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I Wish To Express My Displeasure At The Need For Keys To Get Into The Orokin Derelects.


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So the drop rate of the Nekros bps are relatively high compared to the other boss-drop frames, from what I can gather from the posts? That would greatly decrease the grind for the boss I hope.

Personally not interested in doing any grinding, so probably won't bother with the derelict set at all, but if my one-game-a-day policy eventually produces enough nav maps (and then golem nav maps), I'll make a key or two and go pay this new boss a visit. Seems like an interesting enough encounter.

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So the drop rate of the Nekros bps are relatively high compared to the other boss-drop frames, from what I can gather from the posts? That would greatly decrease the grind for the boss I hope.

Personally not interested in doing any grinding, so probably won't bother with the derelict set at all, but if my one-game-a-day policy eventually produces enough nav maps (and then golem nav maps), I'll make a key or two and go pay this new boss a visit. Seems like an interesting enough encounter.


 You get a Nekros part 100% of the time. It is awarded on Extraction like a Void mission. All three parts are the same rarity tier. You have a 1 in 3 chance of the part you want being the part you get.

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There are pros and cons in this update

Pros : Nice new boss

          Cool new frames

          Best released tilesets ever(to me since there are tons of secret rooms)

          And finally, i get to fight a giant in warframe(trust me, the feeling of getting on the top of golem made it easier)

Cons:  Need to grind for keys, then the golem keys, very long(not that long, u can get 5 golem nav in a golem mission if u are carefull)

           New wep price is too high

           The new tileset truly test my VGA


Well that's the most of it. But like said before, SOMETHING NEED TO DROP VOLT, nobody would want volt parts to be avaliable only from ALERTS!(not woth  it )

Edited by destroyer12
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You get a Nekros part 100% of the time. It is awarded on Extraction like a Void mission. All three parts are the same rarity tier. You have a 1 in 3 chance of the part you want being the part you get.

Oh is it 100%? That's actually not bad then.

Everyone got up in arms for *almost* nothing -____-

Gotta keep working on that communications skills DE :3

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Oh is it 100%? That's actually not bad then.

Everyone got up in arms for *almost* nothing -____-

Gotta keep working on that communications skills DE :3


 Yeah. I've always been just a little bit unhappy with how there is no source straight from DE cutting the BS and stating the facts about the drop system.


 That information is incredibly important and even if we don't like what we see we still need to know.




 But yeah, you should absolutely always be obtaining a piece of Nekros and all three parts are supposed to be weighted equally. Many of my clanmates are reporting all 3 Nekros parts in 3-6 runs.



 Edit: I don't believe any of this feedback is 'for nothing'. It still means what it says. There is still value in the feelings and opinions of anyone who spoke up for or against it. 

Edited by Blatantfool
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 You get a Nekros part 100% of the time. It is awarded on Extraction like a Void mission. All three parts are the same rarity tier. You have a 1 in 3 chance of the part you want being the part you get.


That's some information they should have provided from the start in the patch notes. It would have really gone a long way to settle down the complaints. Everyone was thinking Nekros would be subject to the same RNG every other frame is which could have potentially made the grind insane.


A simple line in the patch notes that said something like "before you type furiously at us in rage you have 100% chance to get a part each kill and each part shares the same rarity".


I'm still not on board with the whole grind to make a key so you can grind to make a key thing but perhaps it's not as bad as we thought last night.

Edited by f3llyn
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Just played my first derelict mission. I got 2 Golem Nav coords.


There is no way I'm going to farm another 5 missions, to get 5 nav coords which will take 1 hour to build a key to get another few golem nav coords, and then do it again - To have ONE go at fighting the boss and getting a piece of equipment.


Not to mention, just like the void, keys encourage single player in a multiplayer game.

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That's some information they should have provided from the start in the patch notes. It would have really gone a long way to settle down the complaints. Everyone was thinking Nekros would be subject to the same RNG every other frame is which could have potentially made the grind insane.


A simple line in the patch notes that said something like "before you type furiously at us in rage you have 100% chance to get a part each kill and each part shares the same rarity".


I'm still not on board with the whole grind to make a key so you can grind to make a key thing but perhaps it's not as bad as we thought last night.


It shouldn't take patch notes to play the game and see for yourself. You have absolutely, I mean absolutely no one to blame but yourselves for bringing this upon everyone else. Jumping the bandwagon does not make you a hero in the eyes of anyone. 

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It shouldn't take patch notes to play the game and see for yourself. You have absolutely, I mean absolutely no one to blame but yourselves for bringing this upon everyone else. Jumping the bandwagon does not make you a hero in the eyes of anyone. 


Being a white knight doesn't help anybody either.


If they explained all this BS beforehand, there would have still been justified rage, just not as much.  Without an official explanation, it just looks like DE outright lied to us, slapping us in the face for good measure.

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the fact they said the new golem was going to replace j3 is what gets me.

This. I felt betrayed when it turned out to be a separate area, and a key-based one at that.



On a side note:

After playing a bit, it seems that Nekros isn't too hard to farm after all, considering how you're guaranteed a blueprint. In a span of five hours, I managed to get two Helms and a Systems.


But there's the problem. Five hours. Four runs, during one of which the game crashed and then the error report system crashed as well.

