , high armor shred and crowd control.  

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The audience/fan base for a purely offensive ember as you originally saw it (but did not implement it this way, which is misleading) does not exist. To review, they moved on to Nova. Sometimes an idea becomes too large to fit inside one persons head and that is ok. Ember had developed into her own playstyle with her own type of player. She does not look glass cannon. She does not look like Nova/fragile. The artwork does not even support the new Ember. The players do not support the new Ember. We were mostly content and rather than wanting a serious viability/flexibility nerf, we wanted to be able to be useful in more situations than infested. Overheat was our only ability that in fact was, and it meshed well with the playstyle, creating a unique frame. It is a fire based frame and I am -ok- with being better at facing a certain faction with WOF and another faction with Overheat. It was adaptive, it was fun. We grew to like it, we invested resources into it. Ember is far too slow for this new concept. Ember does not visually fit this new concept. There is no reason to despair over an incorrect change. The only important thing is that you change it. The original Rhino change was bad. It was revised to be more congruent with what a Rhino player wanted. Please revert Overheat. It was what made Ember worth playing as opposed to Nova. Female does not mean squish.. and I'd like to see a warframe game that does NOT buy into stereotypes, and does not get stuck on preconceived notions. I want a warframe that has developers which will realize when an idea did not work out in its original form (ember pure dps).


Restore Overheat to previous functionality. World on fire needn't be the win button like Nova has but it would be nice if it was slightly more effective at higher levels/different enemies. Ember's other two abilities? Get creative with them rather than simply trying a balancing act. Ember =/= Nova. A pure offensive ember would need to be faster and have alot more dps, which effects every enemy equally in huge AOE. IE Nova.


We don't want two Novas. We want "girl on fire".

Edited by Sahfiel
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Sheldon must be &!$$ed off.


He sounded quite happy about the changes when he was reading them in the livestream. He called them awesome and even pointed out that overheat would now be his favorit skill.


Maybe he just loves running Jupiter only with her, ha.


Jokes aside, i'm quite annoyed by the fact that these changes now come at Friday, meaning, the earliest time we can expect them to so much as think about what the reaction by the community could mean would be monday. In turn if they take the complainments serious, it might take until Update 10 that they take her under the microscope again. Finaly, if overall reaction was mostly negative, we might only get a serious change in their stance towards what ever her new build worked or not by November or later.


Worst case scenario, several months of waiting until things change again.


Sigh, also i guess we have to give the benefit of a doubt and wait a week for all possible feedback to come in before they take it serious.

Edited by Othergrunty
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This seems like a poor decision in both the short run & the long run of the game.  Ember's only non-damage ability was Overheat.  With 4 damage abilities she is officially a 1-trick pony with little-to-no usage outside of that role.


The fire damage is semi-useful in the lower levels of the game, but as enemy levels increases, the utility of these powers rapidly approaches zero.  That's the short-term problem.  But even if there is an armor overhaul / elemental damage buff, this change removes all incoming damage mitigation & crowd control.  That's a long-term problem that won't go away.


I'd suggest returning Overheat to it's previous form, but also altering Fireblast to be less of a damage ability & more of a crowd control ability that pushes enemies out of the circle, causes them to experience the "on fire" animation which effectively temporarily stuns them, etc.  This would make it more along the lines of snow globe, except that it mitigates incoming melee instead of incoming gunfire.

Completely Agree - Also, Overheat was good the way it was, and allows players to build specific builds with Ember with a good amount of Forma. Walking Tank. Adding another Damage skill sounds.. Not smart, because Energy isn't infinite. I actually really liked Overheat, it was a skill that Ember could use at the last moment to suddenly save herself from let's say.. Fusion Moa and her flying Gatling gun.

I agree with Fire, it needs to be a capable skill, to give a little Utility atleast, maybe push back, or knock down, etc, would be lovely - But as I said before, I dislike the new change, I will try it out though, and will put up new information as I try it~

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DE, please read:



You guys are misunderstanding why high level players use certain warframes. For high level players, they either need a good crowd control or a good damage multiplying ability. We use Nova because of the 4x multiplier on antimatter drop and 2x multiplier on molecular prime. The radial damage from the explosions are just a plus. We use Frost and Vauban because of their ability to handle huge crowds with little effort. We use Banshee because she can do 6.3x damage (with sonar and focus) and she has decent crowd control with sonic boom and sound quake. 


