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Everything posted by Illusionweaver

  1. · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · The shock wave at which Gara has landed managed to disrupt anything that dared to get close - that is one of the heavy armoured lancers. He was knocked out cursing in a guttural Grineer language. The sudden appearance of Warframe has caused quite the chaos on the field as Geineer shifted their entire focus. It was no longer ambush on the weaker target - now it was matter of survival for them. There was no fiercer enemy than one having nothing to lose. The shouting between Grineer grew louder - to fight at all costs. The balistas send round of toxin laced bullets towards Ostron and Warframe alike, however the glass like circling shards stopped the initial attack. Gara's entrance and her lethal dance gave Ostron previous seconds allowing the warriors to retreat further into the cliffs dragging wounded member of the team with them. Another Lancer was pierced by the salvo from Astilla before he could take any cover. The explosion that followed send spray of blood, gore and armour in all directions. Lance arrived with delay to the ambush site, lack of archwing was to his disadvantage. He quickly took in the sight judgeing the situation. It was clear that those Ostron would be dead if it wasn't for Gara and Elysia's quick action. A fraction of time that saved lives. He thanked quietly in his thoughts that she was in Cetus that time and sprrung Trinity into action. The Warframe landed near the group of Ostron raising Silva and Aegis high, creating a protective barrier. Trinity followed Lance every thought, connected via transference and positioned herself between enemy and survivors, any attack towards Ostron would first had to go through her. "I will take care of them!" Lance shouted towards Gara, she will be more effective if she didn't have to worry about people to defend. The Grineer were not idle however. The commander picked no other than Ignis and unleashed hell of flames in general direction of Gara. There was no point in accuracy, just wide cone of scorching hot flames. Meanwhile Dargyn pilor unleased volley of bullets from above. · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · Hello everyone! It is time for an update :) The intro RP sessions are still ongoing as mos have slowed down due to real life circumstances. Although meanwhile, on plains of Cetus Lance meet with heroic Elysia Voss and her glass warrior Gara. Up above you can read few paragraph from improvised RP. The Clan is slowly growing and adjusting and I coudn't be more excited about it. I'm still looking for interested people that would like to join. You can reach out to me via discord, forums or application form, all info can be found on the first post of this thread. Pss the art is still being made, life had been busy.
  2. It is time for a small update :) I'm still around, still looking for interested people and RP have started! I'm really excited to know that there are people out there that also would like to RP in Warframe. So far there are three smaller sessions/introductions happening, to let everyone slowly get familar with one another: Operator Rhi'oah - Among first to respond to the call is a convivial researcher Tenno alongside her trusted Wisp. Following coordinates she appears in Dojo one day without a warning and agrees to conduct any research to benefit a Clan. Drifter Ivi - During one of the salvage missions to interupt Corpus excavation site, Singularity comes across no other than Sister of Parvos but not everything is quite as it seems and allies are where none expected them to be. Mysterious Drifter on Strata Relay - a meeting on Strata Relay is all that started it. Navigator is looking for a specialised individual able to get in and out of a corpus Obelisk fast and recover damaged fragment of a Cephalon. Will he be able to find the right person? A guild art is being created as well. It may take some time for it to be finished but it is happening :) If anyone is interested in chatting about project or joining, feel free to contact me.
  3. The construction is going well - Reth’s statement was a bold one to say the least. The main quarters consisted of a small storage space filled to the brim with… things. Discharged power cells, old relics, half restored blueprints, crates of ferrite, coiling piles of wire and even a golden skull that was once part of a necramech. Things in abundance, acquired over the years. Truth be told Lance did not even know what half of those were. Weapons, ammunition and regeneration packs were easy to note but broken pieces of reactors, bottled void traces, keys and data, scavenged from different bases or archives long lost, were not. He could swear that there were even toxic samples and harvested bits of infested somewhere in there. It irked him beyond words - the mess, and he planned to sort it out, sooner than later. But there was always something else out there, more important, that required his attention. Sleep for instance made it to the top of priorities for Reth that intended to recite it to him on a daily basis. Lance however had a bit of a different list of concerns. The gilded stairs lead up to a smaller ramp and then opened into the resting area. Although each chair was of different size, shape and colour it felt cosy. Especially a spot just behind a massive green painted pillar. Red, round pouffe was placed next to a white, worn out chair and a simple corpus stolen crate with a pillow over it. It all began to gather dust. Down below - a vault and monitors crudely assembled in a corpus style, allowed access to a database. What both of them managed to organise and acquire, devoid of personal information of course. Reth did far better in that regard and Lance couldn't even blame the Cephalon for the