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Fortuna Outposts - What's The Point?


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Does anyone actually take over these outposts so they can pull bounties from them? I did once or twice, but seriously whats the point. If I want to immediately do another bounty I just archwing back to Fortuna and pull the mission from the dude standing outside the elevator. Easy enough, not that time consuming. Even easier if you're using Itzal.

Would be nice if there was an actual reason to use this feature, like:

  • Capturing subsequent outposts modifies bounty drop tables to favor the better drops, like the Relic refinement mechanic.


  • Capturing subsequent outposts increases Toroid drop chances.


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Currently there is no reason to do it.

There have been a few nice ideas for it, however:

– Bounties from captured  points could give reputation above cap

– You could have access to the arsenal and could revive companions there

For me the biggest drawback is that once you leave Orb Vallis the whole map is reset, so captured points don't remain captured at all. It would be more interesting if they didn't reset so quickly and we had opportunities to keep them for longer for additional rewards. And there could be missions where we defend them.

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Right now, there is no point in capturing those Outposts.

I made some suggestions for what can be done with those because they could play an important role in the Open Worlds and make them more alive.



I'm gonna focus on Fortuna in this one, but i might add ideas for PoE later aswell


considering the "outposts" on Fortuna you can capture:

Right now you can capture them to start certain Bountys from there, which is not a bad idea.

I dont know yet if they plan to add something to it, but if this is all, i think it needs something more.

There are 2 ways of adding to it imo.


1st possibility: Make it persistent

  • if you capture a point, it stays captured forever, even if you chose to extract
  • you can start the regular 5 Bountys from there aswell so you dont have to go back to the central each time to start over
  • this would be some sort of incentive to capture them
  • there also should be ammo/health/energy supplies it those outposts then so you might chose to go there real quick if you are close and in need
  • In public matches, the host determines wether they are captured or not
  • if you are not the host but are in the lobby when it gets captured, it counts as captured for you aswell


  • although this maps are called OpenWorlds and advertised as such, i agree that they dont feel much like it. So on those Outposts, different NPC's (with little backstorys) could appear that offer little Missions.
  • The rewards would be things you usually get from something else, for example rare fish. So if you dont like fishing, you could do a task for one of those NPS to get like 5 of the rare fish for example. Or completly the other way around, the NPC wants you to fish and gives you something else for it.
  • Those NPC's and their tasks are constantly changing
  • If you select a task, it could be either that you have to finish it in one session, or it could be tasks like certain riven challenges or the Simaris scanning that you simply accept and then you keep it until its finished. One task for something like that could be "Find a Toroid in a cave"


  • possibly fun addition (but also a bit more complicated): Personal Alerts: When you have captured all or some outposts, the player can recieve alerts that are only active for him.
  • the Corpus attack an Outpost to get it under their control again
  • the player has a certain timeframe to defeat that attack and keep the outpost under his control (and gets a reward for it like in any other alert)
  • if he ignores the attack, he will lose control over the outpost again


2nd possibility: Make it the start of "something big"

  • they are not persistent, so the system stays like it is now
  • but capturing those outposts is the condition to start other, more difficult and longer missions
  • so all players have to capture all those outposts first
  • after that, multiple things could happen:


  1. it triggers a big boss or multiple bosses you have to fight, like Eidolons for example
  2. it triggers massive attacks of the Corpus, and you have to defend those Outposts. So you might get a message like "it seems the Corpus try to get back the Orokin Dig Site, they might arrive in 1 minute", and then you have to go there and defend it. Corpus might send those big spiders along a big army 
  3. unique events on the different outposts: On the Orokin Dig Site for example, the portal might open and different enemies might come out of it, we have to push them back and close the portal again
  4. other "big missions like "massive extermination": now that we managed to get a few Outposts, we might try to get rid of all Corpus on the plains. We have to take down all the spiders in Orb Vallis alongside most of the enemies. We could be also send to exterminate the huge corpus facilities where those Toroids are farmable right now (no respawning enemies, but hundreds of high lvl enemies are there already waiting for us)


QoL-Additions for both scenarios:

- let us refill ammo/health/energy on certain consoles (like in the Plains)

- that way captured outposts can become something like a "safe zone" or "refugium" to recover and start new missions


Its taken from this topic i made, feel free to check it out and leave feedback if you want to:




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Love the OP's suggestions for bases.   

I'd add that it would be awesome and totally worthwhile if I could take over a base and have it reveal the location of somachord fragment on the map.  5 mins or less to take a base beats the hell out of 30 minutes of flying around staring at a map for something that completely blends in with white background and white loot boxes.  

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