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Infinite Duration Abilities should be paused instead of removed when entering Archwing


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As you can tell by my forum avatar, I agree completely. I understand cancelling timed or channelled abilities as being able to "pause" them could cause odd interactions, but cancelling non-timed no-cost abilities just seems unwarranted. All it accomplishes is making Archwings feel clunkier to use for no real thematic or gameplay benefit.

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Agreed. In general, I think all buffs should be paused when entering Archwing, rather than eliminated, which means even timed buffs should simply resume at their remaining duration upon exiting. There's this general issue where Archwing is still treated as a separate mode from the rest of Warframe, rather than a proper vehicle that players can enter and leave at will, and so even in open-world missions (and the same likely applies to K-Drives). Beyond these fixes, DE needs to look at their code for vehicles and mode changes in general (which I think extend to Operator mode), as right now transitioning from one mode to the other tends to generate this clunky amount of latency, in addition to a whole host of bugs.

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15 minutes ago, Teridax68 said:

as right now transitioning from one mode to the other tends to generate this clunky amount of latency

I have complained about the massive lag as a client (any latency) switching in and out of the operator for over a year. Energizing Dash does not even work or the bubble does not appear on your character almost all of the time as a client. It is the #1 reason I play solo 99% of the time.

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I think this was done as an easy fix to keep Archwing abilities and frame abilities separate.

Before PoE Amesha's 1st ability actually carried over into frame use on Sharkwing missions so they went out of their way to change this.

I kinda wish they would go both directions with Frame / Archwing though in spite of the potential power. Currently if you use an Archwing ability it will cancel the moment you drop out of Archwing. Same with frame abilities. I like the idea of being able to layer abilities like that. I did a Solo Toroid farm with Amesha and it was pretty fun in part because that was the first time I got to play that Archwing in a semi-threatening situation.

Of course Channel abilities should not hold but I don't see why anything else can't continue through it's full duration.

The idea of changing your DPS frame into support by jumping into Archwing is kinda cool but retaining buffs on frames is essential. In addition to this they should probably make the Archwing abilities a bit more potent and pronounced in particular uses. Right now it's kinda Amesha for combat and Itazal for travel. That's it.

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1 hour ago, Teridax68 said:

There's this general issue where Archwing is still treated as a separate mode from the rest of Warframe, rather than a proper vehicle that players can enter and leave at will, and so even in open-world missions (and the same likely applies to K-Drives).

K-Drives don't cancel your abilities, actually. Incidentally, neither do Operators. Archwings are the only thing thing that cancels and clears all abilities upon use. My suspicion as to why is along the same lines as Xzorn's - DE are reluctant to let us mix-and-match Warframe and Archwing combat. It's just they've approached it in the most direct, inelegant way possible by just wiping all abilities and resetting the Warframe to its base state, and that's a problem. Specifically, it places a VERY high cost on swapping between Warframe and Archwing, at least depending on your loadout. This system makes sense for "Sharkwing" sections on Uranus where the map itself determines switchover points and underwater sections are both rare and kind of a pointless gimmick. It also makes sense for the old charge-limited Archwing Launcher where Archwings were supposed to be an expensive and rare state. It DOES NOT make sense for the current reality of open-world maps where rapid switching between Archwing and Warfame combat on-the-fly is - I feel - a legitimate gameplay tactic.

Maybe I want to have a running gunbattle with the Grenier, then swap to my Archwing to move out or range of some Ghouls, then maybe drop an Amesha Bubble on the ground, drop back to on-foot combat and use that as cover from long-range mortar fire as I finish off the stragglers. Or maybe I just want to finish a fight, top up my Scarab Armour, then jump onto my Archwing to travel to the next objective and jump out for some more ground fighting. In all of the above cases, abilities shutting down when I transition would put a kibosh on the whole thing. And it makes me wonder... "Why?" My Operator's Magnetic Blast bubbles don't disappear when I swap back to my Warframe, nor does the Energising Dash bubble, and I don't lose my Iron Skin or my Scarab Armour for doing it. So then, why can't I keep using my Benevolent Decoy after I jump out of my Amesha, or keep my Warding Halo from before?

I sincerely hope the Railjack update - whenever that happens - goes a long way towards integrating Archwings into regular play more smoothly... Because the current system feels like it's begrudgingly letting me use my cool toys, even though it would really rather I just didn't.

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