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Comprehensive Nightwave Feedback


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Just going to list my feedback. Not listed by Priority, preference, etc.

1. Invasion Mission Requirements
9 Invasion Missions is a little high. Barely any players do manage 3 clears (from my personal experience).
Suggested Resolution:
Reduce this Challenge to: "Clear 3 Invasion missions"
This should successfully breath more life into the Invasion mode, entice players into trying the mode, & as 3 clears for the same faction results in a reward package it will teach new players the perks & risks (Zanuka/Gustrag) of Invasions all while technically forcing the "completion" of 1 Invasion node/pledge.

2. Eidolon Requirements
The Elite Nightwave asking for a Hydrolyst Capture or Clear is asking A LOT. Hardly any players are capable of even seeing a Hydrolyst let alone damaging one. Even amongst those that some consider to be "Veteran" players Hydrolyst captures are out the question. The requirements to down one are very high.
(Requirements such as: Having a well built & Gilded Amp, Having an Operator who is not only deep into his/her focus tree but also has Waybounds unlocked, Having Multi-Forma'd or a Riven'd Weapon capable of dealing high damage to an Eidolon. Neither option is easily feasible.)
Suggested Resolution:
A. Change to: Capture a Teralyst
The reasoning behind this is that unlike killing it will force players to be more strategic, allow newer players to see the perks in doing a Capture over a Kill, introduce the mechanic of Capturing in order to summon the next Eidolon. Also it is very doable as many player Operators are barely leveled up/geared.
B. Have 2 methods to clear such as: "Capture or Kill either: 3 Teralysts or 1 Hydrolyst"
This creates enough challenge to keep "killing" as an option while not locking players out, it also prevents paid Hydrolyst carries & etc.

3. Socketing Ayatan Treasures
5 Treasures is asking a lot. Most regular players are lucky to see 2 Treasures a week.
Suggested Resolution:
This should be changed to "Fully Socket 1 Ayatan Treasure"

I personally haven't seen one (besides the Maroo Mission) in over a month. It's pure RNG. Challenges should NEVER be at the mercy of RNG drops or require players to trade.
As you read this players are charging Arcane Level Prices for Ayatan Treasures because they know players MUST socket them in order to clear this Challenge.
This Challenge pretty much allows players to dictate who clears it & makes it a "How much you willing to pay in order to progress." situation.

4. Simaris Missions
The highest Scan count a Simaris mission asks for is 4 (Maybe if the player gets lucky.)
Suggested Resolution:
"Complete 1 Simaris Hunt"

(IE: If Simaris says: Synthesize 4 Lancers, the player need only do those 4 Lancers.)
Currently a player needs to do anywhere between 2 or 3 Full Hunts to get the "Scan Count" which in not fun.

5. Friend Requirements
This needs to be removed as a requirement.
Requiring players to play with friends/clanmates creates the current situation where players are fake friends/using others for the mission then unfriending eachother.
Forced social interaction creates toxic experiences & makes people resistant to friendship in the long run. As Anthem is currently discovering you cannot FORCE people to be friends, just like you cannot FORCE someone to eat, drink, vote.
Basic psychology studies have proven that forcing things on people makes them resistant to it. Force them to eat & they refuse to & eventually resent eating, Force them to paint a wall & they will hate painting, Force them to marry someone & they hate their partner (and life).
Organic Social Interaction creates positive experiences & lasting bonds. Nightwaves should encourage co-op gameplay but not force it.
Solution is in the next Bulletpoint.
As mentioned by @(XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA
Platform Subscription models can prevent/lock players out from playing with their Friends. This make this Challenge literally unbeatable for players unless they spend money.
XBL has this issue apparently. I cannot confirm if this effects PlayStation (I personally believe PSN doesn't have this issue.) or Nintendo Switch at the time of this posting.
Addendum #2:
There is an issue on Console where Warframe only counts friends on a player's "In-Game" Friendlist for the Challenge.
On Warframe Console version(s) PSN/XBL both display players on the PSN/XBL/NSW (Unconfirmed) Friendlist as Friends inside Warframe's Friendlist. So for many players they believe they have the Challenge Requirements met.
Unless/Until this Challenge series is removed, This Challenge needs to recognize the PSN/XBL (I assume NSW as well) Friendlists as Friends. Not just the In-Game Friendlist.
Warframe does NOT inform players that even has an In-Game Friendlist, and on Console it apparently merges the out of game & in-game Friendlists into a single list.
These lists should be separated or the Challenge/Game should inform players that the "Friend" needs to be on the Warframe Friendlist in order to count.

