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The Trinity Trollity


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(Post-9.8 rebalance of trinity)


Step 1: Go to any boss mission, any


Step 2: Cast Well of life onto the boss


Step 3: Cast Energy Vampire onto the boss


Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for however long you like


Step 5: Post results here. 


Edit: My best time for 'stalling' a team of tenno is forty-three minutes. Can you beat my score before they quit on trying? Insanity is keep on trying using the same method, but expecting a different result. :3

Edited by YoshikaMiyafugi
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Wait...  how do those abilities stall anything?  Are they bugged or something?  When I was playing around with it, I could kill the marked targets just fine it seemed.

 well of life gives the target 10x health currently so you can actually heal off it before it dies


Energy vampire returns your energy over time as pulses.


Well of life doesn't stun bosses.


Do the math :3

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 well of life gives the target 10x health currently so you can actually heal off it before it dies


Energy vampire returns your energy over time as pulses.


Well of life doesn't stun bosses.


Do the math :3

Ah.  I didn't realize it gave the enemy 10x health.  I figured it just gave out 10x health.  I hadn't tested Trinity's 1 enough to notice I guess.

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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This is taken from the warframe wikipedia:


"Enemies flagged with Well of Life will shine a distinct bright green, be suspended in air and have their health changed to 10 times their full health value for the duration of the skill. After the ability ends, if the target is not killed, their health will return to its original value and any damage they had taken before Well of Life was cast will remain."


In short, if you spam 1-2 keys fast enough for you, you're 'stalling' the guy's longevity as long as possible. Take this up to 'infinity' by doing this to a boss. Think of it as a separate health bar that you're chewing through and happens for a certain amount of time. Another example would be you're trying to get through a knight's armor before actually hurting the guy inside. Poor example, but it's one on the top of my head atm. (and the armor you get to 'replenish' at will, with might as well be infinite energy). Any damage taken 'during' the well of life doesn't transfer back to the original health bar. Again, sorry for the shotty english. 

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This is taken from the warframe wikipedia:


"Enemies flagged with Well of Life will shine a distinct bright green, be suspended in air and have their health changed to 10 times their full health value for the duration of the skill. After the ability ends, if the target is not killed, their health will return to its original value and any damage they had taken before Well of Life was cast will remain."


In short, if you spam 1-2 keys fast enough for you, you're 'stalling' the guy's longevity as long as possible. Take this up to 'infinity' by doing this to a boss. Think of it as a separate health bar that you're chewing through and happens for a certain amount of time. Another example would be you're trying to get through a knight's armor before actually hurting the guy inside. Poor example, but it's one on the top of my head atm. (and the armor you get to 'replenish' at will, with might as well be infinite energy). Any damage taken 'during' the well of life doesn't transfer back to the original health bar. Again, sorry for the shotty english. 

 yeah, this.


Basically, because it doesn't "Store" the damage dealt to the modified health bar, it doesn't damage the boss, instead returning them to where they were pre-well cast.


What they need to do is have it store the PERCENTAGE of damage dealt during each well cast, then at the end, remove that % from the bosses HP Pool, if a boss dies due to the % damage dealt on ending/recast, then they die and the next cast just ends. (Which stops trinity permaheal trolling)

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 yeah, this.


Basically, because it doesn't "Store" the damage dealt to the modified health bar, it doesn't damage the boss, instead returning them to where they were pre-well cast.


What they need to do is have it store the PERCENTAGE of damage dealt during each well cast, then at the end, remove that % from the bosses HP Pool, if a boss dies due to the % damage dealt on ending/recast, then they die and the next cast just ends. (Which stops trinity permaheal trolling)

Why not just have the Well'd enemy take the full damage they took while Well'd at the end?

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Why not just have the Well'd enemy take the full damage they took while Well'd at the end?


Because the designer who hooked this up used a bunch of duct tape to do it. It happens, especially when a programmer isn't involved. If a programmer did this on purpose, well he really shouldn't be a programmer for DE anymore. The only thing that would save that programmer is if the designer requested it be that way, in which case we're back to the first part, in that the designer really duct taped this ability to solve the whole enemy dying too fast part. Poor implementation in any case.

Edited by gell
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Play Nova, max out Anti Drop, Ruin troll's idea.


You got me, I have yet to see an Anti Drop trying to kill a raptor buffed with Well of Life. I mean, you're going through 10x of raptor's original health, and add whatever's left. I can see there is a chance of happening though if the other three guys get an act together, and manage to hit just exactly right between trinity's spamming the 1-2 keys. Lower bosses definitely, but key thing, is trying to get it right between the spamming keys. Players die because they thought the boss is going to die in ten seconds, when the only real damage they're getting is right between the spam. 


But the point is, there needs to be rework done. Any person with trinity can do this to any other three warframes that happen to be in with him. The worst part, is that as soon as someone leaves, and somebody is trying to get into that mission, they get pulled in. That's because the mission allows people to join into it until the said boss is dead, by the game mechanics. So while in theory you are only affecting three people, depending on the boss, a trinity can clog up many more. 


While yes that nova can go for it depending on the timing and the whatever I said above this sentence, it's tough nonetheless for lower level players who are going for let's say the jackal, captain vor, etc. General Sargas Ruk is brutal with this kind of trolling Trinity offers. He has a multitude of abilities that basically allow him to kill people offguard or with low energy. As trinity, you control the energy, as well as the life of the boss. By manipulating both, while the guys are running high and dry with no ammo, they'll die. And that's just one example. 


Remember, every single trinity has the capability of doing this; to make other players' life harder, to use up their revives, to lower down their stats on success rate, to lower their survival rating, etc. 


I'm not here to say any frame is inferior/superior, I apologize if it sounds like I'm doing that. I have just gotten trinity after 9.8 update, so I cannot give out an honest review. But if I can force somebody to use up all his revives in a boss fight, even though he has the capability of killing the said boss in ten seconds, that's a problem. 

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