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Update 10 Made The Game Un-Fun


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F*** the rushers and F*** the non-rushers how about the people who @(*()$ play with style ha what about them????!!!! this poeple who mastered parkour to fly across the room with skill? what about doing flashy as F*** ninja moves running dodging flipping into a wallrun while shooting and slashing...what suppose ill stop mid way and rest for a bit....WHAT THE F*** IS THIS COD??? thats one of the reason i love playing this game because it has style epic style...Ninja or @(*()$ not ..a super @(*()$ biotechnological soldier should @(*()$ run for more than 5 seconds. 


$&*&*#(%& thing is the rushers aint gonna @(*()$ stop rushing.....and how the F*** do they even effect you? you dont like rushing so no one else has the right to??? THE F*** IS THAT ....dont play pub, play with friends, leave that #@*&$@ to defend himself while his rushing, why not do that instead? the funny thing is that the best way to rush is to @(*()$ play alone or a group of rushers.....so please tell me your no different to this rushers, forcing other people to play your @(*()$ way.


Quick rest, Marathon....so @(*()$ up my loadout? oh so dont play end game and go for lower levels? well i can @(*()$ one shot every #@*&$@ below end game so i got no @(*()$ use for sprinting!!!! 


god this ....DE i @(*()$ love you and this incredible game you created..its gameplay is one of a kind so please dont slow it down for F*** sake 

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Update 10 : ridiculous, pompous, pathetic, unuseful, this no more Ninja stuff but UT3 slaughter.

What about this Nth menu cosmetic changes ???

Do we really need this when :

1) Connection are heavily bugged

2) Performance is crap even with a 2000 euros rig

3) Every 15 days, I have to do a LOT of effort to get used to your infamous cosmetic mod or menu moves

4) So many bug added at each update never corrected....

5) watherver you want

My poor Vauban, became a pussy, panting all the time, exhausted at each move.

Please, stop those bullS#&$.

A lot of frend has disconnected forever from Warframe U 10.

I'll do the same in a near future :(

If you want ONE day release A Release, you have to understand that Warframe is NOT an elitist game for level 10-15 5 years experienced 8 hours/day gamers.

In the meantime, I don't upgrade my subscription to Grand Master.

Thank you for your (possible) attention.

Edited by keskejesuis
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Update 10 didnt make the game unfun (and has allot of nice stuff in it), it has allot of bugs and did shine a light into those shadowy corners that showed the flaws of the game as it currently is.  Hopefully this light will mean that DE has to fix those issues.


For all the people who hate rushers: play solo or with friends who don't rush. Solved.

Stamina needs to be fixed.

To clarify (so no confusion) I consider a rusher to be someone just racing through ignoring everything but the "check points", not fast playing of the game.


This attitude is pox and self centered.  Why should the non-rush players have to play solo/private when rushers gain absolutely nothing for rushing in an online mission, while non-rushers gain allot for doing so, and are infact hindered playing solo due to less loot/teamplay. 

Rushers dont suffer from less loot, no team-play or the spawn rates in solo/private, so solo/private is perfect for them as it is exactly the same, they can rush and not get annoyed by nor annoy anyone.

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I completely agree.

Whoever thought farming mats to make a key needed to farm mats for another key is a good idea...I got no words for this, I still like the game, don't won't to insult anyone working on it.

As a person that dislikes voids simply because you need to recruit in chat, we need a queue for voids like for any other missions. Its annoying and shouldn't be like this with all join game problems.


New stamina system is a move in the wrong direction, it wouldn't be a problem if the game was like this from the start. But they can't do changes/nerfs like this and expect people to just be like "ohh, ok".


first the ember/vauban/trinity nerf that wasn't needed and now this...

Seriously start fixing things that aren't working instead of braking thinks that we like.



Update 10 didnt make the game unfun (and has allot of nice stuff in it), it has allot of bugs and did shine a light into those shadowy corners that showed the flaws of the game as it currently is.  Hopefully this light will mean that DE has to fix those issues.


To clarify (so no confusion) I consider a rusher to be someone just racing through ignoring everything but the "check points", not fast playing of the game.


This attitude is pox and self centered.  Why should the non-rush players have to play solo/private when rushers gain absolutely nothing for rushing in an online mission, while non-rushers gain allot for doing so, and are infact hindered playing solo due to less loot/teamplay. 

Rushers dont suffer from less loot, no team-play or the spawn rates in solo/private, so solo/private is perfect for them as it is exactly the same, they can rush and not get annoyed by nor annoy anyone.

And why should rushers be denied a way to play like they prefer?I mean assassinates are being done for the blueprint right? Why should I or anyone who is there just to get that be forced to go slowly killing every single mob on the way? Hell I won't do that even after the nerf. def missions are for mats farming after all so what's the problem really?

Edited by Satoro
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Theres rushing, And just killing everything fast.


