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Are there active In game RP clans, or is it all forum and discord?


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I've been RPing for about a Decade now, over dozens of different titles and mediums. I'm new-ish to this game but I really enjoy what warframe brings to the table. I was curious if there are any clans that RP in game? Not publicly, but through missions, or in Dojo's or the like. I'm not against discord based RP, but it seems most groups are closed and not recruiting. I see a lot of months old posts with little to no real activity. I'm not looking to resurect anything dead, just get a feel for what's active. 


Any information or direction would be greatly appreciated. 

Edited by Jhtpo
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  • 1 month later...

i haven't really been to this part of the forums despite my love for RP-ing but i think it's mainly discord, but you can also download the mobile Amino App and join the Warframe Amino to RP with other players of warframe and see their cool art, story ideas and join competitions at the same time! (just beware the small amount of truly active people on Warframe Amino) if you do join Warframe Amino be sure to follow me: ( http://aminoapps.com/p/rk951i ) and i will RP with you from time to time!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-01-11 at 12:20 PM, Mataeru said:

As far as I know all Warframe RP's are Forum or Discord based. In addition to that, based on past experience and what I've seen, I'm pretty sure only RP newbies actually RP exclusively in game.

I could be wrong on that last fact though.

For sure wouldn't call in-game RPers newbies. So I say ahem to that. Fireteam Sigma is a RP clan trying to get up off the ground. Our activity is kinda spotty, but we are a newer clan. Feel free to look us up in the clan section!

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  • 4 years later...
On 2019-03-01 at 3:43 PM, OrlockCedar said:

For sure wouldn't call in-game RPers newbies. So I say ahem to that. Fireteam Sigma is a RP clan trying to get up off the ground. Our activity is kinda spotty, but we are a newer clan. Feel free to look us up in the clan section!

Sorry for asking but where do I search up your clan.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I'd too also like to know how to come into contact with Fireteam Sigma clan, i currently got my own for my own purposes, but i'm the sole member, and wasted resources on my clan dojo already, and don't wanna waste it away, so i was hoping if there are a chance if i can still some how participate for rp? that is if they accept keyboard typos, such none of my mics regardless new or not don't work oddly for my pc.

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Well uhh i decided to put my clan on host, if anyone who wants to RP is interested? idk i feel the community for RP is almost vacant, so gonna try fill that void, so if anyones interested? i'm currently recruiting for The Eternal Shadow Clan, so feel free to check for my clan, or reach out some how! ^^

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On 2024-06-30 at 11:14 PM, Darkphoenix34 said:

Well uhh i decided to put my clan on host, if anyone who wants to RP is interested? idk i feel the community for RP is almost vacant, so gonna try fill that void, so if anyones interested? i'm currently recruiting for The Eternal Shadow Clan, so feel free to check for my clan, or reach out some how! ^^

Hello there. I have been in similar situation as you a while back when I was looking for some RP around Warframe. I didn't find much and started own Clan. We mostly do RP over discord though but the community is growing slowly :) 

I wish good luck to fellow RP Clan, if you would ever be interested in co-operation feel free to reach out!

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While the RP has fallen asleep a bit, I can report that the discord I've taken over some years back and am still leading is alive & still does accept new joiners. We have channels for discord RP, but also aim to provide roleplayers with a platform to stay in contact with each other. You can find the details here:


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