It's no longer the problem with farming Nekros, since we all know that he's quite easy to obtain should you find a party, but more so that finding a party is stupidly difficult in the first place-- partly due to the lack of key-sharing (so that players can use their key without having to host the party's battle), partly because of how crashy the run is, partly because of the all-too-common party-joining errors, but mainly because keys are necessary in the first place.

I stand by my word-- J-2000 Golem should have replaced J-3 Golem in Jupiter. Give him a chance to drop blueprints, maybe even mixed with Volt's for the time being. But don't make it so that keys are required. Runs are tedious to come by if you don't have a Rhino or another "bossing" frame or an active clan, and because the runs offer nothing other than Necro, few people are going to want to spend the time crafting keys and/or finding a party to fight him again after they've had their fill.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I think they made it TOO EASY.

* J2000 golem assessination mission is a guaranted blueprint, unlike any other boss.
* You get 3 to 5 navs average per mission, golem ones or not. 4 to 7 with Master Thief.

* You can also get golem navs in the assessination mission.

* The price of the keys blueprints are a joke, and the construction cost too.

* It takes only 3 hours to build an assessination mission key. 

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 It barely even takes that much time to farm for the keys, i can't believe your complaining about such a small thing. I got all the Nekro parts in under 1 hour- so it proves that the farming is easy and De should've made it harder so you guys could rant more.

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It shouldn't take patch notes to play the game and see for yourself. You have absolutely, I mean absolutely no one to blame but yourselves for bringing this upon everyone else. Jumping the bandwagon does not make you a hero in the eyes of anyone. 


Why should I have to wast an extreme amount of resources just to see how it is myself? Why shouldn't I trust my fellow gamers in this community I've been apart of for almost the last year?


And what, exactly, were we "bringing upon everyone else"? You're gonna have to explain that one. Because as far as I know a few complaints on a forum will have no affect on you personally unless you let them. In which case...that's kind of sad. Because as far as I know you had 0 to do with the dev process in warframe and specifically the derelict missions so I'm not sure why you take it personally.

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 It barely even takes that much time to farm for the keys, i can't believe your complaining about such a small thing. I got all the Nekro parts in under 1 hour- so it proves that the farming is easy and De should've made it harder so you guys could rant more.


You're a spiteful little fellow aren't you?

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Why should I have to wast an extreme amount of resources just to see how it is myself? Why shouldn't I trust my fellow gamers in this community I've been apart of for almost the last year?


And what, exactly, were we "bringing upon everyone else"? You're gonna have to explain that one. Because as far as I know a few complaints on a forum will have no affect on you personally unless you let them. In which case...that's kind of sad. Because as far as I know you had 0 to do with the dev process in warframe and specifically the derelict missions so I'm not sure why you take it personally.


Then why are you taking it personally? Why is everyone else taking it personally? If you want to talk about keeping your feelings in your pocket, you are far from a preacher to be talking about that. 

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  Nope its just that you have a f2p game and people who whine because of it, whats the point in playing if you can't put up with a Little grind.

Yeah its take no time at all we got lots of keys made in no time but we was 3 ppl tho so we made 3 golem keys at ones and took 4 runs total to get all parts for necro so he one of the easiest frames I farmed in along time.  

Mag prime on othere hand is a pain to grind =P 

And keys took me 1 and 3 hours to craft no 6 hours. (unless it was 6 hours for the duration of the patch that I was sleeping)

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Then why are you taking it personally? Why is everyone else taking it personally? If you want to talk about keeping your feelings in your pocket, you are far from a preacher to be talking about that. 


I don't think I was taking it personally. At best I wont to see Warframe succeed and at worst I'm indifferent. I was merely stating my opinion on things I do not like.


But the white knights like you seem to take it as a personal insult that others don't like whatever DE dishes out to us with very little information on how it works.

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Dude i dont see the big deal, i was able to finish nekros and all, just get a party, each build a key, do a couple of void, then go do the mission, as soon as you finish build another one, dont rush golem so you get more golem navs, its really easy

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  Nope its just that you have a f2p game and people who whine because of it, whats the point in playing if you can't put up with a Little grind.


I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this post. What you're saying is that because it's a FREE game we should just accept any little sub par thing they put out. Because it's free. You're saying we shouldn't give feedback on how to make it better. Because it's free. You're saying that it's okay for developers to go against their word and intentionally mislead their PAYING and potential customers because the game is free?


Is that what you're trying to imply?



Dude i dont see the big deal, i was able to finish nekros and all, just get a party, each build a key, do a couple of void, then go do the mission, as soon as you finish build another one, dont rush golem so you get more golem navs, its really easy


I'm glad for you.

Edited by f3llyn
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 It barely even takes that much time to farm for the keys, i can't believe your complaining about such a small thing. I got all the Nekro parts in under 1 hour- so it proves that the farming is easy and De should've made it harder so you guys could rant more.

Funny, when this thread was made it took 6 hours for one key, 1250 ferrite, 1,000 circuits, and 5,000 nanospores.


It seems you haven't noticed the hotfixes readily made to remove the insane cost/time.


Call us crazy for thinking the price now is bad, but you cannot disagree and think we are sane for the initial price, especially with the Devs NOT telling us that a BP dropped 100% of the time.


Communication is important Digital Extremes! Remember that!

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