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Everything posted by RagunaRaiden

  1. Nah, working around a bug doesn't invalidate the challenge. You're still good in my book!
  2. Can confirm - instantly dying. I watched it go from full health and shields to... dead. With a single corpus moa alive to fire at it. This is making the already horrible Fortuna grind way, way worse (I'm maxed, but my wife is not, and it's making her want to walk away). How can this bug be reproduced? Whenever a Spy Drone Bounty Mission appears in Orb Vallis. After the drone is hacked by Eudico, it loses all health and armor really fast. What was happening before the issue started? Regular bounties What kind of squad were you in? Solo, host, client? It seems this happens regardless of squad, frames used or loadouts
  3. The offer never goes away! :) Was just taking the weekend off but thought I'd check in and see if there were any bites. I'm Raguna.exe on discord, feel free to reach out, Tenno. I'm working on putting some bigger stuff together, both for the official/canon timeline stuff of warframe and some AU stuff, provided enough people bite (I've had a few interested, so we'll see!)
  4. The prologue post is kept intentionally very early game and vague because, well, spoilers. But I would like to do much later in the story events and plotlines. I'm serious people. I'm not an Argon Crystal. I'm not going away with time. I'll keep holding the torch until more Tenno looking for RP come back out of the dark.
  5. I've honestly just wondered why they haven't just kind of added a 4v4 Grineer v Corpus mode and let it roll.
  6. Perhaps a hot take but Baruuk kind of fits the bill (if you ignore the fact Baruuk is decidedly NOT evil). He's basically impervious to damage until he finally snaps and just absolutely obliterates everyone. He isn't a particularly big or imposing frame though.
  7. Keep it up! This was a cool and inspiring read :)
  8. [Prelude] "...there's a fire, Tenno!" There was always a fire. Hell the whole damned system was practically always on fire. The heavy metal plating of the Rhino frame creaked in protest as the frame strained under the heavy metal of the collapsed structure. The robotic head of the worker swiveled to face him. "Far be it from me to criticize you, my good hero type fella, but that fire is getting closer. Or bigger. Perhaps both. Definitely both. Might you hurry it up a bit?" Accidents happen, right? I could just let this whole thing slip and stop dealing with this mouthy prick. I shook my head to clear the thought as I pushed the frame even further. Just a bit more and... there. Just enough gap for the snarky worker to slip out. Not enough room for me to fit however, though I had other plans anyway. "Oi, you gonna be okay in there mate?" The nerve on this one. Like he was in any position to help as I peered back at him through the metal grating. I shook my head and gestured for him to get clear. "Right, you do you then!" Just like that, he was off. But now that he was cleared out, getting myself out was an easy matter. Drawing from the frame's energy reserves I concentrated it all into the heel of my foot as I raised it up and.... SLAM. Debris rocketed into the sky not unlike a series of Grineer missiles spraying wildly after an airborne target. I didn't have time to admire my handiwork as I dashed through the opening I had created just in time to see it all come crashing back down to the earth.... venus? Do you still call it earth if it isn't on Earth? I mused to myself though that train of thought would have to wait as a bolt of energy slammed against my shields. The familiar sound of a Moa's gyros whirling as a Corpus dropship slowed to a stop overhead. "We don't have to do this, guys. I've already had a day. Come on, think of how unprofitable this is going to..." The dropship opened fire as several shock troopers deployed. I rolled behind a rock and sighed as I pulled the Hek from my back and flipped off the safety. "...to be. Fine Nef, enjoy being in the red today." ---- "Welcome back, Operator. Please deposit your arms for maintenance and cleaning. You have 5 pending requests and 32 new messages. I have scanned them already and at least 14 are general vague threats from various ranking members of the various syndicates you've managed to annoy." I nodded wordlessly to acknowledge my ship's cephalon before tossing the bloodied zaw into the armory shoot. Fatigue felt heavier than the frame I was using as I made my way towards the cockpit of the ship. All across the system map, light after light flickered on as requests for help far outweighed what I could ever hope to keep up with alone. I sank to my knees, reaching out for the controls as I looked the requests over - my eyes seeing them but my mind not truly grasping them. "I'm gonna need some friends." The comment - made idly - stung as I scrolled through the listings. Friends. A rare thing these days. But amongst the sea of glowing requests were a few notably darker spots. No less dense in people needing help but requests being completed. Accepted. Other Tenno, perhaps? They were out there. They had to be. The glowing embers of my brothers and sisters, likeminded and longing for the same things. "...Where there's a spark..." [The Proposition] Hello! So there's no secret that the WF RP community is... well... I think the Conclave might be more lively. I'd like that to change. But sitting on the sidelines, waiting for someone else to do it, well... That's how we go years without change, isn't it? So here I am. I'll shoulder the awkward parts and take the first steps. I want to rebuild this part of the community and I think I can. But I can't do it alone. So please, lend me your voices and let me know what I can do to help bring this back to life. A few things I'm already working on - A moderated and curated discord where people can safely find RP friends, groups and storylines. Emphasis on safely. - A dedicated effort to bring stories back to the forums: even if I have to put my platinum where my mouth is and start offering bounties and prizes. - A modified TTRPG system for anyone to run more structured RP sessions in the Warframe universe (I've made progress, but will need some feedback and playtesters soon) But I need more ideas. I need help. I need likeminded Tenno to join up with me and help me tend this fragile spark. I know you're out there. I know your hearts are longing for this too - a place to express, explore and show your love for this setting and to connect with others. So don't be shy. Reach out to me here, or in game ( RagunaRaiden#613) , or on discord ( Raguna.exe ) and lets fan these flames. The system needs you, Tenno. Will you join me?
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