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Cosmetic Mission Annoucers


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Hello to all,

I had an idea a little while ago, what if people could buy new mission announcers. So instead of only having Lotus or Ordis.. or even Purple Lotus, we could have, let's say, other Cephalons like Simaris or Ordis himself, and even Sindicate Leaders giving us mission feedback. This is of course at a hefty cost for DE because of Voice actors and new Voice lines. It would still be a cool addition to the game nonetheless.

Little list of possible choices:

  • Simaris         
  • Ordis     
  • Suda   
  • Little Duck   
  • Udico     
  • Konzu
  • Onkko
  • Sark
  • Nora Night
  • all the other different Sindicates

and the list can go on from there.

Hope this sparks an idea, maybe even a reality someday 🙂
It's a would be cool if... See you all later, gonna farm Hildryn now.

Edited by ParkourPro3000
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I'm disappointed you didn't include Clem on your list of candidates. I'd pay good plat to have him instead of fake Lotus. And I mean just him, without his buddy Darvo interpreting. Basically replace all mission info with him just going "clem clem clem" and let the player figure it out. C'mon, DE, it's free money! You wouldn't even need to record any new lines!

Edited by SordidDreams
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Hmm... Years ago, the original Titanfall offered voice packs for your Titan. Some of them were literally just language packs, with the Titan speaking German, French, Japanese and so on. Some of them were different voices (voice actors) with different demeanours. Titanfall 2 did away with this for the most part as Titans themselves went the Hero Shooter route with separate kits and personalities, but I still thought this was a cool idea. Actually, Titanfall 2 did almost exactly what you're suggesting with their Faction system, with a number of characters being available to narrate mission objectives. Basically, they'd say stuff like "Prepare for Titanfall!" and "They're winning, try harder!" - you know, the general UT Announcer stuff. And you had about 6 of them, I think?

All of that is to say, I agree with the proposal. In fact, given the current state of the Lotus, I'd honestly say that Ordis himself needs to take over as the canon Mission Control. This has two benefits. For one, it avoids the purple voice-distorted Lotus and the stupid narrative device she represents. For another, it moves agency entirely into the player's own control. Ordis is MY ship's Cephalon, MY crew. Him giving me missions is essentially equivalent to me working for myself. This is I think the perfect end goal of any Tenno - to be self-sufficient, self-reliant and self-employed. I own my ship and its inventory, I employ my crew and control their activities. I'm beholden to nobody, ruled by nobody. Even at the best of times, the Lotus was a self-interested third party. A contractor whom I was working for, even if self-interest was part of it. Switching to Ordis as my Mission Control would fix that.

With optional voice packs, every player can make that decision themselves.

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