style. After all, it was all he ever knew. Or remembered. It was rudimentary but oh so very efficient. Next were plans to build laboratories, an observatory, docks even… but everything needed time. (edited) A wavelength communicator rested on a metal desk next to vials, tools and cables that Lance was sorting out. Wires were placed in boxes based on a type and length. He decided after a moment to change it to type and colour instead. Perhaps adding small labels would work better. Nora’s voice went through the communicator smoothly like waves washing over the shores. None like her could instil hope in people's minds and Lance loved to hear every word, whenever it passed through. The transmission had to happen just minutes before he planned to use the communicator himself. He felt even more stupid, if that was possible. The Tenno cleared his throat, stalling even further. Setting frequency was easy - press of a few buttons and he could speak, His message will be shared across the Origin System. An open channel through Tenno’s Relays and to those few allied with them. After all, the last thing that Lance needed was a unit of elite Corpus or Grineer having his location on a silver platter. Keeping it vague and on correct wavelength was crucial and he knew that there are people out there, somewhere, that will hear it. Or so he hoped. ‘Well… it is me again. I mean Singularity. In theory it is just me still.’ It sounded pity-worth and awkward as Lance took a deep breath, trying to stay calm and not allow his throat to refuse cooperation. ‘Who am I kidding, this is so stupid, I’m talking into the void.’ he mumbled despite himself and Cephalon chirped in with his ever present voice. Unfortunately that part also carried through the communicator: ‘Operator is really lonely and he is looking for friends!’ ‘What…? No! Shut up Reth!’ His hands continued tinkering with tangled wires and he let the words flow quickly to mask for the even more awkward exchange: ‘Anyhow he was right. That I’m looking. For… squad. A party, an ally. I’m building a Clan, a space that just got a bit upgraded. With that tiny storage room and there is a lot… things. There is even a resting area although Reth and I aren't the best decorators.’ Lance realised he was rambling about unimportant matters and if anyone initially could give him a scrap of their attention, they are probably already gone. Stubbornly he continued: ‘...Yeah. If there is anyone out there, listening to my stupid babble, again. I want to meet you. There is still much to be done in the Origin System, too many calls for aid are unanswered, too many fights forfeit. Tenno are needed. -WE- are needed,’ Lance cursed quietly to himself, that bit really sounded desperate, as if he was trying to convince himself of the fact. ‘We can meet on neutral grounds or within Dojo, I swear it is not a trap. That’s stupid anyone preparing a trap would say that. But that’s true… ugh… Listen, I will be here next week. And another. Looking and seeking. Same day, same hour. I want to be part of something. Just…' 'Is anybody out there?’ · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · Hello fellow Tenno. I bring some updates. Perhaps once per week update is a bit overkill, but inspiration struck. I'm still actively looking for new members and people interested in RP while brainstorming potential plotlines. Few individuals shown interest and one joined IC already! For now Singularity is simply taking time to recruit and give any potential new members time to figure out details about their characters and have a look around. I do not plan on going anywhere any time soon so expect posts once in a while, per week or per month, we will see!
  4. I will add you later today. Happy to have you aboard :)
  5. EARTH, PLAINS OF EIDOLON OUTSIDE CETUS The air was still in the Ostron settlement that day. The kind of still that foretold upcoming change in weather, perhaps a storm was brewing. The ever busy market place of Cetus was filled with noises of shouting traders, smells of spice and fish and bright colours of the stalls. A giant Orokin tower separated all visitors and locals alike from the dangers of outside. Everyone knew that Eidolons walked the land at night and Grineer swarmed plains at day. Amidst the chaos a Tenno operative pushed his way through the crowd. It was easy to do, considering the frame he was wearing - Trinity. Being so tall had its advantages. Crowds made Lance uneasy and he focused on simply maintaining transference link as strong as he could and get past whirling storm of voices. It always felt odd to have fingers pointing at him and calling his Warframe or trying to get attention of a Tenno, as if he was some damn hero. He was not. Reth, his Cephalon informed through communicator of the coordinates - a location of seemingly wounded Cetus civilians by the seaside, attacked by Grinner. Lance hoped that he isn't too late as he waited for the gates to open. · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · Singularity has its first new member officially joining! And we are starting improvised RP session around Plains. What could possibly go wrong? With that being said I'm still actively looking for anyone interested in joining, regardless if you are new to roleplay or you are veteran, We can grow and learn together. Discord is pretty much set up and few details have been adjusted. The timeframe of the Clan happens after New War quest, so that anyone that would like can bring their Drifters around. There is also option to RP Warframes on their own if anyone would like, although it is more on exotic kind of way and should be discussed beforehand. If you are interested in joining or chatting about project, hop into discord channel ( https://discord.gg/yzKdWzekMz ) or DM me (AlexDreamArt). Things are slow but I'm damn excited and hope to see this working out.
