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Garuda's Talons - Achievements and Mods


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Like I said in another thread (but slightly misplaced), I do have a little suggestion for Garuda.

I'd welcome if the game would fully recognise Garuda's Talons as a melee weapon.
Since switching to them requires me to leave my melee slot open and in contrast to other exalted weapons, her's aren't summoned through an ability and can't be equipped in tandem with i.e. daggers. This is just to state some differences, I'm fine with those and I don't want anything else like additional slot to use or something unreasonable. It just was strange to notice that they aren't counted as melee weapons, even though they replace them. Mastery tests are also the only exception and reason for me to grab some butter knives instead of her talons.
I was pretty puzzled, being told, that I have no melee equipped, when said weapon is literally a part of my frame.
This also affects the Uranus junction requirement, to clear 5 nodes with only melee weapons equipped. Well, I handed my frame -which I so far NEVER use any other CQC weapon on- two daggers. That somehow fet redundant and defied my playstyle up to that point.

While her talons count for melee kills and I can equip "Pressure Point" on them, they don't profit from the aura mod "Steel Charge" (which I recently found out after spending wolf creds for it -.-').
I highly appreciate, that the talons at least count for SOME melee tasks. Still, it is quite the confusion to have mixed results even in one and the same category like mods.
I knew about the set mod limitation from studying the wiki and I'm also happy with no stance, but I wouldn't have guessed that aura mods also don't count. That however was a bummer.

I think these small tweaks will greatly improve Garuda's overall gameplay while progressing.

(There are so many threads here, if I made a double, I'd like to apologize in advance)



Edited by Silescere
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These changes would work well. My biggest annoyance about them is they don’t count as a Melee Weapon in a Melee Only Sortie. So she’s forced to use a Melee Weapon when her Signature Weapon are normal Claw Weapons.

Edited by GPrime96
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@GPrime96So it is the same as in the mastery tests and Neptune Junction requirement then. I feel you with the forced stuff -.-
I have yet to reach a point where I can do sorties, so thanks for sharing your experience.

Slightly offtopic: This inconsisteny with her talons that count as melee, yet they don't, also prevents me from de-equipping my primary + secondary so I could use good old manual block T-T

Edited by Silescere
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