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Articula (size matters)


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I searched here for that but only one post speak about that.
I'm stunned, nobody want to have articula same size as our warframes?... Nobody want to have your ship or our Dojo full of our "inactive warframes"?

Like Tony Stark and his "collection" ? :angel:

I'm sure more than one have already ask about that since a while. :inlove:

Ho yes about that topic's tittle, :blush: Why do we have arround a 60% reduction size on them? I know, memory loading, cache memory, fps etc... Some technical issue limit our wishes. But at least, can we have an articula as a glyphe point, a ghost articula if you want? Does that will reduce our fps capacity? (hope you see what i mean)

Edited by (PS4)Lunsei
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This would be a nice item to add, clans could use them in rooms to make memorials to certain clan members (i.e., many requests for player made memorials for community embers who have died due to medical conditions) or to immortalize event scenes, etc. 

10 hours ago, DerGreif2 said:

For the dojo it would be nice but for the orbiter? We have this funny little statues with the big heads for that 😛

Noggles don't let us customize them to look exactly like our Warframes.  Wish we could though. 

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