State of Ember:

For Ember, she is only useful for infested due to the fact that Overheat and World on Fire provides perfect coverage for offense and defense. Overheat was the only reason people decided to choose her as a frame since she can temporarily tank everything and use her ultimate as efficiently as possible. By nerfing Overheat's tanking ability, you have reduced Ember to what Saryn was AFTER the Venom nerf: just a casual warframe with damaging abilities only suitable for low-mid level enemies. For that reason, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY will take her to fight high level enemies.


Possible Changes:

It's not too late, DE. YOU guys can still make a potential change before update 10. Now that you know that straight up damage isn't ideal for high level players, let's find a way to fix Ember. First of all, you guys advertised Ember as a straight up offensive warframe so it is unlikely that Overheat will ever return back to the way it was. I propose that you add secondary effects to Ember's abilities so it provides not only decent damage for mid-level enemies but also a crowd control or damage multiplying mechanism. 


The following is a list of recommendations that you can expand on and is not limited to one of Ember's abilities:



- the targeted enemy will light up (like Molecular Prime) and inflict radial damage over time to enemies nearby (similar to Overheat) or

the targeted enemy will light up (like Molecular Prime) and will become vulnerable to fire damage (5x multiplier)



- similar to Electric Shield and Roar, provide 50% additional damage to all damage output, as fire damage, over the duration of Overheat


Fire Blast

- affected enemies inside Fire Blast will slow down due to the dense heat waves, similar to the slow down of Snow Globe or

- similar to that of the Totem ability of Necro, force enemies outside of the Fire Blast to be pushed away, making Fire Blast an area denial ability


World on Fire

- the three affected enemies will light up (like Molecular Prime) and inflict radial damage over time to enemies nearby (similar to Overheat) or

the three affected enemies will light up (like Molecular Prime) and will become vulnerable to fire damage (5x multiplier), making Ember's Fireball shine and also give an incentive to use fire elemental mods outside of Infested games because when players play against Grineer, Corpus, or Corrupted, they tend to use electric mods over fire ones.


Thanks for reading my reply and I hope that DE will give Ember the proper attention it deserves.

Edited by rangeless
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Apparently I put this in the wrong place, so I shall now quote myself:


I just did some testing by using Ember and Torid to try to pin down the new overheat's damage reduction.


Without focus equipped, it's about 40%. With focus equipped, it's about 53%.That's roughly equal to 110 armour, but as before, it applies to both health and shields damage, making it significantly better than armour alone could ever be.


This means that while overheated, ember is still the most durable tank in the game (excluding trinity, for obvious reasons). There is, of course, also a damage boost, which is difficult to complain about, if not especially meaningful (her other abilities will always do the same thing better than overheat ever could due to greater range, area, and/or energy cost). However, I do find it important to note that overheat's natural fire-based crowd control is just as effective as ever, so even the lighter damage reduction isn't as big a defensive debuff as it looks.


All in all, having tried the new version, I don't mind it too much, although it is unambiguously less powerful, and as i mentioned before, I will dearly miss immortality.


My main concern is the language used to describe the change, stating that this is no longer a defensive ability. Mechanically it seems more like striking a balance between offense and defense, which would honestly have been a better sell. Changes to balance are understandable within reason, but changing the theme of an ability changes the warframe's personality.


When I saw the update notes, I was honestly terrified that Ember would no longer have any effective means of protecting herself. That, and I'd become very fond of the thematic image of overheat in my mind: Bullets melting and burning up in mid-flight, blades softening and melting on impact, it was a fun and powerful image, and an equally awesome ability. (admittedly too much so: it was far and away the best defensive ability in the entire game, bar none.)


Maintaining that air of self-sufficiency and untouchability is crucial to keeping myself, and most likely many other ember players as well, happy. Also, it's important to me that ember have at least one ability which isn't primarily just fire damage over time, yet again. Diversity and flexibility are important to making a frame fun to play. Every other frame has something to mix things up a bit.


Lastly, if anyone is considering input, there are many things which could make overheat feel as powerful and interestingly different as it once was without it being as broken mechanically. A speed boost during the duration, for example.


Also, I like the name Overheat. I hope it doesn't actually change on the card.


That said, Just heard about the removal of disruption immunity, which further dulls what was Ember's only colourful and interesting ability. Even the infamous caster argument seems to wear thin there. The disruption immunity always felt more about casting sustainability (reliable energy reserves) than survivability to me.


EDIT: As a note, I saw something interesting in people's suggestions about fire blast. I think it would make a big difference for the skill's viability, strategic value, fun factor, and plain variety if it applied fire damage to player shots passing through it, like Volt's electric shield without the shield part. Especially if it worked in both directions, making pinning enemies inside the circle a daring but rewarding alternative to simply using it as a fortress.