There shouldnt be this huge stamina nerf, Because now rushers will just equip the stamina/speed mods and zoom ahead not caring whilst were jogging to the exit.


Like many others in this thread, Iv always been fine with the things DE does to the game, They're justified but i cant help but notice that theyre releasing things broken more than they are new.


Golem rework? Nope, Go farm keys you still have to fight the crappy boss on jupiter.

As much as i like new maps, I hate adding another layer of farming to it, And people like me who have played since update 7 or earlier dont want new maps, We want fixes for bugs that have been around for months


Recently, They've slowed down the game, SO much.

Trinity rework, Now timed, Timed keys, longer missions, No melee because stamina runs out after 5 hits

To all the people saying, Well just equip a stamina mod, Why? I shouldn't have to have that mod to feel like a space ninja. That's like them removing walljumps and releasing a mod for it, And you guys will suck up to them and say, Well why dont you just equip X mod.

As much as  i like DE, There going down a slippery slope to a farmville game. Sure the shootings there but to shoot you need to farm this and get this and run this buy this BP craft it wait a day. And all of you fail to notice that ALL these nerfs discourage newbies from the game.

The games advertised as "Space ninjas" When a level 0 excaliber joins because of that, Only to realise that he cant run more than 3 meters without running out of breath, Hes either going to grind through not having fun, Or going to leave, Potentionally losing customers because he'll tell his friends it isnt "Space ninjas" in a game called warframe.


Its "Asthmatic ninjas" in a game called WarFarm.

Edited by Transvistinator
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hahahaha and the most $&*&*#(%& thing is that the rushers....will now always used Volt's Speed....stamina nerf wont affect that and worse the whole team will be running along hahaha  .............f ucking pointless so f ucking pointless 

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i have been farming for months now for f#$%ing blaze mod and solo rush is the only way to get enough runs in, now it takes twice as long to rush a level and im getting kinda pi@@ed off over it, to the point where i might just uninstall the game and go spend some time playing payday2. because this aint a space ninja game any more its a nightmare mode snail movement grind fest and i have STOPPED having FUN. 

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First I also went all mad about some of the changes of Update 10, but judging it "unfun" is a bit harsh and not the way I would describe it (at least not after I calmed down and gave it a try :D ) and at all there are some nice changes too which made it up for me.

Now to the Stamina Change:

I have to admit that the change in stamina system makes the gameplay feel bumpy - but NOT impossible to play... Tried 7 different warframes (ranging from Rhino, Exalibur, Vauban, Volt, Banshee to Nova and so on) and they all feel a little bit strange in their movement capabilities now, depending on what action I want to perform... Not only when I want to go fast from A to B, do a wallrun, but also during a heavy melee-fight I just run out of steam way too often, which forces me to retreat and do it with some sort of rifle or pistol. If I would want that I wouldn't have gone melee in first place and shot them from a distance.

To make it clear my gameplay style depends on the mood I'm on... Sometimes I want to do it slow and carefully and sometimes I just want to rush it to the end because I'm mad about something or I'm just not feeling like taking an skill exam there. And somtimes I adjust to the way my friends or other people play it. At NO times I leave somebody behind or move too far ahead, because at all it's a team-game. There's always the possibility of somebody being downed or an elavetor/paneled doors ahead. It's not nice to let somebody die just because they are not as fast as yourself (mostly new players or slow warframes or both in combination) and it's also not nice to flame around just because you got killed by moving tooo far ahead it's at least your own fault by not wanting to adjust to other players and knowing the weaknesses of other players and/or warframes is also requiring adjustment. I saw every sort of mistakes way too often during online play and sadly did some of them myself.

As some people in the thread already stated... if rushers are that much of an issue and the Devs feel like there should be done something about it, then they shouldn't do it by touching the stamina system.

But I also know that the old stamina system was a little bit excessive and you could sprint forever - literally - and stamina mods weren't used at all, but replacing it with bumpy gameplay just doesn't feel the way it did before. And as some people mentioned... 10 Mod Slots aren't enough to keep up with the vast variety of mods available so you have to pick your poison and leave some of them out in favor of durability and skills, because you can't fight high level enemies without some basic mods at all. It's just suicide, doesn't matter if you go slow or fast... But I have to give the Devs a point in Stamina lasting for an eternity (like it did before the update) is like having no stamina system at all, just hold down Shift and don't let go. So at least 2 more modslots or maybe Stamina Orbs like in the dojo would be some sort of "tradeoff" to keep you on steam so you could sprint for an eternity if you wanted to. Or any other system which rewards you with bonus stamina/energy, by accomplishing mini-tasks.

To address the slow/rushing theme in general:

There should be rewards for completing missions "slow" and there should also be rewards for completing missions "faster" and it should be depending on the mission type. Some missions should be rewarding the faster you are able to complete them and some should be rewarding the more carefully you were - overall balancing the rewards out and making it fun for both types of players. And no I'm not in the favor of having just fast OR slow, there still should be mixed ones too since majority of players are not slow nor rushers, they are something in between. I don't like the idea at all that the Devs are fully replacing some mission types with new ones. As much as I like Survival, I don't like that Raid is gone. They should have added it as variety not as full replacement.

