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Nightwave vs Login System


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I get that Nightwave is supposed to replace alerts with something more earnable at a faster pace but however I feel like there should be some kind of system that lets players choose which tier reward they want to pick.


For example, I have no need for Warframe Slots/Weapon slots/Potatoes as of now. However, I have a use for Umbral forma/Wild frenzy/Saturn Six armour and syandana. Locking them behind a time gate makes it quite similar to the daily login reward system. We already have Lodestar armour bundle and Syandana behind a login time gate. 

If the challenges are being completed everyday, it will still take weeks to get the cosmetics. So basically, players who already bought all the Alt helmets, farmed nitain and potatoes have nothing much to do with Nightwave other than grind all the tasks everyday and wait for an arbitrary amount of time so that they can finally get what they want. 

It can also be noted that the Umbral Forma (Though I don't know how exactly it works yet) I'm assuming that players who already have most of the items in reward tiers have better use for multiple units of those than just wait for one after a bunch of weeks.

I hope you could address this DE.   

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1 minute ago, Maou said:

I feel like being able to pick the reward defeats the purpose of having this battle pass thing so imo no, also being able to pick the reward is easily exploitable with how easy most of the challenge is.

Well it's either that or paying. Either of which I am down for other than arbitrarily waiting for a month.

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15 minutes ago, Vivian said:

However, I have a use for Umbral forma/Wild frenzy/Saturn Six armour and syandana.

Oh look, they're towards the top of the tiers.

This isn't an accident.

16 minutes ago, Vivian said:

I hope you could address this DE.   

Address what? Them not handing you the rewards you want immediately?

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22 minutes ago, Genitive said:

The point of this update is to work for better rewards. If they do what you are proposing people will come back to the forums and complain about lack of content again, because they already got the best stuff.

Locking content behind a month's worth of time gate isn't content. Remember the times where we used to get new stuff every other week? Mods, Weapons, Cosmetics etc That was content.


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28 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Address what? Them not handing you the rewards you want immediately?

Yes but not handing out. Nobody is asking for handouts. Either put the stuff behind a challenge// Put it on market or have a fair progression system that lets you play longer and earn the content at a pace.

Waiting for a week to progress not because you failed a task//need to get good//need to earn something but instead just because the system won't let you progress is bad game design. 

Nobody is asking for instant gratitude. Let players earn the stuff or buy it. 

So far, the only other way to get standing is by randomly doing missions and hoping for Wolf's goons to spawn. It gives 150 per 3. Which is peanuts compared to the amount needed to progress. 

"Hey I see that Umbral Forma, I want to work for it so what do I do? Ohh wait for a month? Damn" was literally what I went through. 

Also, the addition of Slots, Forma, Kuva and Potatoes is just to artificially inflate the time taken to acquire the stuff further. All of them can be earned elsewhere. More efficiently that too. They're just fluff that serve one purpose. Extend the time taken.

Edited by Vivian
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1 minute ago, Vivian said:

have a fair progression system that lets you play longer and earn the content at a pace.

Which is literally what they did.

I fail to see your point. You say you don't want to wait to get stuff, but then you say we need progression.

9 minutes ago, Vivian said:

Remember the times where we used to get new stuff every other week? Mods, Weapons, Cosmetics etc That was content.

Times of weekly updates are over. And things like cosmetics wasn't really content if the only way to get them was buying with plat. Now for once there is an incentive to actually play the game.

6 minutes ago, Vivian said:

Put it on market


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1 minute ago, Vivian said:

is bad game design.

And yet a staple of the industry. Hmm...

6 minutes ago, Vivian said:

So far, the only other way to get standing is by randomly doing missions and hoping for Wolf's goons to spawn. It gives 150 per 3. Which is peanuts compared to the amount needed to progress. 

This reveals a lot. You're mad you can't just grind it out.

That Umbra Forma's cost isn't just the listed one. It's the time. Time is a currency for F2P games. You want less time to get it? Then put forward a suitable cost increase.

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2 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

And yet a staple of the industry. Hmm...

This reveals a lot. You're mad you can't just grind it out.

That Umbra Forma's cost isn't just the listed one. It's the time. Time is a currency for F2P games. You want less time to get it? Then put forward a suitable cost increase.

I did say that I'd pay instead (?) They're not even earning money from it as of now. 

Staple of industry = good by default? What? Just because a lot of companies do it, doesn't mean DE has to. Boring game is bad design. Irrespective of how many studios do it. Loot boxes are a staple of F2P games, do you want WF to add them in as well? Just because they're staple? 

Yes, I am mad that I can't grind out or pay for it upright. What can I say? I love the grineer aesthetic and would love to go to decent lengths to acquire anything related to it.

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8 minutes ago, Vivian said:

They're not even earning money from it as of now. 

This proves you don't know what good or bad game design is. Good or bad game design is not whether you personally like it or not.

9 minutes ago, Vivian said:

Staple of industry = good by default?

Staple of an industry means it works. You know how everyone always says X products ads are so bad or annoying, they'll never get my money? And yet you keep seeing ads for that product?

11 minutes ago, Vivian said:

Yes, I am mad that I can't grind out or pay for it upright.

If you can't buy it, that generally means whatever piece of the game is not worth money to DE. Umbra Forma, like Rivens, are completely unnecessary for anything in the game. People did a pretty good job of working around the fact nothing but Excal Umbra had the polarities to cut the costs.

Yet here they are and there they sit, the carrot at the end of a stick.

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18 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Which is literally what they did.

I fail to see your point. You say you don't want to wait to get stuff, but then you say we need progression.

Times of weekly updates are over. And things like cosmetics wasn't really content if the only way to get them was buying with plat. Now for once there is an incentive to actually play the game.


We need progression via challenges and tasks, not artificial time gates.

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55 minutes ago, Genitive said:

What do you imagine it should look like?

>Saturn 6 is a pen. There could be an Arena//Survival mission where you keep capturing random mobs while rewards scale endlessly as the NPC scale too. 

>Challenges could keep refreshing as you complete thus letting you do as many as you can. People get bored at some point but it won't be an artificial time gate.

>Cut fluff and make challenges harder. Unlike, "spray a glyph" wait for a day and do it again. 


Anything but false game lengthening. 

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