  6. I'm afraid that discord is integral part of the community but I understand it is not to everyone's liking. At least that's the concept I'm trying to build. It will ease communication, planning campaigns, keeping character profiles or even simply using a dice bot once the Clan has more DMed adventures ahead. There may be some rp happening on forums or in Clan dojo, in game but considering the Squad size is limited and how chat is not well adjusted to support long posts, it may be quite the challange to RP. Thus idea for discord. As stated in the recruitment post: So it is also unlikely to use vc at all for rp as the plan is to make it entirely text based. But I can always add you in game and we can chat there.
  7. Hello there. We could chat how you may want to introduce your character into the Clan and how things may work best with the plot. You could join discord channel and then I can DM you so we can discuss in detail :)
  8. The derelict behind Orbiter’s glass was growing in sight with each passing second. The elegant golden lines and pristine whites clashed against infested growths that pierced through the construction. A grotesque mix of twisted and lacerated flesh and tissue was not a welcoming sight. Abandoned relic of the past drifting in space. Huh… that sounded far more familiar. ‘Chances of success are below 9.71 percent.’ The voice of Cephalon echoed through the poorly maintained Orbiter. The Tenno sighed, whipping his head around and taking a glance towards the trusted warframe standing idly with an arsenal of weapons waiting at her disposal. ‘Very reassuring Reth, thank you.’ he scoffed with annoyance. Of course he knew this won’t be easy, not counting potential hordes of infested swarming the derelict the signal in itself was… odd. A lone distress signal coming from a place like that must have either been a looped message long lost in time or a trap. The Tenno allowed the familiar sensation to flood his consciousness, slipping into the warframe. Trinity sprung to life picking the bow and making a test pull on the bowstring with practised motion. ‘If you had assistance, the chances of success would increase up to 43.8 percent.’ ‘Isn’t that a thought now.’ The Tenno threw back with resignation before launching the warframe out into the maw of infested hell on the abandoned derelict. To have assistance. Friends, a family. Easier said than done. · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · GENERAL INFO Singularity Archives is a Warframe based, roleplay community. It aims to create a safe space for people to engage in active, text based storytelling sessions. The leading themes of the Clan are: adventure, found family and a tight-knit group of stumbling doers. The goal is to build and grow small space where players can engage in roleplay sessions but also, in time, offer soft DMed adventures. It is not necessary to join in-game Clan to be part of the community and roleplay, however the Clan is being developed and exists in-game under the same name. SINGULARITY ARCHIVES IC One of the Tenno operatives decided to take an initiative, to find allies and do what Tenno do the best - be the force of change in the Origin System. Wishing to finally find people to belong with, be part of something bigger, build a home to the lost. And so Singularity was created, with a tiny dojo in need of repairs and great aim ahead. Seeking those that wish to stand together, united against looming threats: Sentients, Grineer, Corpus, Narmer and Indifference. The rumour of Singularity is spread through the wavelength across Relays every week at the same day and time. Will anyone answer the call? · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · WHAT TO EXPECT I decided to start something myself. Things will be really slow at the start. This is a long term project that I hope to pour my passion for Warframe and roleplay into. I am seeking for equally passionate people that want to express themselves and write stories in Warframe’s incredible world. Almost all RP will be text based over discord with more casual sessions and more planned mini campaigns. The goal is to create space for all to engage and create with different smaller campaigns and encounters rather than one massive campaign that all needs to engage with. It is to be more accomodating for different time zones and schedules. Things can always change based on received feedback and suggestions once the community grows. Your opinion and enjoyment means a lot and the community can’t exist without its members. RP events and stories can range from action packed missions to casual meetings between the members. All rp will be text based so do not fret if you are not comfortable with using voice chats but joining discord is mandatory. During the first phase of the Clan growth the RP is most likely to revolve around members getting familiar with one another and picking on small one-shot missions before any plans for large scale campaigns will be born. · · ─── · · ─────── · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · · ─────── · · ─── · · HOW TO JOIN For more info or if you are interested in discussing the project or joining feel free to reach out in one of the ways below: Send me friend request/direct message over discord (AlexDreamArt) Send me friend request in game so we can chat there (Illusionweaver#543) Conact me via direct message on Warframe forum (that's here) Fill in Clan application via google form: https://forms.gle/8Gn7STnEeT13JkcN9 and I will get back to you as soon as I can Join community discord: https://discord.gg/yzKdWzekMz If you choose to fill in the application I will return to you as soon as possible, but ensure that you have discord friend request enabled so I can reach out to you. The form is not gathering info about your mail address. If I won’t answer right away, please be patient. I may simply be in a different time zone and life is busy, so give it a few days.
  9. My entry into the contest, I just had to paint my main warframe Trinity <3
  10. Hello, Thank you very much for so many songs already done, you are absolute hero! Is it possible to see any fragment of this song please?
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