6. Add Bonus Objectives to Nightwave Milestones
This can help promote players to clear Nightwaves in more challenging ways, create/foster positive social interactions, teach gameplay mechanics, & reward players who desire more challenge in their Warframe experience.

Bonuses to Bounties in Fortuna was a nice touch that didn't break the game in terms of rewards. Yet gave players a reason to aim for a "flawless" completion.
"Clear 1 Sortie Mission" (5000 Standing) Bonus Objective: "With a Friend/Clanmate." (2500 Standing) - This can create positive Social Interactions as it is Optional & will encourage Co-op gameplay.
"Capture or Kill 1 Teralyst." (5000 Standing) Bonus: "Capture/Kill 1 Hydrolyst" (2500 Standing) - This encourages players to go after a Hydrolyst but doesn't lock players out of the Challenge.
"Clear 3 Invasion Missions." (3000 Standing) Bonus: "Clear 9 Invasion Missions" (2000 Standing) - More reason to keep invading.
"Clear 1 Kuva Flood." (5000 Standing) Bonus: "Clear all Kuva Siphon & Flood missions on a Planet." (5000 Standing) - Added challenge for those who want to rank up faster.
"Clear 3 Spy Missions" (3000 Standing) Bonus: "Clear 3 Spy Missions without Failing a Vault and Triggering an Alarm" (2000 Standing) - Reason to clear the missions flawlessly.
"Deploy a Glyph" (1000 Standing) Bonus: "Deploy a Glyph on an enemy." (1000 Standing) - Insult to injury for the enemy.
"Kill 500 Enemies." (3000 Standing) Bonus: "Kill 250 Enemies with the Operator" (2000 Standing) - Added Challenge for those who seek it.

7. Wolf Credits (Revised)
These should be rewarded per Challenge cleared in addition to the Standing reward, and/or they need to be rewarded in larger quantities.
Right now they are too scarce to make Nightwave feel worthwhile to newer players & the low payout/acquisition rate unintentionally makes spending them feel punishing.

Destiny made the mistake of having progression tied to a system that essentially punished players for leveling up their Armor & Weapons. (Enhancement Cores)
This change alone drove off multiple clans of players, and created a hemoraging playerbase. My Friends (and their entire clan) quit the game after 2 months.
Progression needs to feel fun, encouraging, and players should WANT to progress.

Wolf Creds like Enhancement Cores make progression a chore, create a sense of dread when it is time to spend them, & unintentionally makes players feel punished for progressing.
(IE: "If I buy this Nitain I probably won't be able to buy this Aura Mod before the Nightwave is over." shouldn't be something players worry about.)
Having Wolf Creds drop per Challenge would also give players a sense of "Progression/Accomplishment".
(IE: "I cleared the Daily Nightwave & got 20 Creds I can buy ___ or tomorrow I'll have enough for ___.") <--This would ensure Nightwave is ALWAYS friendly to Lower MR players & most importantly ensure Nightwave is friendly to those who have just started Warframe. Seeing as Slots, Forma & etc are rewards & not purchasable via Creds this isn't a major issue.
As the Helmets, Auras, & majority of Resources are not something Veterans aren't actively seeking/need anymore.

Addendum #2:
After watching a low MR friend do what very few Nightwave Challenges were accessible to him I had to rethink this Bulletpoint.
A: Credits should be simply renamed to: "Cred"
This way the Credits can roll over from each Nightwave. Allowing Newer Players the option of saving up without any stress.
Currently the Expiration/Time Limit is very harsh especially on New Players as some factors of Warframe can limit what Nightwave's they can clear.
They feel that if they don't drop what they are doing & complete what they can they will miss out on Credits & in effect the rewards they can buy with them.

