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Wolf of Saturn Six (the boss) is way too tanky


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I like Nightwave.  I like that it gives you an incentive to do stuff other than farm relics.  This isn't about Nightwave as a whole, but about Wolf Daddy himself.

He's too damn tanky, especially at higher levels.

It took us a solid 20 minutes in a level 40 void fissure (when he showed up at level 70) to kill him.  We couldn't progress the fissure past wave 5 because, well, he and his pack count as enemies to kill, and since nothing was spawning that we could kill, we all ran out of ammo.  At least, those of us that didn't bring 3 unranked weapons to grind through.  If it wasn't for Balefire, it would've taken much longer.

he's not hard.  He hits like a truck, sure, but that's not the issue.  He just takes way too damn long to kill!  It sucks the fun and excitement out of fighting him, of hearing him AWOO aggressively at you and giving you a chance at his hammer.

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Yeah he just showed up on Hydron as well (you know, Hydron, the place where the entire squad is wearing a full unranked kit to level?). The two smarter squadmates instantly aborted the mission and I tried to take him down along with a Nidus, with no way to summon my more prepared clanmates because the objective was complete (which it wasn't, by the way, it was wave 3 out of 5 so what the hell).

Needless to say, we ran out of ammo before even getting him to 50%. Nidus gave up too, despite his tankiness and independence of weapons. Maybe he got sick of resurrecting me every 4 seconds because it was either the Wolf throwing a massive hammer at my unranked Frost or his UNKILLABLE buddies throwing molotov cocktails at my feet while I try to distance myself from the boss.

Not fun.

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The Wolf, at least for mediocre players like me, just makes the entire experience unpleasant. If he shows up - which is an event I can't control in the way I can Stalker appearances - I can look forward to spending 5-10 minutes staring at the ceiling waiting for a revive and 5-10 minutes spamming normal attacks against the game's single least interesting boss. Hell, if I have a good secondary, being on the floor is sometimes better, because I can take my stupid potshots without having to dodge. And then he doesn't drop anything. It's horrible.

And why are his pals invulnerable? If he really needs flunkies, just make them out of paper mache and let him summon more periodically. That'd at least be interesting. As is, you just sort of ... try to proc radiation on them, and then go back to fighting their boss.

16 hours ago, Auranim said:

Yeah he just showed up on Hydron as well (you know, Hydron, the place where the entire squad is wearing a full unranked kit to level?). The two smarter squadmates instantly aborted the mission and I tried to take him down along with a Nidus, with no way to summon my more prepared clanmates because the objective was complete (which it wasn't, by the way, it was wave 3 out of 5 so what the hell).

Needless to say, we ran out of ammo before even getting him to 50%. Nidus gave up too, despite his tankiness and independence of weapons. Maybe he got sick of resurrecting me every 4 seconds because it was either the Wolf throwing a massive hammer at my unranked Frost or his UNKILLABLE buddies throwing molotov cocktails at my feet while I try to distance myself from the boss.

Not fun.

And people get pissy at you if you just want to ignore him, which adds a social element to the awfulness.

Edited by (NSW)gkathellar
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I Just found him, im back from a long break and its like my 3rd mission and he spawned, i was solo and he was like lvl 27 and destroyed me? i have strong equipment and my weapon even has a riven what the hell is that my bullets did no even make a dent on his armor/health

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6 hours ago, SkyfighterZX said:

I Just found him, im back from a long break and its like my 3rd mission and he spawned, i was solo and he was like lvl 27 and destroyed me? i have strong equipment and my weapon even has a riven what the hell is that my bullets did no even make a dent on his armor/health

At this point if you solo, you should run around in a Hysteria build Valkyr, modded with Radiation-Crit claws and Energy pads.

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It happened to me just right now, I was in Hydron grinding some level and then he show up, I was a level 30 hildryn with maxed balefire and it took me an HOUR to kill that guy and his pack, even the pack was to hard for my teammates. I got some screenshots of the mission time, this sould not be happening

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On 2019-04-12 at 11:54 AM, zyrox95 said:

It happened to me just right now, I was in Hydron grinding some level and then he show up, I was a level 30 hildryn with maxed balefire and it took me an HOUR to kill that guy and his pack, even the pack was to hard for my teammates. I got some screenshots of the mission time, this sould not be happening

well they are immortal until hes dealth with which makes it even harder because they deal some damage and you don't even take attention to it because you are focusen on the Wolf, i just found him again and i had inaros with a tank build and adaptation, took us 20 minuts to kill him, i had to melee him and tank his damage in 1v1 to deal some small damage, my guns feel like airsoft bb's on him xd


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My main issue with him is that 9.9 times out of 10, the drops he gives are disproportionately bad compared to the amount of effort to kill him. I shouldn't be getting Heated Charge for an enemy that takes almost as long to kill as an Eidolon for someone without Chroma or a nuke weapon like the Lanka or Rubico Prime.

