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How does Prime Access work?


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One-time buy.

If you bought Mesa Prime Access, you instantly get all that is related (depending on which package you purchased), but that's it. For the next Primes, you'll have to buy them too if you're interested, otherwise you'll have to get them ingame.

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How does it work? You pay real money, you get what is on the prime access... 

There’s 4 to choose from per prime access. You get what you select and pay for... 

You don’t get them forever. The next one comes out, if you want that one, you have to pay real money again. 


If if you don’t want to pay, you can farm for everything minus the profile glyphs and cosmetics.

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Tanks for the reply guys. I just needed that clarification as the wording on the sight is slightly misleading, kind of made it sound like a subscription service. 

So here's another question: How often are these released? My son (plays on Steam) was telling me they are only released as a new Prime variant is created for a Warframe, and current Primes wont rotate back in? Is that correct as well?

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)gdotbat said:

Tanks for the reply guys. I just needed that clarification as the wording on the sight is slightly misleading, kind of made it sound like a subscription service. 

So here's another question: How often are these released? My son (plays on Steam) was telling me they are only released as a new Prime variant is created for a Warframe, and current Primes wont rotate back in? Is that correct as well?

Every three months. A new Warframe is Primed every 3 months (next should be Equinox normally, mid-march if everything is fine!).

For the "already released" Warframes, you have to look at the Prime Vault. It happens from time to time, they release back some old Primed Warframes, at much lower costs.

Edited by Chewarette
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4 minutes ago, (NSW)gdotbat said:

Tanks for the reply guys. I just needed that clarification as the wording on the sight is slightly misleading, kind of made it sound like a subscription service. 

So here's another question: How often are these released? My son (plays on Steam) was telling me they are only released as a new Prime variant is created for a Warframe, and current Primes wont rotate back in? Is that correct as well?

it'll be released everytime new prime's here(every 3 months or so), and old primes that's vaulted will get https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault instead when they're out of the vault

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