B: Challenges DO need to reward Credits upon completion.
After watching New (and dedicated) Players (Below MR10) play. I realized just how locked out they are.
The Nightwave missions for the week of: 3/3/19 had far too many challenges that could not be attempted in time for newer players.
Hell even some intermediate players would struggle to attempt them let alone complete them.

Some examples:
(IE: "Kill 100 enemies while sliding" Rewards: 1000 Standing, 25 Wolf Creds | "Complete 3 Spy Missions." - 3000 Standing, 50 Wolf Creds)
The above, ensures that New Players can progress & unlock rewards through everyday gameplay. It keeps Nightwave & the former Alert rewards accessible to new players without forcing all the Challenges to be reduced only being various versions of the "Daily" Challenge.

8. Plains of Eidolon/Fortuna Bounties
Currently this Challenge only updates upon full completion rather than Step by Step. Even for Fortuna to ask for 8 Bounties is ALOT of Bounties but due to Fortuna's Bounty System I'd say this is passable.

However for the Plains of Eidolon to ask 8 Bounties is a little too much. Konzu only has 5 Bounties available at any one time. Taking this into account and the stress PoE puts on many RIGs (and Consoles) this really should be reduced.
Suggested Resolution:
Reduce this challenge to: Complete 4 Bounties in The Plains of Eidolon."

4 bounties keeps the level of dedication to complete the Challenge intact, forces players to eventually do a "Challenging" Bounty, and most importantly keeps the players time in the Plains long enough to remain fresh/fun yet short enough to prevent the plains from becoming dull & frustrating. Unlike Fortuna, PoE grows dull very fast.
Another solution to PoE/Fortuna Bounties is to make each Bounty step count as a Bounty. As each step does have a reward they technically are Bounties.
So the game could/should treat them as such.

It took me close to 2 Hours to do all the PoE Bounties.
Me running bounties on the Plains is equal to Thor when he lands in Wakanda during Infinity War. So I can't imagine how long this step is for more newer players & lesser geared players.

9. Proper Standing Rewards for Very High Challenge Milestones
This is in direct response to the Challenge: "Complete a 60 Minute Kuva Survival WITHOUT using Life Support."
Above in Bulletpoint #6 I mentioned Bonus Objectives & rewards but I will admit that it doesn't/won't fit all Nightwave Milestones.
For some Nightwave Milestones it would be beneficial/behoove Warframe to have significantly higher Standing rewards.

For example; A 60 minute(1 hour) Survival Mission that requires players to NOT use Life Support should award more than 5k Standing on its own. While many Veteran players completed this mission with a friend & received a combined total of 10k Standing. The Challenge on it's own should have been a minimum of 10k on its own. All together both Challenges should have rewarded about 20k Standing.

Avoiding the Endurance Community vs the Regular Community drama, to ask 1 hour of play for a single mission (single sitting) is asking a lot for "The vast Majority" of the playerbase.
(As many devstreams have stated that the average mission duration for players is around 10-20 minutes.)
As this can be exacerbated by Trolls, Disconnects, peer to peer/Host Migration issues, normal biological issues (Bathroom) the level of challenge can be significantly higher than expected/intended.

Suggested Resolution:
For Milestones such as these, the Standing needs to be higher. Amounts such as: 10k, 15k, even 20 standing would be suffient.
When the reward is high enough then negative reactions from the playerbase will be minimal; simultaneously the high reward will still give players the incentive to endure the challenge presented.
Examples I can offer for future Nightwaves:
"Complete a 60 Minute Kuva Survival/Survival without using Life Support." - 10k (If the player can Choose the Survival Mission), 20k (If it's a specific Survival Node such as Kuva Fortress, Pluto, Sedna.)
"Capture all 3 Eidolons." - 15k Standing
"Complete 30 Waves of Waves of Defense." - 10k (If the player can choose the Mission.), 20k (If a Specific Mission.)
"Harvest 2000/3000 Cryotic without an Excavator being destroyed." - 15k (If the player can choose the Mission.), 20k (If a Specific Mission.)

The goal is once again to keep the reward fair, yet tempting/enticing enough to drive players to attempt it.

Overall Afterthoughts on Nightwave: (as of 3/9/19)
Nightwave is a wonderful system that:
- Successfully makes Alert Rewards more accessible to New (and Old) Players
- Injects life into abandoned, forgotten, & ignored content.
- Entices players to leave their daily routine & try new things.

