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So About That Nekros


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so far, after seeing all these people utilizing the new and much anticipated Necromancer warframe, i gotta say:


He kind of sucks don't you think?


Allow me to explain my opinion before you go raging about how "awesome" you may or may not think he is.


his abilities seem to be pretty bad, and almost insulting to the overall necromancer name to me, as only one of them is truly unique, being desecrate and unfortunately its the one ability that makes almost no sense for a necromancer to have.


Soul Punch is basically a slightly buffed shock with no resistances, or advantages. shock has always been a questionable ability to begin with, but soul punch came in and did the same thing only better 


Terrify makes some sense to have on a necromancer, but all it does is similar to radial blind. alright utility for endless defense missions, and possibly running away, but that seems to be one of Nekros only good traits as he isn't very tanky


Desecrate is an ability that just makes me say "oh god why". this is because its not a completely useful ability as corpses disappear relatively quickly, and in the higher levels of the game hardly helps whatsoever. sure we may get like, one or two more mods, and i'll admit, i kind of wanted a warframe that could be a good scavenger, but this guy is nowhere near what i had in mind.


and Shadows of the Dead. oh how you sound so awesome yet how terrible you actually are. this ability is more or less a more difficult to use Chaos from Nyx, meaning it has almost the same effect as an ability that costs less energy as well as effort to actually use. I actually find Nyx much more reliable than Nekros, as psychic bolts outclasses soul punch in my opinion, being the only 100% offensive ability they respectively own


OH and did i forget to mention how obnoxiously Difficult and time consuming it is to obtain Nekros without buying him with platinum? all this grinding for a warframe who in the end wasn't worth the effort?


yeah, i think our totally awesome looking buddy here got the short end of the stick in terms of abilities. 


OH RIGHT let me also mention how Nekros is the only warframe who has no beneficial alternate equipment even nova has at least one, and im aware it was said in the livestream that you dont want any future helmets to have stat modifiers, but at least be fair to Nekros and give him at least one helmet with stats so we can change up his play style a bit.


Sorry Nekros, you look awesome, have an awesome set of ability names, but you were screwed over in the end

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Agreed, completely. Shadows of the dead should from a lore standpoint, could use nano particles or whatever DE said they are, to reconstruct dead enemy mass that Nekros stores into feral un-dead Warframe husks that jump on enemies, and have a small radius decoy effect, but are agile enough to not take huge amounts of damage from other enemies while disemboweling. IMO this would be much better than the current chaos copies. This would make for a more effective ability, giving more utility potential and crowd control. The more enemies that have died throughout the level, the more/stronger ability is.

Edited by Jamescell
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Well 1st off, I wanna know if you've just witnessed people playing it or have you played it yourself?

If you haven't played it yourself, I see no point in you making this post.


If you have, you are missing a lot of points here and bugs. You're just reiterating what everyone else has said. Again, no point to this post.


Soul Punch isn't working as intended where the blast is supposed to hit enemies in the way, and it does not.

Terrify doesn't work all the time, as in some enemies or all enemies "Terrified" will still come after you or not run away.

Desecrate casting and usabillity falls behind the timing of corpse disappearance.

SoTD AI attack each other most times. Sometimes it affects the caster. You don't get EXP from their kills either. AI also need more tweaking.

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so far, after seeing all these people utilizing the new and much anticipated Necromancer warframe, i gotta say:


He kind of sucks don't you think?


Allow me to explain my opinion before you go raging about how "awesome" you may or may not think he is.


his abilities seem to be pretty bad, and almost insulting to the overall necromancer name to me, as only one of them is truly unique, being desecrate and unfortunately its the one ability that makes almost no sense for a necromancer to have.


Soul Punch is basically a slightly buffed shock with no resistances, or advantages. shock has always been a questionable ability to begin with, but soul punch came in and did the same thing only better 


Terrify makes some sense to have on a necromancer, but all it does is similar to radial blind. alright utility for endless defense missions, and possibly running away, but that seems to be one of Nekros only good traits as he isn't very tanky


Desecrate is an ability that just makes me say "oh god why". this is because its not a completely useful ability as corpses disappear relatively quickly, and in the higher levels of the game hardly helps whatsoever. sure we may get like, one or two more mods, and i'll admit, i kind of wanted a warframe that could be a good scavenger, but this guy is nowhere near what i had in mind.


and Shadows of the Dead. oh how you sound so awesome yet how terrible you actually are. this ability is more or less a more difficult to use Chaos from Nyx, meaning it has almost the same effect as an ability that costs less energy as well as effort to actually use. I actually find Nyx much more reliable than Nekros, as psychic bolts outclasses soul punch in my opinion, being the only 100% offensive ability they respectively own


OH and did i forget to mention how obnoxiously Difficult and time consuming it is to obtain Nekros without buying him with platinum? all this grinding for a warframe who in the end wasn't worth the effort?


yeah, i think our totally awesome looking buddy here got the short end of the stick in terms of abilities. 


OH RIGHT let me also mention how Nekros is the only warframe who has no beneficial alternate equipment even nova has at least one, and im aware it was said in the livestream that you dont want any future helmets to have stat modifiers, but at least be fair to Nekros and give him at least one helmet with stats so we can change up his play style a bit.


Sorry Nekros, you look awesome, have an awesome set of ability names, but you were screwed over in the end



Agreed, completely. Shadows of the dead should from a lore standpoint, could use nano particles or whatever DE said they are, to reconstruct dead enemy mass that Nekros stores into feral un-dead Warframe husks that jump on enemies, and have a small radius decoy effect, but are agile enough to not take huge amounts of damage from other enemies while disemboweling. IMO this would be much better than the current chaos copies. This would make for a more effective ability, giving more utility potential and crowd control. The more enemies that have died throughout the level, the more/stronger ability is.

yes and yes

nekros = UP and a massive letdown compared to previous frames

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yes and yes

nekros = UP and a massive letdown compared to previous frames


Especially when we went from amazing Vauban, to PERFECT Nova, TO...TO... dang Nekros looks cool, what was I saying?


oh right, too much time making look cool... maybe if we give Nekros a long neck, his abilities will get better :)


I do actually like Nekros, he is fun to me... but he feels like a pre-Vauban frame,a pre-DE stepping their Frame-making game up...

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imo; if you think he is a poor frame then you are using him wrong. 


Nekros isnt imo a press 4 frame nuking afk mode frame.  He is a utility frame i.e. problems at the core on a defense; terrify them away from the core. running out of ammo (although atm DE seem to have broken the ammo drops again haha!) even to just blasting some big dude away from you...


and as soon as DE sort out a few bugs as above mentioned above I believe he will be a very versatile frame as part of a team. 


Also to add why would DE make a uber powerful frame again when they tried to with nova and all they get in return is stuff like this; 




and this; 




and so on....  


They are just giving the community what the community wanted.



After using Necro for the last 8 hours, he's definately fun, his animations are cool if not a little too long.


But at the end of the day if you think he's "useless" or not up to the task of being the tenno of your choice just dont use him! simples.  

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