Edited by Kinethia
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Ember didn't need more damages she needs an entirely new kit to be a caster frame. As she is now she has more of a fire and forget style.


You activate Overheat, and go back to shooting things.

You  activate Fireblast, and go back to shooting things.

you activate World on Fire, and, surprise!, you go back to shooting things.


There is no point in using fireball because it would be a pointless distraction before going back to shooting things.


The "caster" ember does not exist in this kit, she doesn't do damage functionally or even very impressively in a visual sense. there is no interaction with her abilities and her weapons like Volt, Nova or Saryn. 


If all she does is damage she needs to be able to do it phenomenally. I know DE is trying to toe a delicate line but right now Ember's kit is neither interesting or useful. I admit I as well used her for nothing but abusing Overheat, but I don't even want old Ember back.


She can't be a caster until her "casting" is actually fun and Interesting. If nothing else she could use a Cast time Reduction as she is now to edge  her back into tanky utility, But  above all else I don't want to see it half assed

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You know, having tested her now a bit and seeing how 2 skills are best used by activating and running past enemies or attacking them in melee, i even more question if "Caster" was really what she should be.


They call her a caster but all i see is "run up to enemies and ruin their excrement" in 3 different ways.


So not only is Ember's visual design speaking against caster. 3 of her abilities now involve getting close to enemies like an elemental brawler. Something her stats however not reflect.


Give her more speed and armor if you want to stick with this no utility change.

Edited by Othergrunty
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hokay, having played her new state, I have to say this - 


Scott. I understand that sometimes things go not the way you expected them to be, and the temporal solution may be coming out into a different direction, but I hope you too know that, when changing things, especially things people care about, not only the original idea should be taken into consideration, but also what you have on your hands, what hope people have invested in what you have created.


And what you have created is a tanky frame, that was fun to play with. Not an all-dps frame. Not a glass cannon. You fixed Overheat once, and you made it *perfect*. Sometimes, there's nothing more permanent than a temporal solution, and you should not have tried to fix what was not broken.


Changing the ability that has had became her major point does not strike me as a smart decision. Neither it sounds like something a man who cares about people playing this frame and about this frame  would do, but I understand that neither of those is true, and, as with many changes warframe has gone through, this is just an attempt to see what you can do before making it right.


And to make it right, you just have to make one simple thing - revert Overheat back, and accept it how it is, not wasting time on what is already good, when there are more glaring issues at hand.


Issues like, say, Fireball. Or Fireblast. 


You claimed to have fixed both, and I applaud the attention you have given, but there is a simple detail that ruins it a bit - both abilities are as flawed as they were.


Don't get me wrong, the new damage of the fireblast is quite delicious, but it only works if you can trap the enemies in that circle of fire it produces, and, aside from the infested, crossing the border does little to the enemies. This still still begs for a rework into a proper cc ability, that would make it shine. 


Same goes for Fireball. I have no other way of describing it's damage than "completely insignificant". Weak damage skills have no use in this game, and fireball was, and is a proof of that. There is much you could do with it, and will do as my hope suggests. Change it into a fiery explosion that throws the foes around, make it a contagious DoT, that can burn entire crowd if given enough time, make it burn down enemies armour with time, but don't leave it like this. 


I trust you understand how to make it better, Scott, but I beg you to listen to what others have to say, too.


If you feel that a change will be hated by the frames' users - you probably should rethink that change and prepare to revert it.

*slow clap*

Regardless of whether someone agrees with your points or not, you deserve kudos for responding with such clarity and tact.

(Also, I agree with your points.)


Overheat was OP... there's little denying that. I'm the one who posted the effective HP formula on the wiki that proved that it was mathematically impossible for Rhino to even come close to matching Ember's tankiness (aside from the fact that she turned to paper for 0.3 seconds between casts).


But I'm in agreeance with GTG3000 and Kinethia that, even if it wasn't what she was originally intended to be, Overheat became part of her identity. A nerf may be justified, but this one seems a little too much to me. It's enough to radically alter the playstyle that came to be expected from her, which, in a sense, is changing Ember from what her users loved her for, into what those who don't use her think she should be. 


Perhaps, as a middleground, revert the damage resistance changes, but add a short cooldown period, embracing her role as a 'burst tank'. She's nigh-invulnerable, but only for periods at a time. This is not mutually exclusive from her DPS, she's just different from your typical tank. Rhino gives his team damage boosts and CC while being immune to it himself; Frost gives a little damage, and a ton of team protection in his little bastion; and Ember runs around with impunity as everything around her burns.

Edited by Zaenos
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