- Unintentionally forces players to prioritize Nightwave over running their intended content. (IE: Complete Starchart, Clear a Cinematic Questline, Gather/Farm Materials, etc.)
- Requests players to complete content that only a small portion of the playerbase is capable of completing.
- Unintentionally empowers traders & Trolls to ruin the experience of others.
However, The Challenge System needs revision or preferably a Restructure.

[Challenges should always compliment Gameplay & encourage players to mix-up their gameplay.]
The current Daily Challenges have absolutely nailed this & they are a Masterpiece.
"Kill 150 Enemies with Toxic/Ice/Fire/Electric/Corrosive/Magnetic/Radiation/Viral damage.", "Kill 100 Enemies while sliding.", "Stealth Kill ___ enemies.", etc.
These are well done as they are completed while playing the game, they are completed while players work on other Challenges, and are passive enough to not disrupt gameplay/progression while intrusive enough to remind players to mix things up.
Weapons, Frames, and Gameplay styles are shaken-up in a refreshing way from these. Nightwave needs more of these.

Taking that into account I would make the following changes to Nightwave as a whole:
Daily Challenges:
These should be short, sweet, & aimed directly at New Players. 3 per day.
Challenges such as:
"Place 1 Glyph", "Scan 10 Enemies", "Use your 1st Power 5 Times", "Craft 1 Cipher", "Kill (Insert Number here) of (Insert Enemy Faction here.", "Successfully Hack ___ consoles."
- Should reward a small amount of Credits (5,000 - 10,000) & Nightwave Credits (1 - 5) upon completion of each.
Weekly Challenges:
These should be the Challenges that truly compliment Gameplay, ask players to mix things up such as:
- "Kill ___ enemies with Toxic/Ice/Fire/Electric/Corrosive/Magnetic/Radiation/Viral damage.", "Kill ___ enemies while sliding.", "Stealth Kill ___ enemies."
- "Kill ___ enemies with a Primary/Secondary/Melee Weapon.", "Kill ___ enemies while Wall Latching.", "Kill ___ enemies while Aim-Gliding."
- "Complete 3 Spy/Capture/Extermination/Sabotage Missions.", "Complete 3 Bounties in Cetus/Fortuna.", "Complete 3 Archwing Missions." (Yes I wrote that.), "Clear 3 Invasion Missions."
- "Successfully catch 25 Fish in The Plains of Eidolon/Orb Vallis.", "Perform 10 Successful Conservations.", "Successfully Mine 25 Nodes.", "Clear 10 K-Drive Races."
- "Kill ___ enemies as (Insert Warframe that the player has unlocked & playable in his/her arsenal).", "Kill ___ enemies as your Operator.", "Kill ___ enemies with Void Blast."
- Should randomly award either: (25,000 - 50,000), or Endo (500 - 1000); but always award some Nightwave Credits (maybe 25) upon completion of each.

Elite Weekly Challenges:
These are where things should be specific & be a little more intrusive in everyday gameplay.
- "Complete 3 Waves of ESO.", "Complete 3 Arbitrations.", "Crack open 3 Relics."
- "Survive 20/30 waves in Defense mission above level ____.", "Survive for at least 30 minutes in a Survival mission above level ____.", "Successfully protect 10/20 extractors in an Excavation Mission above level ____.", "Survive 4/5/6 waves in an Interception mission above level ____.", "Extract all Squads in a Defection Mission."
- "Capture a Teralyst.", "Kill or Capture a Gauntalyst.", "Clear 3 Sorties.", "Complete 3 Syndicate missions while collecting all 8 Syndicate Marks.", "Successfully clear 5 Kuva Floods.", "Successfully defend 10/20 Kuva Extractors in Kuva Survival.", "Win 5 games of High Risk Index in a row.", etc.
- Should randomly award either: Credits (100,000 - 150,000), Endo (500 - 1000), or Kuva (25,000 - 50,000); but always award some Nightwave Credits upon completion of each.

