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Vauban and Wukong Ideas


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Passive: Fine as is.

Tesla Grenade: Damage and % to stun scale with power strength, 130% strength = 100% stun/electric proc chance. Duration no longer affects charges, but how LONG each stun charge lasts, with a set number of charges at eeeh... 5. Cause you want duration on him anyhow.

Augment changed from causing slash damage, to scaling with range to cause enemies surrounding the target to be stunned and damaged as well, 1 charge removed for each 2 additional enemies it hits, but at the detriment of 50% range, and maybe 75% duration on the stun, perhaps normal stun for initial target, but 50% on AOE affected targets. (Yes you can still cast it on allies to have them be AOE zap balls, but with this, there's elss need to spam 50 just to tickle enemies.)

Minelayer: Potentially remove this entirely for a new ability, or the following are good places to start.

-Bounce: Remove players being able to trigger the pads, have no cooldown, but remove the ability for it to trigger on ragdolled enemies (enemies that have been bounced, so they dont just bounce repeatedly/eat charges before being fully launched. they have to atleast stand up again) Scale # of bounces to duration.

-Trip Laser: Launch the enemies forward slightly, so they arent just stuck on the trip laser, scale damage to 2-3% of enemies max health, affected by power strength so at 200% strength, it can reach ~5% enemy max health in faceplant-ey goodness.

-Shred Grenade: Increase base range, same damage scaling/strength as Trip Laser, but removes armor, armor strip buffed to 60% at rank 30 so you dont need 250% strength for full strip.

-Concuss Mine: Range for landmine activation increased by 1-2m, Stun acts as a catalyst so Radiation procs once stun ends, preventing the radiation proc from wearing off before the target is even able to interact with players and other enemies.

Bastille: Fine as is. Fix Repelling Bastille. Vortex: Increase base range to 10m, still scales with range, pull is weaker the further the enemy is from it. (A walking unit at the very edge should still be able to walk away, but 75% from the center unless running should still be pulled in.)

Augment: add additional damage for each vortex thrown in. Possibly max at 5. .(edited)




Passive: 30% chance for enemy attacks to phase through him like Baruuk's Elude, OR, has a base Rejuvenation aura effect on himself at all times (+3hp/s)

Iron Jab: INCREASE KNOCKDOWN RADIUS from its PITIFUL 2m. Also, make it actually always deal its supposed 800 impact. Oft times it glitches, and deals a grayed out 0 impact proc. While using Primal Fury, have wukong jab three times, in a wider cone, possibly having the other two jabs be etherial energy arm and staff clones. Not activated with the Augment obviously as the augment slams the ground to launch you.

Augment: make it so you cant kill/hurt yourself with it. You're an immortal monkeygod. your weapons shouldn't hurt yourself. If Iron Vault is recast in midair wukong will slam the ground infront of him with his staff, and pull himself back down as a slam attack after the initial knockdown. If Primal Rage is active when recasting, Wukong will iron Jab the ground three times, again with two staffs being energy clones, in a wider conical horizontal area, though only slamming the middle jab location where he lands.

While Primal Fury is active range and damage is increased based on combo counter like how Prima Fury scales. (unless melee 3.0 changes this)

Defy: Prettymuch fine as is, potentially add an augment that lets allies within range survive lethal damage taking a 50% strength activation of the ability, which scales to heal less and less far faster as to not have it be broken.

Cloudwalker: Its garbage. Like, its REALLY bad. You're invulnerable, but move slow, and cant do anything. When deactivated near enemies, you can stealth attack a total of ONE before they're all ready to maul your face again. And you already have Defy. Rework this ability entirely. My thoughts are as follows.

NEW Cloudwalker: Toggleable movement and attackspeed buff, giving slight damage reduction, or evasion, keep the same free, go anywhere on any axis controls it currently has, just change it to be able to shoot and melee from it, and make it a speed buff instead of moving at like 40% speed. Perhaps have Wukong standing ontop of a cloud/mist while active. Augment: enact the invisibility buff when moving over your teammates, with a cooldown of 30s, as it lasts 14s at max rank.

Primal Fury: Change to increase in damage the longer it is active, but costing more and more energy the longer it is active, much like Ember's World on Fire rework.

Augment: Instead of absorbing more energy for the benefit of more damage. Primal Rage would do the same but at the cost of recieving damage. Which would tick back down at a set % of your total bonus % damage constantly. So it is a near constant buff if in the thick of things. This however is not a how much damage you absorb buff, but a sort of reverse Mesmer Skin. The amount of instances of damage you recieve per.. 3 seconds perhaps? But if you cannot weather that damage, you die, and or lose the buff.

This will encourage use of your Defy WITH Primal Rage, and using your Iron jab/Vault, and Cloudwalker more deliberately with both Primal Fury and Primal Rage instead of willy-nilly, or just leaving everything on at once at all times.



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4 hours ago, TheHalfsightedOne said:

Defy: Prettymuch fine as is

It really isn't. When Wukong gets his rework it'll have to change, for the better.

It sorely needs a buff.

4 hours ago, TheHalfsightedOne said:

Primal Fury: Change to increase in damage the longer it is active, but costing more and more energy the longer it is active, much like Ember's World on Fire rework.

So... a nerf? Wasn't expecting to read that tbh.

Edited by DeMonkey
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4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

It really isn't. When Wukong gets his rework it'll have to change, for the better.

It sorely needs a buff.

Defy is practically free Quick thinking as an ability, and you feel it needs a buff? Maybe make it ALSO do something else, but having Quick thinking for only the cost of energy, especially if using rage or hunter adrenaline, feels strong to me unless you're going up against hour + survival sorts of stuff. Because while it CAN be, it really shouldnt just be left on unless the enemy level reaches that point where you just die. I mean the man has 225 armor and 300 hp, which is nothing to sneeze at at base. its not Valkyr's tankiness, but hes not SUPPOSED to be monkey valkyr.


6 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

So... a nerf? Wasn't expecting to read that tbh.

How would it be a nerf if it were to act the same it does now, with that added benefit of more damage the longer its on, at increased energy drain? As it can always be toggled off and on to reset this like with Ember, to help take down especially beefy targets? I know Melee is VERY strong right now, but for all we know, this may be exactly what will be needed for it to work in Melee 3.0. It would be how Valkyr's Hysteria functions as well, except he would gain a benefit for having the drain higher, as opposed to Valkyr recieving nothing except more drain. Though we dont want monkey-valkyr, it does make sense for an ability funcitoning similarly to well, function similarly. Again, it could potentially be some other sort of buff instead of just damage, but this is just speculation and what I personally feel would work to make both these frames more fun and worth using.

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13 hours ago, TheHalfsightedOne said:

Defy is practically free Quick thinking as an ability, and you feel it needs a buff?

Yes, in how many situations is Defy actually useful?

And in how many of those situations can you just mod yourself to be tanky enough anyway? Content doesn't go much higher than level 100, and you can deal with that just fine with proper modding.

13 hours ago, TheHalfsightedOne said:

How would it be a nerf if it were to act the same it does now, with that added benefit of more damage the longer its on, at increased energy drain?

Because more damage on a weapon that one hits most things is... not noticeable.

So really it's just an increased energy cost, which is a nerf.

Edited by DeMonkey
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While I don’t think Defy is the worst tanking ability in the game. It is a very energy and even health hungry ability with just an increasing risk the longer it’s used. Not to mention it’s one of THREE abilities in his kit that drain energy over time. It does need improvement.

And giving Primal fury the ember treatment isn’t a viable way to improve it. It just needs better stats and combos that aren’t rendered completely unusable past 1.00 attack speed.

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