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why NightWave its not fair for the new players?



I started to play like 2 months ago  and now i find out that i can't go on any more , since every one know there is no alerts and no Aura mods or 

Nitain extract , we need to but them by wold cred but do you think we get enough cred ? "no we don't" 

same thing with some tasks! we can't do many of them like "Profit taker"

DE pls ! you should understand between make the game hard and fun , Or make  make the players suffer and boring!

most the players getting hard time in OV since its laggy , they just play there because they have to farm some stuff not because they enjoying  ..

and in my opinion the big problem in this game is the "Host migration" that really some times make me feel that i don't want to play again when it happened and you lose every thing in that mission.

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21 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

You know that this isn't allowed and you and your freind could get banned for doing that. At least I hope that you know that...

Well if they ban me for something like that they wont see any more money from me or him so their loss I guess (and other than me telling you this on a forum there is no way of proving that I did If I did :-)).

Edited by (XB1)Dic3man
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

Well if they ban me for something like that they wont see any more money from me or him so their loss I guess (and other than me telling you this on a forum there is no way of proving that I did If I did 🙂).

Well, people do it from time to time and get away with it, but announcing it on the forum probably isn't the smartest idea. Like, say you were a street crook peddling drugs, you wanna do it in a dank alley or in front of the police station?

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5 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

Well if they ban me for something like that they wont see any more money from me or him so their loss I guess

So you want to pressure them in doing something? Nice try...

5 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

(and other than me telling you this on a forum there is no way of proving that I did If I did :-)).

I mean... I would bet that your friend isn't using the same IP as you.
So it's pretty easy to prove...

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Well he is sometimes playing at my house signing in on my xbox which is totally allowed so thats that.

And if I hadnt helped him I dont think he would have stayed playing warframe this long so winwin for both DE and us.
This was a long time ago though.

And money is what counts for DE, If they would have such a huge problem (ie banning) with someone helping a friend once or twice that couldnt abide by the alert rules of the past because of normal life getting in the way then thats sad.

And I ofcourse check with my friend if this was ok via phone so you could say I am basically just an extension of his hands on my xbox if you will.



Well, people do it from time to time and get away with it, but announcing it on the forum probably isn't the smartest idea

I had no idea this wasnt allowed and I am frankly a bit shocked that it is/was thats why.
I wonder if its allowed to have a friend over and him playing on my xbox /s

Edited by (XB1)Dic3man
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22 hours ago, Lojien said:

I started to play like 2 months ago  and now i find out that i can't go on any more , since every one know there is no alerts and no Aura mods or Nitain extract , we need to but them by wold cred but do you think we get enough cred ? "no we don't" 


Yes. Nightwave is harder on newer players. That said, focus on the tasks you can complete. Profit Taker is not meant for you. Most challenges marked "Elite" are not meant for you. It's the highest tier and rewards the most points/standing. Again, it is not meant for you. (At MR20, it's meant for me and others like me, but even I don't have access to the Profit Taker fight yet.)

Again, try to focus on playing the other challenges daily and weekly. Group up with others for help. Catch fugitives (they often spawn at level 9 or 10) for an extra 150 points each time they spawn. (More if they spawn multiple times.)

You will get there, it'll just take time. Do not bother with any Elite challenge that you know is out of your league. I don't.

22 hours ago, Heretic-Prime said:

you dont have to complete 100% of the challenges you do about 60% of it you can reach rank 30 dont try to change things it will make people hate casual players even more

I'm an MR20 casual. The OP is a new player. The two are not the same, so I don't think his thread will make anyone hate casuals. If anyone hates casuals or hardcores, that's entirely their problem. DE's still trying their best to keep everyone happy. We just have to be patient and wait this season out since DE cannot make any changes to it until after it runs. (Unlike regular updates, Nightwave was deployed to all platforms at once. This is part of the reason they can't change anything.)

11 hours ago, LEXEN-OBF said:

I have a glyph I don't know how to access and what look like stickers which i'm sure help nothing at all, ever.


The glyphs are used as your in-game and forum profile picture/avatar. You can also place them on surfaces like stickers.

You can equip it as your avatar for the game and forum from your in-game options menu.

To use it as a sticker, you have to add it to your gear items in your Arsenal.

Sigils can be equipped as a cosmetic to in-game characters. To equip those to an in-game character, go through the Arsenal and appearance tabs.

9 hours ago, (PS4)Deadmennwalking said:

Easy really?

Try doing this weeks OV profit taker challenge as a new player?

Remember you must be max rank with SU before you can even start with the profit taker phase 1. Let alone find a friend or clan member that knows how to do the fight.

Or even the Hydrolyst. Easy for experienced POE players. Not easy for even long time players who don't regularly do these fights.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

Easy shouldn't even factor into it for new players: the Profit Taker challenge is marked as Elite and isn't meant for new players. Neither was the Triodolon/Hydrolist. 

In general, I agree that the challenges you mention aren't easy for many. But this idea that they aren't easy for new players sort of misses the point that they aren't supposed to be accessed by new players.

7 hours ago, rhubarbRhubarb said:

sometimes I have no interest in trying to capture the 3 fire-bombers. If I'm playing solo to level a new set of weapons or have some quiet time fishing, I don't need those level 20 idiots popping up, especially when they teleport in front of me repeatedly.


Capturing them is extra standing/points, though. Once they've spawned, they tend to not teleport/are rather static or slow jogging at best.