I know it's a co-op game and people should team up and bring their diverse abilities to a best - TOGETHER - but the difference between the warframes and the favored gameplay styles is toooo vast to make everybody happy with a handful mission types, where it doesn't matter which gameplay style you follow and where somebody is forcing all other players to adjust. Throwing them together is like provoking troubles from the very beginning. People should be able to play the style they want by selecting mission types that resemble their gameplay style. And both should be worthwhile doing it in a manner which is rewarding/punishing if you do or don't do it this way.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Y'know what, this S#&$ really shouldn't have to be typed... but the limits of Human Stupidity just keep getting wider...


You do all know that this is a Co-Op game, right? You do all know that Co-Op is short for "COOPERATIVE", right? You do all know what "COOPERATIVE" means, right?


So why, if I'm hosting, must I be forced to rush if I'm trying to get levels. Y'know... so I can Co-Op. Why must I be forced to rush, only to arrive at a fight just in time to watch the last guy die, and still not get anything for it? Where's my sense of accomplishment? Hmm? That's why I love hosting Mobile Defense. Because I can grab the [Whatever] and make you move at MY pace. Whether you like it or not.


Everyone makes it seem like they're literally on the edge of the @(*()$ apocalypse, so they have to sprint through goddamn everything and hamper my enjoyment, and my experience.


Y'know what else is funny? I already know your argument; "Well just play solo".


To that I must, yet again, ask; Why? Why should I force myself out of experiencing the best content of being able to actually Co-Op with another player? Why not share the rewards, and maybe have some company too?


So, finding a clan eh'? Well that's all well and good, if you can actually find one. I tried for a whole damn month to get a clan. I ended up forming my own. And even then, there's still people in clans who have zero interest in Co-Oping, no... instead, they want to play Gran Turismo: Cyborg Space-Ninja Edition. Seriously, if that's all you're going to do; go Masturbate. It releases the same kind of chemicals in your brain and then some, plus, you might burn a few calories that way.


So I have to ask now; to all the rushers who simply sprint past everything; Why must you be so selfish and conceited to force others into your playstyle, when all they want to do is get their levels, experience the full content, and actually feel like they've accomplished something?


I liken this game so much to Dark Souls now. On one hand, you have the players who seriously want nothing more to enjoy every piece of the content, and on the other, you have players who think it's their god-given right to force everyone to play the way they do, and if they don't then they're worse than human. It's like some of you honestly can't conceive of playing any game any other way than rushing through everything, or by making the lives of other players more frustrating.


I, for one, like that they included a system that is at least marginally intended to keep players moving at the same pace, but like every other game I've played, there's always got to be that one group of people who just seem to think that they're way of doing it is the only right way.


Now, all that said: if I join a game in progress, and I see that everyone's trying to rush through, then yeah, I join them, as best I can. I follow their lead, I do as they do; they're the host after all. But when I'm hosting, and I have to tell people seven times that I'm looking for Loot/Affinity/Credits/Whatever, and they just laugh it off and rush anyway, I feel like I'm cut out of my own game.


Finally; I like the Rhino 'Frame. I don't like wasting slots on Sprint mods that I can use to increase my survivability and damage capability. I don't care WHAT you're running. If I join a game, I intend to get something out of it. So F*** you, F*** your rushing, and F*** your attitude. I'm going to play the game, my way, whether you like it or not. That's what everyone else seems to do. I should fit right in.


Translation: "Waaaa this game is CO-OP! So play it MY way!"

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hahahaha and the most $&*&*#(%& thing is that the rushers....will now always used Volt's Speed....stamina nerf wont affect that and worse the whole team will be running along hahaha  .............f ucking pointless so f ucking pointless 

lol except that I havent seen a Volt in quite a while.....

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Well there is still the awful starfield, but aside from that I'm happy as a clam in a nutrient rich current.

U10: new frame is the most grindly part...

Have you done any yet? He really isn't. It's like an easily crafted void key with only 3 rewards. It takes an average of 5 runs to get Nekros instead of upwards of 200 with the others.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Well there is still the awful starfield, but aside from that I'm happy as a clam in a nutrient rich current.

Have you done any yet? He really isn't. It's like an easily crafted void key with only 3 rewards. It takes an average of 5 runs to get Nekros instead of upwards of 200 with the others.



Yea, after the changes to key requirements. This was the best frame to farm for. With the 100% reward rate. I actually felt like I was progress towards it and knew about how much I had left to do before I got it. Ofc you can still get multiples of the bps, but besides that. I'd rather know I'm going to get a bp and feel like I'm progressing towards it than just running the same boss 50+ times and never being any closer.

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