The above are just examples of Missions that aren't as intrusive to gameplay. They compliment gameplay while encouraging players to spread out the content they experience, the harder challenges are restrictive enough that players who are new or developing will not be able to complete the challenges unless they are far enough into Warframe's progression, but once they unlock that content they will be able to clear them albeit with great difficulty.
Adding in the "Bonus Objectives" as mentioned above makes all the Weekly challenges more interesting for Veterans while not locking out newer/less experienced players.
The small addition of Nightwave currency being awarded per challenge encourages players to keep playing Nightwaves missions, and most importantly makes New players feel less stressed about spending the currency.
Obviously the amounts I set are probably too generous, but they are purely examples. Prices of Nightwave Merchandise I suppose will dictate what's acceptable & what isn't. But the climb to get Nightwave merch should not be too steep or it will discourage/demoralize players.

That's all I have for now.

I will update this list as time goes by & if future Feedback comes to mind/as I play through Nightwave myself (cough PoE is next in line cough)
Currently Nightwave 

Update#1 - PoE Feedback
Update#2 - Cleaned up Formatting. Reclarified/rexplained/restructured some topics. Repaired Typos. More PoE Challenge Feedback
Update#3 - Addendum added to "Play with a Friend" Challenge
Update#4 - Added Bulletpoint #9, Restructed some portions of my post to be more clear for the Dev Team, Corrected all instances of me labeling "Challenges" as Milestones. :facepalm:
Update#5 - Updated Bulletpoint #5 with recently discovered Friendlist issue.
Update#6 - Revised Wolf Creds Bulletpoint after watching Newbie Gameplay.
Update#7 - Added in my Overall Afterthoughts for Nightwave as a whole (for the Present point in time.)

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
See Update Section
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I was literally coming to voice my concern about the Hydrolyst and Sortie with friends one. I can solo UP to the Hydrolyst but eventually the Vombalyst just get to be too much. Also sortie with Friends puts my XBone account out because Gold lockout keeps me from playing with others. 

And sure most of these complaints sound personal, but they do affect others.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Tenchi145 said:

I was literally coming to voice my concern about the Hydrolyst and Sortie with friends one. I can solo UP to the Hydrolyst but eventually the Vombalyst just get to be too much. Also sortie with Friends puts my XBone account out because Gold lockout keeps me from playing with others. 

And sure most of these complaints sound personal, but they do affect others.

Definitely. today I have to carry (Solo essentially) about 6 of my friends through the Hydrolyst.
It is Soloable, but it is EXHUASTING solo & the margin for error is very low. (I'm not looking forward to it.)

I had no idea XB had those kind of lock outs. Hmm, the more you know right?

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In addition to everything you listed about the doing a sortie with friends one there is also the fact not everyone can afford the online services for their consoles, this adds an extra pay gate to the game just like Dojo labs being locked in the dojo,


TBH they could fix all of this by just making the event 20 weeks long, that way 15,000 standing a week will be enough to complete it, and that seems to be the fair amount to expect from a normal player which is who they should be trying to appeal to, not the hardcores who want to warp the entire game to their preferences, out of an insane need to derive pleasure in denying others acess to the game,

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As it stands right now. I'm just going to delete this game. I literally just got done grinding one set of numbers and still have another set of numbers to grind only for them to toss me another number grind. Events used to be fun and very rewarding. For my own sake I'm bowing out until they make content that isn't time gated so heavily. With the current direction of the game I guess I'm done permanently. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if the 5 Ayatan sculpture "challenge" was supposed to "persuade" people into Arbitrations.

There is so much wrong with this update. Lots of things depend on doing content I either dislike entirely or don't feel like doing all the time due to time commitments and conflicts(Eidolons).

I won't say it's a bad system necessarily but it should be its own thing separate from Alerts.

Since I finished the one daily, and don't feel like jumping through the hoops of doing the rest, I guess I'm done with Warframe for the day.

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I'm actually okay with the Simaris scans being so high, but that's because you can do multiple scans a week. I agree with the Ayatans being so bloody high, it's RNG on RNG and this game is RNG-heavy enough as it stands, this just makes it stand out like a sore thumb. Arbitrations are still trash, because they're 10 minutes/reward, no one wants to wait ten bloody minutes for a single reward, that also happens to be something you probably have a crapload of already: endo.

