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Blunt Opinion: Profit-Taker Orb Fight "Difficulty"


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My only complain is that the whole fight doesn't require  operator or amp, yet the only related syndicate sells tons of it?

Doesnt this looks weird?

Quills in earth provides amps because you need them and want them to fight eidolon faster, thus generate standings faster, acquire amps faster...... positive loop.

Now the amps provides here in Fortuna means nothing to the profit taker fight, why do I even bother to farm standings? 

It seems more right if little duck provide more choices of arch weapon, and of course, the god damn component to unlock arch weapon for non-archwing use.

it is just a very weird choose of selling in my opinion.


Edited by dEjAvU5566
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On 2018-12-19 at 6:38 AM, Ventura_Highway said:

I haven't played the battle but I'm not surprised they wouldn't let you use the Hystrix's 100% status-proc-of-a-chosen-element ability on a boss.

It's literally the only fight in the game that swapping elements mid mission is necessary.

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The concept of the fight itself is fine, even quite fun. I'm glad it can't be outright cheesed with a powered up Lanka unlike the Tridolons. My problem is that the actual fight and the first bounty are glitchy as all hell. I've played Mesa in these battles and I've found the following.


1. No way to put your Archwing weapon away. I can't swap off my Archwing gun and the actual damage compared to my normal primary is so lackluster. When the shield comes up my only option is to try to burn through my ammo. Sometimes when I hit weapon switch it will swap to my secondary, and then I can go back to my primary. Sometimes I have to hold it to go to my melee before getting my normal guns back. But most of the time nothing lets me bring my weapons back. 

2. Using Peacemaker with the Archwing gun locks me out of skills. When I have the Archwing gun equipped and I press 4, I make the noise of doing it, my screen goes orange like I'm doing it, but instead of drawing the Regulators I pull out my normal primary and I'm locked in this state of normal movement without using any of my skills, none of my gear, and I can't go into operator. The only way to fix this is to either get downed or run out of energy, but more often than not I get destroyed. 

3. The animation of calling down the Archwing gun is a liability, and it happens when you least expect it. When you call the Archwing gun down its a summoning animation of like 5 seconds where you're just locked in place unable to do anything. You can mitigate the damage you take by trying to get somewhere safe before calling it down, but sometimes when I have it equipped and get downed then revived, I'll not have the Archwing gun equipped and go into normal movement. Then without me opening my gear wheel my guy will start calling down the Archwing gun while I'm in the middle of a bunch of enemies, resulting in me getting downed immediately. 


These are only the consistent problems I've had during these fights. There are plenty of other weird one-offs involving operator mode and the Archwing guns. If it were me I'd make the following changes.


1. Fix all the weird issues with Archwing weapons and non-Archwing play. With this being the linchpin of the fight these need to work and we need to able to swap away from them to cycle damage as we're supposed to do.

2. Make Archwing guns more useful. I'm getting the same feeling from Archwing guns as I did from Operator mode in the early days. There isn't much reason to use the weapon because standard primaries are far more powerful and more useful. However Archwing guns don't have the benefit of Focus schools or void mode, so they're even worse. The only reason I have to use mine is for this one mission. If you want us to feel like we're wielding a giant deadly cannon meant to be mounted on a vehicle in our hands, then make them do damage equivalent to that feeling.

3. Cut the levels of the reinforcements just a bit. When I'm getting dived on by 10 level 80 enemies with another 20 of them surrounding me it can get just a bit nonsensical especially when you're dealing with the big crawler things on top of them. Bring them down to around 50-60 and it would be much more manageable. 

4. Have the Profit-Taker be weak to elements used to make up another element. If it shows weak to radiation then its 100% weal to radiation and 50% weak to fire/electric. If it shows toxic then make it 100% weak to toxic and 25% weak to gas/corrosive/viral. The main reason for this is that more often than not players wanna be the one dealing damage unless they're in a full supporting role. So at best you've got 3 players constantly cycling the damage weakness with operator until one gets the damage type they want, and they then get in maybe 3 or 4 shots before it cycles again because another player doesn't like that particular element. This is frustrating for people who come in as the primary damage source with Chroma and the like as they try to deal damage but it keeps getting cycled away from their main damage source.

5. For christ sake give us rewards that are worth working for. The amount of effort that goes into one of these fights only to get some garbage relic, or some materials that I don't even need. It's just not worth ever doing after the first run outside of getting the Toroids for Vox Solaris standing and even then farming Toroids the normal way is way easier and less glitchy. Why not some weapon variants (maybe even some Archwing weapon variants), or a relic/mod pack? Or why not a ton of credits considering "Profit-Taker"? Hell I'll even take some Arcanes, either new ones or ones from the old list. 


Honestly if you manage to fix the glitchy parts the level issues I have might stop being a problem. People want good endgame content and honestly what we have now is a fun idea, except that its broken and not actually fun to do nor is it worth to keep doing.

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From what I hear, it's about the same as it always was for warframe. Good concept, buggy execution. We're given the powers of Gods, guns that shoot chainsaw bullets, heavy artillery, plasma bombs, and swords that can cut a man in half like he's made of melted cheese. But... we can't hurt that boss because he's got invulnerability states. Ugh... 

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For those saying that the current boss fight is fine:

Try a different frame and gain a bit of perspective on what precisely is wrong with the boss fight (and the design direction of recent content releases).  Stop bringing a Chroma, Rhino or Inaros.  Bring a Mirage, Banshee, Titania or Ember.

My complaint of the boss fight isn't the difficulty in terms of damage output by enemies in this fight, but rather how it is output and the ability (or lack of) frames to influence it.

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1 hour ago, WhimsicalPacifist said:

For those saying that the current boss fight is fine:

Try a different frame and gain a bit of perspective on what precisely is wrong with the boss fight (and the design direction of recent content releases).  Stop bringing a Chroma, Rhino or Inaros.  Bring a Mirage, Banshee, Titania or Ember.

My complaint of the boss fight isn't the difficulty in terms of damage output by enemies in this fight, but rather how it is output and the ability (or lack of) frames to influence it.

I mean you're right, but that's more of a problem overall with the game itself, not just this fight. Titania and Ember aren't frames I'd want to bring anywhere outside of very low level farms when I wanna have some fun and do something different. Banshee offers a completely different capability that if it did work on the Profit-Taker it would make the boss a joke even despite the glitches. 

However if you bring a Chroma into a large swarm of mid-high level enemies he's gonna struggle because he doesn't have any kind of big AoE moves, and the ones he does have aren't very good. He'll get overrun, while a reasonably built Ember/Mirage/Banshee would do much better (Titania is just kind of meh and she does need a rework). If you take a Rhino into a Spy mission he's gonna struggle compared to someone like Ivara or Loki who excel in stealth. It's just what they do and what they're built for. If you want those kinds of frames to be able to work in Eidolon and Profit-Taker fights you're going to have to rework them entirely to be more like the colossus killers that are Chroma and Rhino that offer either pure bonus damage or major boosts to survival, sometimes both. If you rework them to be that way then we're taking a step toward homogenizing the frames to where they all play and build the exact same way.

People think the game has so many frames to suit a particular person's play style but its more like you have a ton of options to adapt your play style to what the current mission needs.

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You are correct insofar as that it feels like work to make progression.

I work at work. I do not come to Warframe to work. It is a game, it should provide me with entertainment and not work. At this point I'm wondering if we should be paid an hourly wage.

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