If you're solo, always bring one level 30 Boomstick (or melee weapon) with you if you're leveling other gear. The game deliberately spawns death squads and Stalker when you are solo/and or leveling gear, so this is a good habit to form.

If they're giving you trouble, hang back and give them distance, but keep hitting them with rounds until they go down. 

As a newer player, the extra points will at least help move you along the ranks.

Edited by Rhekemi
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22 minutes ago, (XB1)Dic3man said:

I had no idea this wasnt allowed and I am frankly a bit shocked that it is/was thats why.

Really? You are shocked? I mean, you had to read the ToS and the EULA when making your account. These documents state that you are not allowed to give away your login information. You aren't allowed to share, sell or gift your account to another person.
The only thing to be shocked about is the fact that you didn't read these documents when making your account.

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Seriously, I dont know how many jokes about reading tos and EULA I have seen.

NOONE reads 50 pages of mumbo jumbo for every game etc or software and frankly in many countries these EULAs are null and void (if contradiciting with country laws).
Share sell or gift account has not been discussed.
If I have a friend over that logs onto his xbox live account on my xbox which is TOTALLY fine btw and then he leaves to get a pizza then in your mind I immediately have to sign him out or else I am breaking TOS/EULA?
Or sometimes he brings his xbox over and leaves it on and goes home to sleep, is it then ok for me to use his xbox (assuming its ok for him)?

Or is it ok to log onto my kids account or my wifes on my xbox to do an alert?

 I dont have to know his login information to log onto his account (its saved if you choose to).

And this happened a couple of times long ago so its nothing I care about anymore and I still think its totally fine (nomatter EULAs or ToS that noone cares about or follows anyway).


You also probably noticed that this is on xbox and selling accounts is not a problem here because that would mean you would lose everything on your account (creating a new account on pc and sell is another thing though).

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Deadmennwalking said:

Easy really?
Try doing this weeks OV profit taker challenge as a new player?
Remember you must be max rank with SU before you can even start with the profit taker phase 1. Let alone find a friend or clan member that knows how to do the fight.
Or even the Hydrolyst. Easy for experienced POE players. Not easy for even long time players who don't regularly do these fights.
Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.
Have i said orb bounty challenge . No. Then u get it ?
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This night wave is what 10 weeks.

If u complete every challenge in a week you complete 4 of the main objectives, either more left over not including fugitives.

There are 30 main prizes

4 x 8 = 32

You would need to do 7 and a half weeks worth of challenges, if you wish to complete the entire thing.


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This night wave is what 10 weeks.

If u complete every challenge in a week you complete 4 of the main objectives, either more left over not including fugitives.

There are 30 main prizes

4 x 8 = 32

You would need to do 7 and a half weeks worth of challenges, if you wish to complete the entire thing.


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15 hours ago, (PS4)salem9080 said:
Have i said orb bounty challenge . No. Then u get it ?

Perhaps you need to read the OP again.

The player specifically references "profit taker" and OV.

So your "easy" response is specifically related to these challenges

Then u get it?.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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Further to my last, I'm currently printing parts for a Zaw after spending an hour or so farming for ingredients in the PoE. I wouldn't have gone near this if it wasn't for the challenge of gilding a modular weapon this week. I'm loving Nightwave, it's pointed me towards a lot of content I was only partly aware of. Sure, I can't do some of the Elite challenges but that's why they're called "Elite" - I'm not supposed to yet.


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9 hours ago, (PS4)Deadmennwalking said:

Perhaps you need to read the OP again.
The player specifically references "profit taker" and OV.
So your "easy" response is specifically related to these challenges
Then u get it?.
Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.
What i have said was very clear . Not my problem if u don't understand . Have a good day
Edited by (PS4)salem9080
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Haven't read all of the comments, but here goes my POW:

I think they should have kept alerts alongside Nightwave and Buried Debts, as I know some people have already said. Here's why:

- You chose to play for a resource that you needed, and were in that way rewarded for each completed mission. They each felt meaningful. Grinding through 3 random Rescue missions for a bit of standing is tedious by comparison, and doesn't make me check back to the game throughout the day to see what's new.

- Some of the Nightwave rewards are cool, but very little of it is bread-and-butter for new players. I am currently helping a friend get into the game, and I wouldn't advice her to build up Nightwave standing, since there's not much for her there, except the two free weapon slots.

- Unless you want to join a party of other Highlevel Players and then hang back to try not to get killed and waste everyone's time, Buried Debts is nigh impossible for new players to participate in. Again, I wouldn't advice my new-player friend to join me, as she'd get killed instantly and it'd be no fun for either of us. 

As a more advanced player, I enjoy the new content to an extent. But it has obvious downsides, one of them being the lack of needed resources. 

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3 minutes ago, julilyng said:

- Unless you want to join a party of other Highlevel Players and then hang back to try not to get killed and waste everyone's time, Buried Debts is nigh impossible for new players to participate in. Again, I wouldn't advice my new-player friend to join me, as she'd get killed instantly and it'd be no fun for either of us. 

Why are you talking about Buried Debts?
This thread is about Nightwave. Buried Debts is an event. And it isn't meant for people that just started playing.
That's like saying, that you wouldn't advice a new player to play Arbitrations because they are locked behind playing every mission and they are high level...

I mean, obviously high level content isn't meant for new players. There is nothing wrong with that...

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