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As mentioned by @(XB1)THANOTOS OMEGA
Platform Subscription models can prevent/lock players out from playing with their Friends. This make this Challenge literally unbeatable for players unless they spend money.
XBL has this issue apparently. I cannot confirm if this effects PlayStation (I personally believe PSN doesn't have this issue.) or Nintendo Switch at the time of this posting.

Sorry to tell you, but this is BS, Digital Extremes charges you nothing to play this game, the problem is from Microsoft, blame them, you can't ask DE to remove a community challenge just because Microsoft ask Xbox players to pay Gold to play with friends on Warframe ... Why not removing clans, community events and trades as you are there ?

Edited by Dragunova
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12 hours ago, Dragunova said:

Sorry to tell you, but this is BS, Digital Extremes charges you nothing to play this game, the problem is from Microsoft, blame them, you can't ask DE to remove a community challenge just because Microsoft ask Xbox players to pay Gold to play with friends on Warframe ... Why not removing clans, community events and trades as you are there ?

For the sake of discussion. This was never a problem before because it was not a requirement for progression before, which why I'm mentioning it.
From what I could research, joining a Clan, participating in Events& Trades can be done without joining a group.
It seems like its the "Grouping" portion that MS has an issue with.

DE may not have meant any harm by these "Require a Friend/Clanmate" challenges but the unintended side effect is that player either have to pay up to MS or they lose out on progression.
So essentially it's saying: Go buy XBL in order for it to be possible to complete this challenge or be penalized.

To be fair the required Friends/Clanmate Challenges are already very unpopular unanimously across the community to begin with.
This entire debacle with MS & possibly even Sony only makes it worse.
I'm just offering Feedback & possibly insight for DE.
I mean...who knows...They might be being pressured by MS & Sony to add in "Friend" challenges in order to boost PS Plus & XBL sales.
Destiny does it, Division does it, Anthem reminds you every 5 seconds/every other menu screen/upon log in/during mission/after mission & during story dialogue about it.

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I'm going to disagree with the "complete 9 invasions" scenario, since each step is counted. At one of the easier ways to level up, it's a cakewalk. Cetus bounties are pretty much in the same boat. It doesn't take long to spam the first bounty shown, it's just boring.

We need more than one daily per a 24hr period. It takes less than 5 mins to complete it for a measly 1000 rep, leaving you to grind out the random squads of 3 fugitives and struggle with the weeklys.

Raising the rep rewarded is not a viable option, since each rep rank is only 10k. Completing 2 or more rep ranks within a 24hr period, would be ridiculous. The rep pools would need to be bigger, which would prevent 90% of warframe's playbase from obtaining all the Nightwave loot.

I'll agree that people shouldn't be forced to "make friends". The current kuva survival challenge is a ripe ground for people to be a**holes to one other, such as hitting a LS drop at 59 mins then aborting. 
Endless missions should be divided into multiple challenges, as the OP stated. Such as one for 30 mins at "X" rep, and one for 60 mins at "X" rep. This way, any level of player has a chance to compete for rep.


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Il y a 10 heures, (PS4)Zero_029 a dit :

This was never a problem before because it was not a requirement for progression before

It's still not a problem today, since you got 10 weeks for the Wolf Six, you'll get 30 Elite challenges, 70 Weekly challenges and 70 daily, the whole thing can grant you 430k of standing, which means 43 levels and the last rank is 30 ...

So, you can "miss" 130k and still get all the rewards, this mean, you can miss 13 Elite challenges, 43 Weekly ones and 130 daily one, with that in mind, I don't think that missing one Elite by week is really a "wall", this, without capturing any fugitives.

Sure, your progression will be slower if you don't want to do it, but it will be slower if you don't want to do any of these challenges, and your idea to add "bonus" objective will cause the same thing, you'll still get lower than the guy who did it with friend.

By the ridiculous amounts of standing you want to get, I'm pretty sure you want every rank, right now (C'mon, 20k standing for a ridiculous defense ? 2 ranks, just by doing one mission ?) and you didn't even realize that being rank 30 is pretty easy in 10 weeks.