No, he's not that hard with the right build. When I'm playing Nezha I can facetank him with ease and slowly chop away at his health with my red critting Dual Keres, but it's still a tedious fight for little reward. I'd at least appreciate if he at least gave extra Nightwave Standing to get it up just a little faster. I'm not even asking for a lot, just 50 (the same as any of his much easier to kill subordinates) would make it feel more worth it to me.

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I once encountered was it lvl 90 something wolf in lvl 40 mission and with all 4 of us having high end weapons and gear it took us over 30 min to kill him. He couldn't kill any of us so only hard part was that we had to use like 20 ammo supply. This is not "hard" boss, its just really really annoying and boring. Seriously, his armor really shouldn't be indestructible and maybe give him less than 10billion hp. (I'm just guessing hp amount but we had 3 rubico primes hitting bout 10k/hit and one ignis wraith bout 3kish/sec not sure. 10k was what others told me they were doing, I was the retard who brought ignis there.) 

Edited by Gamalahalaf
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On 2019-04-12 at 6:54 PM, zyrox95 said:

It happened to me just right now, I was in Hydron grinding some level and then he show up, I was a level 30 hildryn with maxed balefire and it took me an HOUR to kill that guy and his pack, even the pack was to haeammates. I got some screenshots of the mission time, this sould not be happening


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Having to permanently bring around a RIVENED CATCHMOON with Pax Charge on Volt kinda takes the fun out of the game.

I hate the Catchmoon but I want the drops for the 3000 MR pts.

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"Made the Wolf significantly less tanky"


Yeah, right. He's felt even more miserable since PoE 2.0 hit on console. I was really looking forward to this new Prisma Grinlok, but Nope! I'm going to have to drag my rubico prime everywhere I guess, because my riven'd Gaze was still just a lovetap to him. And it also sucks needing to bring a kavat or shattering impact everywhere because that's the only way to strip his armor.


This is really killing my desire to play now that his spawn rate is up.


One last thing- Can I just point out how absurd it is that an armorless* enemy with sentient enhancements somehow takes only 25% Void damage? It just doesn't make sense.


*For those of you hoping a hypothetical corrosive proc stripping his armor would help, nope. The wolf is still dumb when a Kavat shreds all his armor.

Edited by (XB1)Sir Dwar
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Spending 20 to 30 minutes to kill an impromptu Boss is way too long, especially since if you didn't play with high survivability Frame, you get one shot every 20 seconds.

Making Him resistant to everything was one of the most Lazy design in all the history of boss making, making his minions Immortal while he is still there was even more so.

Yes the wolf is the one that does the Hunting, but there is a difference of being hunted and being Punished, and now i don't feel hunted when he pops in a mission i feel Punished, i feel punished to the point that i don't even care about getting what he drops, i am just gonna quit the mission every times he pops since he literally ruins the fun out of any mission faster than a Speed Volt can reach the extraction on a capture mission.

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I'm a new player, only just proudly got my mastery 6 badge, unlocked my second frame, crafting my first forma right now. No "potatoes" yet, but I'll get there.

And then Wolf shows up, and after a few minutes I'm either dead, out of bullets, or both. Most players seem to instantly abort the mission, I don't think I've ever seen it killed.

I must be doing something wrong, because I'm certainly being punished, I just don't know for what. Playing this game?

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The Wolf isn't too hard if you keep moving. Even a controller using flipper-child like me can avoid most if not all of his attacks. His HP and tankiness wouldn't be an issue with me if you could apply status to him and his goons weren't #*!%ing invincible. Why on God's green Earth can I (barely) hurt the big sledgehammer throwing dude in seventeen layers of armor but not the emaciated antifa rioter wearing nothing but a vest and tights?

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I do think he has way too much armor. Since we can't corrosive procs on him, we can't really do anything about it. Since we can't use abilities like Mag's Magnetize on him, it makes it worse. The main reason I'm able to beat him at all whenever I solo missions is by bringing Harrow into every single mission, using Covenant, and gunning down with a solid Imperator Vandal build. If that's the only effective strategy with him, that means that he is a really poorly thought out boss.

Edited by ridleysamus
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  • 2 weeks later...

meanwhile i'm just beating his face in with a radiated frosty stick with no care for his armor cause those ignore armor values. o.o

He's not even hard if you stop using corrosive for everything guys o.o If anything he's too easy. He needs a buff and to become more vicious. Maybe let him eat his minions for further buffs and healing. Or let him do grab attacks and finishers on players.

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