I suggest you to wait a bit before doing this kind of feedback, this is the second week and I'm already rank 7, I didn't even do every challenges, just let the season finish itself and you'll be able to do a better feedback, maybe without asking DE to remove a simple conditions as "having a friend on the squad" (in a multiplayer game ...)

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11 minutes ago, Dragunova said:

It's still not a problem today, since you got 10 weeks for the Wolf Six, you'll get 30 Elite challenges, 70 Weekly challenges and 70 daily, the whole thing can grant you 430k of standing, which means 43 levels and the last rank is 30 ...

So, you can "miss" 130k and still get all the rewards, this mean, you can miss 13 Elite challenges, 43 Weekly ones and 130 daily one, with that in mind, I don't think that missing one Elite by week is really a "wall", this, without capturing any fugitives.

Sure, your progression will be slower if you don't want to do it, but it will be slower if you don't want to do any of these challenges, and your idea to add "bonus" objective will cause the same thing, you'll still get lower than the guy who did it with friend.

By the ridiculous amounts of standing you want to get, I'm pretty sure you want every rank, right now (C'mon, 20k standing for a ridiculous defense ? 2 ranks, just by doing one mission ?) and you didn't even realize that being rank 30 is pretty easy in 10 weeks.

I suggest you to wait a bit before doing this kind of feedback, this is the second week and I'm already rank 7, I didn't even do every challenges, just let the season finish itself and you'll be able to do a better feedback, maybe without asking DE to remove a simple conditions as "having a friend on the squad" (in a multiplayer game ...)

That's still actually a very high participation requirement for something running over such a long period, and with so many chores to do.

Do people really think that a 70% participation rate is so lenient? That's more than half of these chores you have to do, and let's not forget that many of these you have to do either this week, or that day, meaning you need to log in 70% of days for the dailies, and 70% of weeks for the weeklies, without actually failing to do a single one, or having any that you can't do.



Not everyone wants to play a job. The time requirement makes these into a job.

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il y a 13 minutes, NezuHimeSama a dit :

That's still actually a very high participation requirement for something running over such a long period, and with so many chores to do.

Do people really think that a 70% participation rate is so lenient? That's more than half of these chores you have to do, and let's not forget that many of these you have to do either this week, or that day, meaning you need to log in 70% of days for the dailies, and 70% of weeks for the weeklies, without actually failing to do a single one, or having any that you can't do.



Not everyone wants to play a job. The time requirement makes these into a job.

70% of participation to get 100% of the rewards seems pretty good ...

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I'd back those changes. I'm just coming back to the game after a while, and Nightwave seems to be a combination of tedium, minimal rewards, and steep requirements. I could probably handle two of those things, but three out of three ain't good. 

The Hydrolyst especially surprised me -- I've brought down Hydrolysts (not solo, or anything like that), but that's a major deal. After a couple of them, I stopped just because it felt really good not to do it anymore. Capping a teralyst (or, heck, capture a couple teralysts) is a more reasonable thing. Oh, and also, I think 60 minute survivals are like, crazy talk. 😄

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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I like all these suggestions but have one to add...

What about fighting the Wolf. I have killed him twice and NO reward surely he is worth 2K OR 3K,

i Also find the constant radio chatter really annoying. She just repeats the same lines and its already getting old.

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14 minutes ago, Calyndrell said:


I like all these suggestions but have one to add...

What about fighting the Wolf. I have killed him twice and NO reward surely he is worth 2K OR 3K,

i Also find the constant radio chatter really annoying. She just repeats the same lines and its already getting old.

Heh. Last night, after the fourth or fifth time Nora said the same thing, my wife said (without looking up from her laptop) "Nora, your patter's S#&amp;&#036;e. Get some new lines." 

I never did check - is there an option to silence Nora like you can silence your operator? 

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5 hours ago, Calyndrell said:


I like all these suggestions but have one to add...

What about fighting the Wolf. I have killed him twice and NO reward surely he is worth 2K OR 3K,

i Also find the constant radio chatter really annoying. She just repeats the same lines and its already getting old.

He seriously doesn't give Standing?

Can anyone else confirm this? The Wolf avoids me with every Fiber of his existence just as much as Stalker & his Acolytes do.

(He knows how it'll end...)

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